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imagination, constructed as a framework from sociocultural theory. This chapter describes the conceptual journey that took us there. A second layer of six disposition- in-action was then constructed from our research on children’s activities and conversations in real-life social and cultural contexts

In: Learning in the Making

between imagination, reciprocity and resilience. In an interview during phase two, Henry’s mother expressed concern that Henry might have become a bit aggressive or ‘bossy’. She worried about this because of the relationship changes and difficulties in their family life over the past year. However

In: Learning in the Making

adult literacy rate of 36% for men, 21% for women (UNICEF, 2001). Many Afghan refugees in Pakistan and Iran face continuing hardship as they struggle to meet their basic living needs. Initially some had access to education and health care but with a downturn in the economy, especially in Iran

In: Voices From the Margins

’t apply. Joy Cullen and Alison St George (1996) referring to research on children’s early acquisition of scripts for classroom life, have described the agenda of Year One classrooms as fundamentally about ‘doing school’ (a focus on routines, doing assigned classroom tasks and following procedures): an

In: Learning in the Making

87 CHAPTER FIVE BUILDING RESILIENCE Initiating and Orchestrating Projects Being able to form projects is not a minor competency. It is essentially a linkage with life and the world that presupposes a sense of identity, will, energy, and self-esteem, poles apart from shame and depression

In: Learning in the Making

and interpretation of the phenomenon of HIV&AIDS within the adolescents’ perspectives of their life-worlds, and a comparison of the findings of the reported study with the literature and theories of adolescence as a developmental phase. The investigation draws attention to the negative impact of

In: From microscope to kaleidoscope

as a form resilience while living a life of chronic adversity. INTRODUCTION While HIV&AIDS continue to wreak havoc on the lives of millions of people, it is the younger generation on whom the lasting effects impact the most. The children of the pandemic, who have yet to experience life, have

In: From microscope to kaleidoscope

101 CHAPTER 5 LIVING WITH KIN CAREGIVERS Special Needs of Children Left Behind1 “无父何怙?无母何恃?”——《诗经-蓼莪》(Who else can I rely on if my father passes away? Who else can I rely on if my mother passes away? From Classic of Poetry) “血浓于水” (Blood is thicker than water – a Chinese and Western proverb) As

In: Living with Vulnerabilities and Opportunities in a Migration Context

children in institutional life on a general level by making cases. For political or cultural reasons this can also be done from a certain perspective or motivated from the urge to shed light on a special area where the public have low level of insight and knowledge. Narrative approach can give voice to

In: Beyond Observations

123 CHAPTER 6 EDUCATION AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN LEFT BEHIND1 “安居不用架高楼,书中自有黄金屋;娶妻莫恨无良媒,书中自有颜如 玉”—赵恒,《励学篇》. (A comfortable life does not necessarily require a big house, as you can find a golden house in the book; Marriage does not necessarily require someone’s introduction or

In: Living with Vulnerabilities and Opportunities in a Migration Context