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If rising seas render small islands uninhabitable, will displaced islanders become stateless? The modern intellectual and legal tradition tells us that states must have defined, habitable territory. If so, small islands will cease to be states, and their inhabitants will accordingly become stateless. Against this, leading scholars have recently argued that the principle of presumption of continuity of state existence implies that island states continue to be states even after becoming uninhabitable. We argue to the contrary: the principle of presumption of continuity of state existence implies no such thing. If nothing is done to prevent the loss of their territory, small islands will lose their statehood, making displaced islanders stateless.
One Health is a relatively novel term rooted in long held understandings of the link between diseases shared between humans and animals (zoonoses), and that underlying biological and physiological processes are found across species. Despite these understandings, health provision and research have increasingly become separated into areas of human, animal and environmental health. However, recent emergence of diseases such as BSE, SARs and highly pathogenic avian influenza has raised the need to look at health in a more holistic manner and apply principles of transdisciplinarity to difficult health problems. In some circumstances One Health has come to the fore with the understanding that addressing the health of species and the environment with an intersectoral and transdisciplinary approach will provide additional benefits. The frameworks to assess One Health programmes and projects are not well developed, and the guide this chapter introduces outlines an evaluation framework for One Health activities such as the provision of services, research and education.
Das Heiligtum am Garizim, der Jerusalemer-Tempel und das Artemision in Ephesos haben Vieles gemeinsam. Besonders hervorzuheben ist ihre überregionale Bedeutung aufgrund einer politisch aktiv vorangetriebenen Kultzentralisation, die der jeweiligen Stadt dann erhebliches Ansehen, Pilgertum und somit wirtschaftliche Vorteile verschafft hat. Der Band geht aus der Perspektive unterschiedlicher Fachrichtungen erstmals Konstellationen der Tempelwirtschaft am Garizim, in Jerusalem und in Ephesos nach und stellt Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede heraus. Neu ist auch das Miteinander von archäologischen, literaturwissenschaftlichen, exegetischen und wirtschaftsgeschichtlichen Forschungsbeiträgen.
Das Heiligtum am Garizim, der Jerusalemer-Tempel und das Artemision in Ephesos haben Vieles gemeinsam. Besonders hervorzuheben ist ihre überregionale Bedeutung aufgrund einer politisch aktiv vorangetriebenen Kultzentralisation, die der jeweiligen Stadt dann erhebliches Ansehen, Pilgertum und somit wirtschaftliche Vorteile verschafft hat. Der Band geht aus der Perspektive unterschiedlicher Fachrichtungen erstmals Konstellationen der Tempelwirtschaft am Garizim, in Jerusalem und in Ephesos nach und stellt Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede heraus. Neu ist auch das Miteinander von archäologischen, literaturwissenschaftlichen, exegetischen und wirtschaftsgeschichtlichen Forschungsbeiträgen.
Speed is often touted as an advantage of arbitration. In recent years, however, some have worried that investment arbitration risks losing this advantage. Concerns about the length of investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) proceedings have also been raised in the discussion about ISDS reform. This article analyses the duration of ISDS proceedings applying a data-centric approach and evaluates the impact of proposed ISDS reforms on the duration of proceedings. After some terminological clarifications on when proceedings are ‘excessively’ long, the article sets out the evidence on the length of proceedings using several data-sets. As a comparator, we present data on the length of World Trade Organization (WTO) proceedings, even though we urge caution as to the usefulness of such a comparator. The article then discusses the impact of various reform proposals on the duration of proceedings, namely improving ISDS, adding an appellate mechanism, establishing a multilateral investment court and abolishing ISDS.
- H.J.M. Claessen, David Lewis, From Maui to Cook: The discovery and settlement of the Pacific, Drawings by Walter Stackpool. Sydney: Doubleday, 1977. Bibliography. - P. van Emst, Carl Lumholtz, Among Cannibals. An account of four years travel in Australia and of camp life with the aborigines of Queensland. Firle: Caliban Books. 383 pp. Maps, illustrations and index. Reprinted from the first edition, London: John Murray. - D.C. Geirnaert-Martin, Robert Wessing, Cosmology and social behaviour in a West Javanese settlement, Papers in International Studies, Southeast Asia Series no. 47, Ohio University Center for International Studies, Southeast Asia Program, 1978, Athens, Ohio. - B.G. Grijpstra, William Wood, Cultural-ecological perspectives in Southeast Asia, edited and with an introduction by William Wood, Papers in International Studies, Southeast Asia Studies no. 41, Ohio University Center for International Studies, Southeast Asia Program, 1977, Athens, Ohio. - R. Hagesteijn, M. Jacq-Hergoualc’h, L’armement et l’organisation de l’armée khmère aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles; d’après les bas-reliefs d’Angkor Vat, du Bayon et de Bantay Chmar. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. - C.K. Jonker-de Putter, John Ingleson, Road to exile; The Indonesian nationalist movement, 1927-1934. ASAA Southeast Asia Publications Series, No. 1. Heinemann Educational Books (Asia) Ltd., Singapore, 1979. xii + 254 blz. Bibliographie, index. - P.E. de Josselin de Jong, Roland Werner, Jah-het of Malaysia: art and culture, 1975. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya. xxxv, 626 pp., 39 figs., 2 maps, 746 plates. - P.E. de Josselin de Jong, Roland Werner, Mah-Meri of Malaysia: Art and culture, 1974. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya. xxvi, 485 pp., 13 figs., 3 maps, 460 plates. - Simon Kooijman, Peter Gathercole, The art of the Pacific Islands. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1979, 365 pp., 386 illustrations + 6 sketch-maps., Adrienne L. Kaeppler, Douglas Newton (eds.) - Adrianus Koster, Mario Vassallo, From lordship to stewardship, religion and social change in Malta, The Hague, Mouton (Series Religion and Society no. 15), 1979. 270 pp. - Clive Moore, E. Utrecht, The Indonesian army, volume one, South East Asian Monograph Series number 4, James Cook University of North Queensland. (233 pages) - Arie de Ruijter, Jonathan Friedman, System, structure and contradiction. The evolution of ‘Asiatic’ social formations, Social Studies in Oceania and South East Asia 2, The National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, 1979, 317 pp. - Arie de Ruijter, C.F. Hallpike, The foundations of primitive thought. Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1979. 516 pp. - J.J. de Wolf, J.H. Konter, Ujamaa: de ontwikkeling van een Afrikaans socialisme. Van Gorcum & Comp. N.V., Assen/Amsterdam 1978. Serie: Terreinverkenningen in de Culturele Anthropologie, nr. 11.