For Authors


Publishing Books with Brill
Find all the necessary information for publishing a book with Brill. With complete author guide to download and other files and guides.

Publishing in a Brill Journal
How to prepare your Journal article manuscript. 
How to submit your Journal article online.

Promote your Publication
A few tips on what you can do to promote your own book.
And what Brill can do for you.

How to interpret your annual royalty statement.

How to get an ORCID iD.

Fonts, Scripts and Unicode
Fonts and guides to download. The Brill typeface is also available for characters other than latin (Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew, Syriac…). If no font is available you can find intructions on how to transliterate non latin languages (arabic, chinese, cuneiform).

OASES is an electronic tool especially designed to make submission and processing of conference abstracts and papers more efficient and effective.

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