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for all of these lineages. If only a single species in the history of life ever exhibited an aquadynamic shape and the presence of fins in the context of a fast-moving aquatic lifestyle, it would, as in the case of human consciousness, be possible to observe the feature’s role in current populations

Open Access
In: IAWA Journal

. Around the turn of the 17th–18th century, a play was staged at the temple in conjunction with one of its festivals. That play was the Jīvānandanam or, in English, Life Delighting . Its author, Ānandarāyamakhin (henceforth Ānandarāya), belonged to a literati cohort supported by the Maratha king of

In: Body and Cosmos

family life as the social framework and biological root of these desires. The idea of performing penances in order to improve one’s life conditions in future births was irrelevant to these renouncers, who expected to stay in the world of brahman forever. A hint at another means of overcoming bad

In: Body and Cosmos

‘modern restorations’. The GDPpc is the standard measure of economic wellbeing and therefore needs no introduction. The use of life expectancy and height is a less conventional or may even be considered as pioneering (height). Therefore, I will briefly introduce them (together with sources) before their

In: The Great Restoration: Post-Communist Transformations from the Viewpoint of Comparative Historical Sociology of Restorations

generated shock or both. The explosion of discontent may be motivated by strong dissatisfaction with living conditions in A. Importantly, the dissatisfied sector of the population (including the minority of activists or revolutionaries) may be unaware of the actual living conditions in B and become very

In: The Great Restoration: Post-Communist Transformations from the Viewpoint of Comparative Historical Sociology of Restorations

(fossil fuels, carbohydrates and lipids) spinning in an unhealthy feedback loop. Humans intervene directly in maize’s sex life, and detasseling, the nasty sweaty work serving as a rite of passage and source of summer cash to Midwestern teenagers, means pulling the tassels off corn stalks that are

In: Traffic

impact biodiversity. These assumptions also easily appear as ‘received wisdom’ 2 or resting on a conceptual understanding that there is only one nature. 3 The one-nature discourse potentially ignores that there are other, contrasting and contesting interpretations of nature, which, in turn, motivate

In: Nature Conservation in Southern Africa

Wilding’s performance art piece Waiting (1972), Kate Brettkelly-Chalmers discusses in her chapter on “Duration and Endurance: Minimalism and Performance” the temporal dimension in this germinal feminist work: a 15-minute monologue in where the artist slowly explains how a woman’s life is structured by

In: Time in Variance

Wilding’s performance art piece Waiting (1972), Kate Brettkelly-Chalmers discusses in her chapter on “Duration and Endurance: Minimalism and Performance” the temporal dimension in this germinal feminist work: a 15-minute monologue in where the artist slowly explains how a woman’s life is structured by

In: Time in Variance

, but not a form of bíos (i.e. a form of living peculiar to an individual or a group). His elaborations might be useful in making a long story short. Agamben argues that 154 Dimitri Ginev the politicization of bare life as such constitutes the decisive event of modernity. In unfolding this claim, he

In: Debating Cognitive Existentialism