V&R unipress


V&R unipress emerged in 2003 from the cooperation between the University of Osnabrück and Rasch Druckerei und Verlag GmbH. Once established as a subsidiary publishing house of Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, V&R unipress publishes highly specialized and high quality research papers primarily in the humanities, social sciences and cultural studies. Monographs, conference and anthology volumes as well as outstanding dissertations and post-doctoral theses are published in designated series or as individual publications. Furthermore, renowned yearbooks and journals are part of the program.

The central subject areas are gender studies, history, literature and linguistics, jurisprudence and history, as well as theology and religious studies.

Every year, around 150 new publications enrich the program, which are fully formatted for print at the publishing house and offered in print and digital format by default. V&R unipress combines a fair offer for authors and editors with personal service, short production times, well-made books and professional marketing and distribution.

V&R unipress also offers its services to universities through cooperation. In cooperation with the academic advisory boards of the universities, V&R unipress now successfully publishes the programmes of four university presses:


Bonn University Press

Bonn University Press is a publishing house established in cooperation between the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and V&R unipress in March 2005. Legally, Bonn University Press is an imprint of V&R unipress. The university controls the publishing program via the principal’s academic advisory board and agrees with the publisher on its range of services.

At Bonn University Press we publish qualified research papers - e.g. thematic anthologies and monographs, commemorative publications, research reports, habilitations and dissertations (if graded “magna cum laude” or “summa cum laude”).

When it comes to inclusion of works in one of the imprint’s series, the series editors make the decisions. In the case of works that do not appear in a series, the university's advisory board decides on inclusion in the program.

Please do not hesitate to contact Oliver Kätsch (oliver.kaetsch@v-r.de), he will advise you without obligation and put your publication in touch with the advisory board or the responsible series editors.

Every 4 to 6 weeks, the publisher's representative is in Bonn to advise authors and editors in a personal meeting. Please make an appointment with him if necessary.

The following representatives, appointed by the principal, belong to the advisory board:

  • Advisory board chair: Prof Uwe Baumann, Faculty of Humanities
  • Faculty of Catholic Theology: Prof Ulrich Berges
  • Faculty of Protestant Theology: Prof Jan Rüggemeier
  • Law and Political Science Faculty: Prof Mathias Schmoeckel
  • Medical Faculty Prof Walter Bruchhausen
  • Faculty of Humanities: Prof Claudia Wich-Reif
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: - currently not occupied -
  • Faculty of Agriculture: Prof Michael-Burkhard Piorkowsky
  • University and State Library: Carl Erich Kesper
  • University archive: Dr Thomas Becker


Mainz University Press

Mainz University Press is a publishing house established by Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in cooperation with V&R unipress in 2013. The result of this collaboration is research of high quality. As an imprint of V&R unipress, Mainz University Press covers a whole spectrum of subject areas, from literature and cultural studies to politics, history and theatre studies. The works are dissertations, post-doctoral theses, monographs, thematically closed anthologies, commemorative publications and research reports. The high quality of the program’s content is guaranteed by an academic advisory board at the university.

The Mainz University Press program consists of series and individual books. The scientific advisory board or the series editors decide on admission.

Please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to advise you. A representative of the publishing house is also regularly present in Mainz to advise authors and editors in personal discussions. Please make an appointment if required.

The following representatives, appointed by the president, belong to the advisory board:

  • Prof Stephan Jolie (Vice President for Studies and Teaching)
  • Prof Stephan Füssel (Institute for Book Studies, FB 05)
  • Prof Silvia Hansen-Schirra (Translation, Language and Cultural Studies, FB 06)
  • Prof Thomas Hieke (Faculty of Catholic Theology, FB 01)
  • Prof Jörg Rogge (History Department, FB 07)
  • Prof Margarete Imhof (FB 02)
  • Dr Michael Hansen (University Library)

Deputies of the advisory board:

  • Dr.in Christina Kreuzwieser (FB 01)
  • Dr. Marcel Vejmelka (FB 06)
  • Prof. Dr. Johannes Lipps (FB 07)
  • Dr. Christian George (University Library)

Contact persons at the publishing house:

Oliver Kätsch
E-Mail: oliver.kaetsch@v-r.de


Universitätsverlag Osnabrück

Universitätsverlag Osnabrück was established in March 1995. The University of Osnabrück and V&R unipress have been cooperating since January 2003. Legally, Universitätsverlag Osnabrück is an imprint of V&R unipress. The university controls the publishing program via the president’s academic advisory board and agrees with the publisher on its range of services.

At Universitätsverlag Osnabrück we publish highly qualified research papers - e.g. thematically closed anthologies and monographs, commemorative publications, research reports, post-doctoral theses as well as dissertations (if graded “magna cum laude” or “summa cum laude”).

When it comes to inclusion of works in one of the imprint’s series, the series editors make the decisions. In the case of works that do not appear in a series, the university's advisory board decides on inclusion in the program.

Please do not hesitate to contact Oliver Kätsch (oliver.kaetsch@v-r.de), he will advise you without obligation and put your publication in touch with the advisory board or the responsible series editors.

Every 4 to 6 weeks, the publisher's representative is in Osnabrück to advise authors and editors in a personal meeting. Please make an appointment with him if necessary.

The following representatives, appointed by the president's office, belong to the advisory board:

  • Legal Studies: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Christian von Bar (Chair)
  • Linguistics and Literature: Prof Christoph König
  • Natural Sciences: - currently not occupied -
  • Educational and Cultural Studies: Prof Martin Jung
  • History: Prof Christoph Rass

Advisory members:

  • University library: Felicitas Hundhausen
  • University Marketing / Press: Dr Utz Lederbogen
  • President's Office: Prof Martina Blasberg-Kuhnke


Vienna University Press

Vienna University Press is a publishing house established by the University of Vienna in cooperation with V&R unipress in March 2007. Legally, Vienna University Press is an imprint of V&R unipress. The university controls the publishing program via the principal’s academic advisory board and agrees with the publisher on its range of services.

The following representatives, appointed by the principal, belong to the advisory board:

  • University Professor Jean-Robert Tyran, Deputy Principal for Research and International Affairs
  • Counsellor Mag. Maria Seissl, Head of the Library and Archives Department
  • University Professor Christian Danz, Institute for Systematic Theology and Religious Studies at the Faculty of Protestant Theology

At Vienna University Press, we publish highly qualified research papers – e.g., thematically closed anthologies and monographs, research reports, post-doctoral theses as well as outstanding dissertations.

When it comes to inclusion of works in one of the imprint’s series, the series editors make the decisions. In the case of works that do not appear in a series, the university's advisory board decides on inclusion in the program.

The volumes of the Vienna University Press are peer reviewed (by two external reviewers).

Please do not hesitate to contact Oliver Kätsch (oliver.kaetsch@v-r.de), he will advise you without obligation and put your publication in touch with the advisory board or the responsible series editors.

Series editors of the Vienna University Press (in alphabetical order):

  • Dr. Stefan Alker-Windbichler
  • Prof. Dr. Kurt Appel
  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Augustynowicz
  • Prof. Dr. Karl Baier
  • Prof. Dr. Carol Bakhos
  • Dr. Marlen Bidwell-Steiner
  • Dr. Andreas Brandtner
  • Prof. Dr. Rudolf de Cillia
  • Dr. Dr. Constanza Cordoni de Gmeinbauer
  • Dr. Martina Cuba
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Danz
  • Prof. Dr. Klaus S. Davidowicz
  • Dr. Dr. Jakob Helmut Deibl
  • Dr. Ulrike Denk
  • Prof. Dr. Heinz Fassmann
  • Dr. Daniela Finzi
  • Prof. Dr. Konstanze Fliedl
  • Prof. Dr. Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch
  • Prof. Dr. Helmut Gruber
  • Prof. Dr. Klemens Gruber
  • Prof. Dr. Murray G. Hall
  • Prof. Dr. Eva Horn
  • Mag. Christian Huber
  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Hulfeld
  • Prof. Dr. Roland Innerhofer
  • Prof. Dr. Kerstin Susanne Jobst
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Kappeler
  • Dr. Nina Knieling
  • Prof. Dr. Andrea Komlosy
  • Prof. Dr. Friedemann Kreuder
  • Prof. Dr. Gerhard Langer
  • Prof. Dr. Alexandra N. Lenz
  • Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Lohlker
  • HR Mag. Thomas Maisel
  • Prof. Dr. Melanie Malzahn
  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Meyer
  • Prof. Dr. Stephan Müller
  • Prof. Dr. Annegret Pelz
  • PD Dr. Birgit Peter
  • Prof. Dr. Richard Potz
  • Dr. Johannes Preiser-Kapeller
  • Prof. Dr. Claudia Rapp
  • Prof. Dr. Oliver Rathkolb
  • Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Remberger
  • Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Ritt
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Rohrwasser
  • Prof. Dr. Sieglinde Rosenberger
  • Dr. Friedrich Schipper
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Schulte
  • Prof. Dr. Dieter Segert
  • Prof. Dr. Maria A. Stassinopoulou
  • Prof. Markus Stumpf
  • PD Dr. Olaf Terpitz
  • Prof. Dr. Tatjana Thelen
  • Prof. Dr. Philipp Ther
  • Prof. Dr. Hildegard Weiss
  • Dr. Herman Westerink
  • Prof. Dr. Alois Woldan