Open Access for Books and Chapters
- Brill is one of the largest Open Access book publishers. Browse all of Brill's Open Access books here.
- Brill has been publishing Open Access books since 2009.
- Open Access is fully integrated in our processes. It takes just 1 extra step. View the process here.
- Brill complies with all research funder policies.
- Charges are competitive, page-based and tailor-made.
- We have special discounts for publications resulting from research funder policies.
- We also offer funding support.
Choosing Open Access
If you are interested in publishing your book or chapter in Open Access, discuss this at any point in the publication process with your Brill contact or get in touch with
Peer Review and Quality Control
High quality and rigorous quality control are fixed aspects of Brill’s approach to publishing. All Brill Open Access books and book chapters are subject to external, single or double-blind peer review.
Publication Process
More information on the publication process can be found here:

Interested? Please contact for more information.
Retroactive Open Access
Brill offers authors the possibility to make their book or chapter available in Open Access after publication, e.g. in case budget unexpectedly becomes available or when remaining project budget needs to be spent.
Please get in touch with your Brill contact or to discuss the possibilities.