The Transition to Open Access


Brill is committed to transitioning its journal portfolio to Open Access. We see Transformative Agreements as the key driver for Open Access at scale in the Social Sciences and Humanities. The impact of a Transformative Agreement is immediate and permanent. One year to the next, 100% of an institution’s journal article output is converted to Open Access. This results in 3x more downloads and a significant increase in visibility for an institution’s research. All of Brill’s top-downloaded articles are Open Access, and funded from Transformative Agreements.

A full flip to Open Access of journals can only be achieved when institutions around the world opt into these agreements. This is why Brill is proactively seeking these agreements with consortia and institutions. In addition, in full support of equitability, we participate in the Research4Life waiver and discount program; and we have an agreement with EIFL on discounts and waivers; for authors from developing economies.

Dr. Jasmin Lange, Chief Publishing Officer


More information on Transformative Agreements can be found here. Or download our flyer with more information.

Please do not hesitate to contact us and learn more about Brill’s Open Access strategy and ambitions at