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former Thurn and Taxis forests only to those living in villages and earning money (at least partly) via agriculture, while urban elements and pure tradespeople had to be excluded. 7 This line of thinking may also have been a reaction to negative experiences within the villages, where quarrels among

In: From Grand Estates to Grand Corruption

Taxis, the principal, were striving for an efficient use of the resources it invested in lobbyism, its agents were struggling to secure a certain part of these resources for themselves. Rule №. 1 of this section sounds like a general principle of economic life: Use your competencies and networks to

In: From Grand Estates to Grand Corruption

several indicators. Macro-economic esti- mates indicate a gradual economic growth and developing internal mar- ket. Population growth, increased life expectancy and reduced child mortality show that more people survived; they also lived longer because of healthier lives and improved living conditions

In: In the Doorway to Development

living and working close to her. In 1550, Lucie Nilsdotter and her husband donated income from landed property to care for the poor at the Hospice in Trondheim. 56 This example clearly suggests Christian compassion as a motivator, and a concern, as well as a responsibility, towards those less fortunate

In: Propertied Women’s Economic Agency in Norway c.1400-1550

common profit which lightens up the glory of God. 1 But how far was the merchant to live a godly life? As noted, contemporaries perceived a link between merchants and the adoption of Protestantism from the earliest days of religious change, and scholars have likewise debated the validity of the

In: Faith and Fraternity

contracted by living a ‘lewd and incontinent life.’ When they had recovered sufficiently the court decreed that they would be punished by the cross in the hospital grounds so that, ‘by the terror…others may be admonished from falling into the like vice.’ 82 Given the terminal prognosis of syphilis it is

In: Faith and Fraternity

, if the remnants of aesthetics in modern economic life very much resemble that of the sirens in the Odyssey, Ulysses is then warned. Hold tight onto that mast! Economic life in modern capitalist societies, however, tells us a different story. Both the micro- and the macro-economy retain an

In: Aesthetic Capitalism

later life and his last years in southern Italy, saw fit to advise the Countess of Flanders to “compel the Jews to work for their living as done in parts of Italy”.99 we do not know of Italian rulers who actually did as advised, but we have definitely seen a significant part of Italian Jewry earning

In: The Economic History of European Jews

entrepreneurial identity. By learning certain skills or a craft, people could distinguish themselves from their colleagues or competitors (distinctiveness), while simultaneously striving to become a member of a particular group (belonging), thereby guaranteeing job security and a certain standard of living. 1 In

In: Commerce, Citizenship, and Identity in Legal History

mother, while her father was still alive. Consequently, the woman could legally marry herself off despite having a living father or brothers. Mundal suggests this scenario was possible because the woman was a property owner. 17 I have not found any evidence of this paragraph being referred to or

In: Propertied Women’s Economic Agency in Norway c.1400-1550