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, politics and consumer culture. Equally important themes were the poems linked to events in his life, class conflict and the exploitative nature of consumer capitalism. Of necessity, many themes overlap as is clear in a consideration of the motif of mutilation which is used by Jensma as an artistic and
. [Poor Phil du Plessis! Is he still at war? Must a poet always belong to some race or language group? The bits of information about Wopko Jensma’s life experiences are interesting but cannot hold a candle to the poems. As a medic, du Plessis is also funny. He says Jensma’s schizophrenia is inherited
debunked his Nat-improver’s many qualifications (cf. title-page), especially ‘ Ins. Dr. – Insolvente Debiteur’ and ‘ B. B. B. B. B. – twee brande en drie bankrotskappe’ (“two fires and three bankruptcies”; 385), Stoffel Gieljam in a sweeping attack again decries the modern way of life, he praises the
, first acquired success and fame as a freelance journalist while still in her twenties. She gave up her adventurous, globetrotting life in 1890 to settle in Calcutta, where she stayed for two decades and published twenty books, mostly novels. Living in isolation and alienation both from the natives
resemblance to a fairy-tale, it by no means provides an idealized image of Māori life or actual living conditions – their ‘land-centred’ philosophy is revealed as a crumbling one. This is most evident in the long passage on the Te Ope people’s struggle, and it is even more poignantly expressed in Hemi
, Cities and Software (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001). 21 Fritjof Capra, The Web of Life: A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems (Garden City NY: Anchor, 1996) & Hidden Connections: Integrating the Biological, Cog- nitive, and Social Dimensions of Life into a Science of Sustainability
nothing to do [. . . ], it came to me with great force that I was wasting my life, that I was wasting it by living from day to day in a state of waiting, that I had in effect given myself up as a prisoner to this war. I went outside and stood on the empty racetrack staring up into a sky swept clean by
Writing Second-Generation Migrant Identity in Meera Syal’s Fiction DEVON CAMPBELL–HALL Introduction HROUGH A CRITICAL ANALYSIS of fictional representations of 1960s – 1990s British Asian diasporic communities in Meera Syal’s novels Anita and Me (1996) and Life Isn’t All Ha Ha
that fiction; 6 and fragments from a novel his father had started to write at the end of his life. The novel tackles questions of personal and national identity, exile, living in a foreign country, speaking and writing a foreign language. It deals with fatherhood and the bonds between father and son
(Re)Writing Histories The Emergence and Development of Indigenous Australian Life-Writing Framing the genre: mainstreaming Indigenous Australian life-writing N A N E S S A Y T H A T H A S G E N E R A T E D considerable literary-critical debate in the field of Aboriginal writing and