Transparent Pricing Policy
In support of a transition to Open Access at scale, Brill believes that journals should be priced fairly and transparently. The pricing of our journals collection is based on three key parameters to create a balance between a fair price for our customers while encouraging inclusive and equitable Open Access:
- Subscription content development
- Open Access content development
- Equitability for authors with little or no access to OA funding (e.g. early career scholars, authors from developing economies, independent researchers)
Acknowledging the growth in Open Access across our programs, Brill will adjust a journal’s price if:
- At least 5% of its content is Open Access
- We have received a full article processing charge for these articles; to accommodate waiver and discount schemes for independent researchers, early career researchers, and authors from the global south
- OA content growth exceeds subscription content growth
To prevent volatile changes in a journal’s price from year to year, we take into account a rolling average of 3 years and cap price adjustments at -5/5%.
Brill offers an Open Access option for book chapters. When a book contains one or more Open Access book chapters, the price of the E-Book is adjusted proportionally to reflect the percentage of Open Access content.