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  • Author or Editor: Cilliers Breytenbach x
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The Death of Christ in Graeco-Roman Metaphors
How did the first Christians interpret the death of Christ? The answer lies within the earliest Christian documents, primarily within the Pauline letters. Before the users of a modern language could hope to come near an adequate description of what was expressed in these Greek texts of the first Christians, they have to deconstruct layers of later dogmatic interpretation. They need to keep to descriptive terminology reflecting the Greek of the sources and to trace the origin of the metaphoric language early Christians like Paul used. This volume sets out to construct some of the Jewish and Greco-Roman patterns of thought which were initially utilised to express the meaning of the death of Christ.
In this collection of thematically arranged essays on the Gospel according to Mark, the first part highlights its reception in early Christianity, its text form as an episodic narrative and its relation to contemporary genres. It recognizes Mark’s dependence on traditions from and about Jesus of Nazareth and the presupposed knowledge about the narrated locations in Galilee. The second part focuses on the discourse itself, presenting studies on style, use of metaphor, intertextuality, and strategies of persuasion. The third part treats the Christology, ethics and eschatology and the way in which the narrator gives meaning to Jesus’s death. The fourth part returns to the burning issue of what lies behind Mark and how we can study it, ending with a proposal to discuss the composition of the narrative within the framework of performance theory.
In: Zuversichtsargumente


In diesem Vortrag wird der Ertrag des Wirkens Adolf Deissmanns für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft anhand seines Werks Licht vom Osten, dessen sprach-, literatur-, religions-, sozial- und kulturgeschichtlichen Methoden und Ergebnissen sowie dessen Rezeption dargestellt. Es ist Deissmann darum gegangen, das Ethos des Christuskultes zu erfassen und vor seinem kulturgeschichtlichen Hintergrund auszulegen. Das macht ihn zu einem der ersten Religions- und Kulturhistoriker des Urchristentums und zum Vorreiter einer Literaturgeschichte der urchristlichen Schriften, wie sein Freund Martin Dibelius und sein Schüler Karl Ludwig Schmidt sie entwickelten. Über Dibelius beeinflusste Deissmann die US-amerikanische Forschung nachhaltig (Malherbe).

In: Adolf Deissmann: Ein (zu Unrecht) fast vergessener Theologe und Philologe
In: Journal for the Study of Judaism
In: Early Christianity and Classical Culture


Cilliers Breytenbach focuses on the use of the imperative in the Gospel of Mark. After a survey of different views on the aspect of the Greek imperative, Breytenbach discusses the present and aorist imperatives, as well as the alternation between present and aorist imperatives in Mark’s gospel. He then looks at the varied use of the imperative mood in two longer portions of text, Jesus’s warnings for the last days (Mark 13:5–37) and his directives in Gethsemane (Mark 14:32–42). The chapter closes with a note on the perfect imperative and some conclusions on Mark’s use of the imperative.

In: Ancient Philosophy and Early Christianity
In: The Quest for the Real Jesus
In: The Gospel according to Mark as Episodic Narrative
In: The Gospel according to Mark as Episodic Narrative