Metadata: Title Lists, MARC & KBART Files


MARC Records for E-Books

Brill has MARC21 records available for all our E-Book collections. Visit the page for E-Book title lists, KBART files and MARC records. The records are grouped together by subject and by year. Each record contains a link to the electronic version of the corresponding title. This link is recorded in the 856-field using registered DOIs (for more information see The 776-field gives a reference to the printed version.

When new E-Book files are uploaded, the corresponding MARC21 files will be updated accordingly. Starting with the version of June 18 2012, future distribution will distinguish new total files for each collection as well as the additions since the previous version.

MARC Records for Specialty platforms: Primary Sources, Reference Works, Scholarly Editions, Bibliographies, Dictionaries, Chinese Reference Shelf, etc.

Brill has MARC records available on a product and title level. These records can be downloaded on the product page on, for example for Art Sales Catalogues Online: