Rights and Permissions for Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, V&R unipress and Böhlau


The imprints of Brill Deutschland GmbH are active worldwide as far as the exploitation of the rights to their works is concerned.

In the past decades, well over 1.200 of our titles have been translated into more than 50 languages and thus made available to a broad international readership.
Due to the diverse topics of our publications as well as their content quality, our books are highly appreciated by customers all over the world.

We would be happy to assist you in finding suitable titles for your publishing program!

Reprint rights

We license the rights for reprinting texts from available and non-available titles exclusively via Frankfurt Rights (formerly IPR License). If you do not find what you are looking for there, please send us a message to the e-mail address below.

Before making your request, please check the imprint of the respective title to make sure that Brill Deutschland GmbH or its imprints are indicated as the rights holder (Copyright ©) or source.

Due to a large number of inquiries and, if necessary, extensive research to clarify the rights situation, we cannot answer your inquiries immediately. As a rule, the processing time is four to six weeks, and we friendly ask you to take this into account when making your request.

Note for contributions by authors in anthologies or journals published by our publishing house:

Please check in advance whether you have a contract or other written agreement with us. If this is not the case, § 38 paragraph 1 and 2 from the Urheberrechtsgesetz applies.

If your contribution was supported by public funds please check whether you have the right for commercial reproduction, distribution and publication.


E-mail: lizenzen@v-r.de