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, sedentary lifestyle, and customs. Although today the number of people among the non-assimilated groups who follow a fully nomadic boat-dwelling way of life is rapidly declining, they are still regarded as distinctive ethnic groups of low status living a backward life on the peripheries. They themselves
for the year 1962, for instance, that a large percentage of Creole 1 males (13.6) and females (12.0) married for the first time only past the age of 40 (tabie E, appendix 3). So men especially generally marry later on in life, af ter first living in concubinage either with the same or with another
organization. Here I would just like to discuss a few short formulations of social values and moral judgements which are fre- quently referred to in daily life. 268 Head-hunters about themselves a. Qadékén - rakaamön, thoroughly - superficially. Jabajmu of Képi once said ja-radé qadékèn kinano, taj
according to their birth and is incompatible with the spirit of modernity. The characters who oppose the caste system are those with a high level of modern education, who are living in cities and recognize how the traditional hierarchy imposes more restrictions on modern life than alternative ways do
presence in the living world. [Dew] is absorbed into the plants and so becomes the very life-stuff of the rice crop itself. The Than therefore describe rice as their' ancestors' because Similarly in Sumba the decaying fluids of corpses are said to become clouds, and eventually rain (Geirnaert 1992a:60
Bintarese social interaction that, as in the case of Barth (1993:346), they ‘invaded my own life and became my concerns while living there’. the most important and pervasive concerns that i discerned, con- tained a general, deeply rooted fear of, and insecurity about, the future in the widest sense: an
yet had news of this success at the time she was living with them. A recent study from a neighbouring region of Sulawesi provides an intriguing parallel with the Toraja situation. Ken George (1996) writes of the people of the Pitu Ulunna Salu region of the Salu Mambi headwaters, north- west of
impressive thesis of the late Barbara Lovric (1987b). Reading her work makes me realize how preliminary my study on the Balinese negara actually is. In order to obtain a deeper understanding of Balinese statecraft and forces motivating Balinese politics we need to take representations of life, disease
studies of women’s life course patterns and the structures of social networks in each society. The societies this chapter discusses are China, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan, the six societies covered by our project. This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the results of the
as a ministers' or a pastors' country ("domineesland"). c) Formerly there was a great number of religious institutions which played an important role in communal life and society, not only in view of people living in poverty, and in need of help but also in view of the needs of specific groups