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Proust et le roman moderne, perspectives comparatistes has its origins in a conference that took place at Paris Est Créteil University (France), in June 2015 as a conclusion to an international program: scholars from all over Europe, combining languages and disciplines, confronted readings and interpretations of A la Recherche by modernist and contemporary writers (such as Salinas, Bon and Beckett), comparing Proust and Genet, Barnes, Cohen, Pessoa, Joyce and Kafka; but also reexamining classical issues such as Proust’s relation to Ruskin and philosophical questions raised by his novel… These “comparatist perspectives” shed a light on the continuing history and reception of A la Recherche.
Proust et le roman moderne, perspectives comparatistes has its origins in a conference that took place at Paris Est Créteil University (France), in June 2015 as a conclusion to an international program: scholars from all over Europe, combining languages and disciplines, confronted readings and interpretations of A la Recherche by modernist and contemporary writers (such as Salinas, Bon and Beckett), comparing Proust and Genet, Barnes, Cohen, Pessoa, Joyce and Kafka; but also reexamining classical issues such as Proust’s relation to Ruskin and philosophical questions raised by his novel… These “comparatist perspectives” shed a light on the continuing history and reception of A la Recherche.