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periods of his life as a boy. His childhood had been split by the death of his father, which took place unexpectedly when the patient was four years old. The recurrent nightmare reproposed his terror over the moon’s imminent crash into the Earth. The idea of the moon about to crash into the Earth leads to

In: Endings

not provide an in-depth treatment of the problem here, since we are merely interested in pointing out that in the initial phase of the termination process, the liminal phase, the emergence in the patient of a representation of his own life – certainly summary, but circumscribed and different from the

In: Endings

investigative model of the particular and complex phenomenology represented by the termination of analysis” (Ferraro and Garella 1997a). There are several reasons motivating this hypothesis. In part, they are a consequence of the observation of the growing recognition attributed to the termination process in

In: Endings

of the magical self in such a way that we can better appreciate and bring to life whatever is being hidden; how to free the play from the bonds of evasiveness towards something more truly and creatively playful. In my mind, I came to think of him as "magical Conrad" and found myself in need of a

In: Constructing Realities

fragmentation of time) in patients with schizo- phrenia (Fuchs, 2007; Vogeley and Kupke, 2007). All aspects of mental life involve the succession of events in time, and according to several authors (Andreasen, 1999; Minkowski, 1933), time disturbance might play a central role in the pathophysiology of

Open Access
In: Time Distortions in Mind

life necessarily not worth living. It follows that, whenever life ends, one’s loss is greater than any particular finite amount. In that sense, then, the deprivation is infinite. “I agree that death is not a diametric evil. But I believe that it is an infi- nite deprivation evil. Earlier I argued

In: Dialogue on Grief and Consolation

space for contemplation about human mortality and the meaning of death as well as life. Katarína Gabašová __________________________________________________________________ 49 Dark tourism could be evaluated as a mediating institution between the living and the dead: ‘It is with this latter point

In: Care, Loss and the End of Life

acceptance of a norm, where the norm is understood not as static but rather as something constantly re-created and shared in a specific social field. In this sense, the general meaning of certainty itself is based on the acceptance of one kind of normality of everyday life. In addition, living in a

In: Chronicity : Care and Complexity

italics]. 26 Paternity as Function and Religious Experience reason")' the Church becomes the fertile mother "by taking the seed of divine life into its bosom." Thus, after the manner of Eve, the Church becomes the mother of all living beings. It becomes the Church of life.3 The role of the Church as a

In: Paternity as Function

establish a family in the future.’ ‘Mohe’ (28): ‘Concerning my future life, hope is important…(but) Our future is horrible!...The person who does not have hope is like Ellen Alexandra Lothe 175 ______________________________________________________________ a dead body because hope is always living

In: The Resilience of Hope