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Abstract: This chapter explores the phenomenon of displaced memory in the autobiographical essays of Czesław Miłosz through Spinoza’s conception of immanence. Displaced memory is a remembrance of times and places that are irretrievably lost. It is related to the Spinoza’s logic of immanent causality as it is caused by its own effects. In Miłosz’s essays, any attempt at personal sense-making is only a temporary occurrence as displaced memory is not fixed or autonomous. A reading from the perspective of immanence sheds light on what happens when there is no traditional mode of interpellation to operate ground or structure the narratives of memory. As a result, displaced memory reveals a novel form of affective capacity. Miłosz’s essays reveal how survival rests on the relationship between an affective capacity and an immanent production of memory and meaning.

In: Literature and the Encounter with Immanence