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., & Harackiewicz, J. M. (2001). Achievement goals and optimal motivation: Testing multiple goal models. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 80(5), 706–722. doi: 10.1037/0022– 3514.80.5.706 Bong, M. (2005). Within-grade changes in korean girls’ motivation and perceptions of the learning environment

In: New Voices in Norwegian Educational Research

Avendano, S., Woolliams, J.A. and Villanueva, B., 2004. Mendelian sampling terms as a selective advantage in optimum breeding schemes with restrictions on the rate of inbreeding. Genetical Research 83: 55

In: Genomic management of animal genetic diversity

Psychology, 62(2), 281–291. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.62.2.281 Centers, R. (1975). Sexual attraction and love: an instrumental theory. Springfield, IL: C.C. Thomas. Chambers, V.J., Christiansen, J.R., & Kunz, P.R. (2010). Physiognomic homogamy: a test of physical similarity as a factor in the mate selection

In: Many Faces of Love

correctly is seen as a key skill for teachers and future teachers (Shepard, 2006). However, at the same time, a number of studies have shown that teachers’ judgments of student performance frequently do not meet the criteria of measurement theory such as reliability and validity, but seem to be rather

In: Teachers’ Professional Development
Tones are the most challenging aspect of learning Chinese pronunciation for adult learners and traditional research mostly attributes tonal errors to interference from learners’ native languages. In Second Language Acquisition of Mandarin Chinese Tones, Hang Zhang offers a series of cross-linguistic studies to argue that there are factors influencing tone acquisition that extend beyond the transfer of structures from learners’ first languages, and beyond characteristics extracted from Chinese. These factors include universal phonetic and phonological constraints as well as pedagogical issues. By examining non-native Chinese tone productions made by speakers of non-tonal languages (English, Japanese, and Korean), this book brings together theory and practice and uses the theoretical insights to provide concrete suggestions for teachers and learners of Chinese.

. (2008). Facilitating optimal motivation and psychological well-being across life’s domains. Canadian Psychology, 49(1), 14–23. doi:10.1037/0708-5591.49.1.14 Diener, E., Lucas, R. E., & Napa Scollon, C. (2006). Beyond the hedonic treadmill. Revising the adaptation theory of well-being. American

In: The Basics of Caring Research

, we present some implications of a domain perspective on giftedness for educational practice. THE ROLE OF DOMAINS IN CONCEPTUALIZATIONS OF TALENT In the 1980s, Csikszentmihalyi proposed what has come to be known as a systems theory of creativity. He recognized that creativity does not occur within a

In: Giftedness and Talent in the 21st Century

. argus with recognized two subspecies and those living at the Chaidamu basin were differentiated into E. multiocellata . Out of eight Eremias species, E. multiocel- lata is a unique viviparous species (Zhao et al., 1999). On the basis of the theory that species possessing viviparous mode

Full Access
In: Amphibia-Reptilia

., Panagiotou, H. S., & Van Petegem, K. (2002). Het welbevinden van de leerkracht. Ghent: OBPWO project. Akinsanmi, B. (2011). The optimal learning environment: Learning theories. Design Share Newsletter. Retrieved from learning-theories

In: Adapting to Teaching and Learning in Open-Plan Schools
Authors: and

, and performance. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 45, 79–122. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.33.3.265 Leong, F. T., & Flores, L. Y. (2013). Multicultural perspectives in vocational psychology. In B. W. Walsh, M. L. Savickas, & P. J. Hartung (Eds.), Handbook of vocational psychology: Theory, research and

In: Exploring New Horizons in Career Counselling