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Monumenta Graeca et Romana (MGR) is a peer-reviewed series concerned with the study of material and visual culture of the Greek and Roman world, chronologically ranging from later prehistory to Late Antiquity – i.e. from the middle of the second millennium BCE to the late first millennium CE. Geographically, the series covers Western Europe to the Near East, from the Black Sea to North Africa. The series publishes monographs and anthologies, as well as analytical catalogues raisonés of material in the collections of museums and other public institutions. It also publishes monographs or edited volumes that offer cohesive surveys of specific objects, types of monuments, or regions in Mediterranean and classical archaeology (in the widest possible sense). The survey format is flexible but authors should aim to be as inclusive as possible in their coverage and approaches, designing each volume to be a useful starting point for scholars and students into a new area of research. Additionally, a new subseries, MGR New Directions in Mediterranean Archaeology, is established in 2023 and will publish volumes with an explicit theoretical or methodological agenda. All MGR volumes may be published in all Open Access formats that Brill offers. All volumes, whether traditionally published or in Open Access, can be accompanied by additional data or documentation available on an online repository hosted by Brill. The language of MGR and its subseries is English.
A hundred years after A. Schweitzer's Von Reimarus zu Wrede, the study of the historical Jesus is again experiencing a renaissance. Ongoing since the beginning of the 1980's, this renaissance has produced an abundance of Jesus studies that also display a welcome diversity of methods, approaches and hypotheses. The Handbook of the Study of the Historical Jesus is designed to handle this diversity and abundance. Drawing from first-class scholarship throughout the world, the four large volumes of the Handbook offer a unique assembly of leading experts presenting their approaches to the historical Jesus, as well as a thought-out compilation of original studies on a large variety of topics pertaining to Jesus research and adjacent areas.
Cyberpunk at the Intersection of the Postmodern and Science Fiction
Virtual Geographies is the first detailed study to offer a working definition of cyberpunk within the postmodern force field. Cyberpunk emerges as a new generic cluster within science fiction, one that has spawned many offspring in such domains as film, music, and feminism. Its central features are its adherence to a version of virtual space and a deconstructivist, punk attitude towards (high) culture, modernity, the human body and technology, from computers to prosthetics. The main proponents of cyberpunk are analyzed in depth along with the virtual landscapes they have created - William Gibson’s Cyberspace, Pat Cadigan’s Mindscapes and Neal Stephenson’s Metaverse. Virtual reality is examined closely in all its aspects, from the characteristic narrative constructions employed to the esthetic implications of the ‘virtual sublime’ and its postmodern potential as a discursive mode. With its interdisciplinary approach Virtual Geographies opens up fresh perspectives for scholars interested in the interaction between popular culture and mainstream literature. At the same time, the science fiction fan will be taken beyond the conventional boundaries of the genre into such revitalizing domains as postmodern architecture and literature, and into cutting-edge aspects of science and social thought.
Child-Parent Research Reimagined challenges the field to explore the meaning making experiences and the methodological and ethical challenges that come to the fore when researchers engage in research with their child, grandchild, or other relative. As scholars in and beyond the field of education grapple with ways that youth make meaning with digital and nondigital resources and practices, this edited volume offers insights into nuanced learning that is highly contextualized and textured while also (re)initiating important methodological and epistemological conversations about research that seeks to flatten traditional hierarchies, honor youth voices, and co-investigate facets of youth meaning making.

Contributors are (in alphabetical order): Charlotte Abrams, Sandra Schamroth Abrams, Kathleen M. Alley, Bill Cope, Mary Kalantzis, Molly Kurpis, Linda Laidlaw, Guy Merchant, Daniel Ness, Eric Ness, "E." O’Keefe, Joanne O’Mara, Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, Sarah Prestridge, Lourdes M. Rivera, Dahlia Rivera-Larkin, Nora Rivera-Larkin, Alaina Roach O’Keefe, Mary Beth Schaefer, Cassandra R. Skrobot, and Bogum Yoon.
For decades postwar Austrian literature has been measured against and moulded into a series of generic categories and grand cultural narratives, from nostalgic ‘restoration’ literature of the 1950s through the socially critical ‘anti-Heimat’ novel to recent literary reckonings with Austria’s Nazi past. Peering through the lens of film adaptation, this book rattles the generic shackles imposed by literary history and provides an entirely new critical perspective on Austrian literature. Its original methodological approach challenges the primacy of written sources in existing scholarship and uses the distortions generated by the shift in medium as a productive starting point for literary analysis. Five case studies approach canonical texts in post-war Austrian literature by Gerhard Fritsch, Franz Innerhofer, Gerhard Roth, Elfriede Jelinek, and Robert Schindel, through close readings of their cinematic adaptations, concentrating on key areas of narratological concern: plot, narrative perspective, authorship, and post-modern ontologies. Setting the texts within the historical, cultural and political discourses that define the ‘Alpine Republic’, this study investigates fundamental aspects of Austrian national identity, such as its Habsburg and National Socialist legacies.
Tones are the most challenging aspect of learning Chinese pronunciation for adult learners and traditional research mostly attributes tonal errors to interference from learners’ native languages. In Second Language Acquisition of Mandarin Chinese Tones, Hang Zhang offers a series of cross-linguistic studies to argue that there are factors influencing tone acquisition that extend beyond the transfer of structures from learners’ first languages, and beyond characteristics extracted from Chinese. These factors include universal phonetic and phonological constraints as well as pedagogical issues. By examining non-native Chinese tone productions made by speakers of non-tonal languages (English, Japanese, and Korean), this book brings together theory and practice and uses the theoretical insights to provide concrete suggestions for teachers and learners of Chinese.
With only five years left until the 2015 deadline to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, food security still is a dream rather than reality: 'a situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life'. Political commitments at world summits on food security, market-based agricultural policies, science-based food safety regulation and voluntary guidelines on the right to food have not ended hunger, malnourishment or food safety crises in our world. The question arises whether food insecurity is a situation that exists in spite of these commitments and legal measures, or rather due to them? This book has three purposes. Firstly, it offers insights in how law, politics and the right to food contribute to food security in both positive and negative ways. For this purpose, different theories, concepts and methodologies from legal, political, anthropological and sociological sciences are used and developed. Secondly, the book explains that food security and food policies cannot be treated as given, at one level or in one domain only. This is done in different ways: by pointing out the emergence of new paradigms on food security, human rights and science that shape food policies; by showing how law and policies at one level affect food security at another level; and by treating food security and food policies as linked to governance regimes of agriculture, food, feed, water or property. Finally, the book offers scholarly analysis of paradigms and practices but also presents social science-based ways to indirectly contribute to food security, varying from improving justiciability to building trust, from seeking ways to address non-scientific concerns to creating room for plurality of lifestyles and norms, from unmasking dominant discourse to understanding or strengthening abilities or arrangements to cope with vulnerability.
This innovative interdisciplinary study compares the uses of painting in literary texts and films. In developing a framework of four types of ekphrasis, the author argues for the expansion of the concept of ekphrasis by demonstrating its applicability as interpretive tool to films about the visual arts and artists. Analyzing selected works of art by Goya, Rembrandt, and Vermeer and their ekphrastic treatment in various texts and films, this book examines how the medium of ekphrasis affects the representation of the visual arts in order to show what the differences imply about issues such as gender roles and the function of art for the construction of a personal or social identity. Because of its highly cross-disciplinary nature, this book is of interest not only to scholars of literature and aesthetics, but also for scholars of film studies. By providing an innovative approach to discussing non-documentary films about artists, the author shows that ekphrasis is a useful tool for exploring both aesthetic concerns and ideological issues in film. This study also addresses art historians as it deals with the reception of major artists in European literature and film throughout the 20th century.
Volume Editor:
Vous ne lisez pas les notes en bas de page ? Vous avez tort. Rien de plus passionnant qu’une note infrapaginale, ou marginale, ou finale car il est vrai que nos dispositifs d’annotation sont divers. Souvent c’est la note qui contient l’essentiel. C’est alors par elle qu’il faut commencer. Nous distinguons entre le texte et le paratexte mais le paratexte est aussi une autre sorte de texte. Une « frange d’incertitude » (Genette) nous permet de passer d’un régime à l’autre. Les choses deviennent intéressantes à ce moment. Imaginez la note à la place du texte, le texte à la place de la note. Votre univers bascule, vous entrez dans un monde parallèle. La littérature est le lieu où la frontière entre le texte et les notes devient indécidable. Le présent volume passe en revue les pratiques d’annotation en contexte européen et ailleurs. Il offre au lecteur une riche série « d’études de cas » où le geste de l’annotateur est observé in actu. Parmi les auteurs étudiés : Balzac, Chateaubriand, Eliot, Mallarmé, Nabokov, Proust, Rimbaud, Oliver Rolin, et bien d’autres.

You don’t read footnotes? You are mistaken. There’s nothing more passionate than a footnote, a sidenote, or an endnote. The essential part of the message is the footnote. Narratologists distinguish between texte and paratexte, but the paratexte is just a different kind of texte. A frange d’incertitude (Genette) allows one to switch from one system to another. Imagine the note in the position of the text and the text in the position of the note. Your universe switches: you enter into a parallel world. Literature is the place where the border between the text and the notes becomes undecidable. The current volume reviews annotation practices in and outside of the European context. It offers a substantial series of “case studies” to the reader, where the actions of the annotateur are observed in actu. Among the studied authors: Balzac, Chateaubriand, Eliot, Mallarmé, Nabokov, Proust, Rimbaud, Oliver Rolin, and many others.

Avec des contributions de / With contributions from Anikó Ádám, Emmanuel Bouju, Maria de Jesus Cabral, Riccardo Campi, Ana Paula Coutinho, Andrea Del Lungo, Karen Haddad, Vincent Jouve, Fatima Outereirinhou, Claude Perez, Marika Piva, Nathalie Roelens, Franc Schuerewegen.