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Knecht’s death. It is argued that this pivotal moment in the book tells us a great deal about Knecht’s life and the process of educational transformation he undergoes as a citizen of Castalia. The chapter falls into three main parts. The first section sketches a number of responses from critics to

In: From West to East and Back Again

outcome, is misled. If all living is semiotic engagement, then learning must be an aspect of living, and learning must also be semiotic engagement. There are no grounds for assuming that learning is a distinctive form of life (to adopt a phrase from Wittgenstein, 1967); rather, certain examples of

In: Semiotics Education Experience

This research aims to develop and implement a curriculum for citizenship education based on the principle that the rules that govern life in a community are the result of a path that begins with the recognition and respect of one’s self and of others. Highlighting the etymology of the term law

In: Changes in Teachers' Moral Role

the scholar you are, but as the whole person you are – as the one who conducts your scholarly work in the context of living your larger life. Indeed, to trust that you will hear what I have to say to you, I need to allow myself to imagine you as a capacious person, who happens also to have a

In: Leaders in Philosophy of Education

educational policy. Firstly, the subject matter of the theory of cognition is determined conceptually, not in terms of expertise knowledge or specialised cognitive capacities, but by a conception of a non-specialised scientific intelligence defined by her/his learning from life experience. On the

In: Semiotics Education Experience

IEF texts, for example, students are asked to “determine what kind of investor” they are and are directed to a Canada Life website that provides an investor personality questionnaire (Kelly, Adam, Cartmale, & Gollino, 2006b, p. 133). The financially literate individual in this example, as in so

In: Financial Literacy Education

subjects and found philosophy, and I had the presence of mind to take out a subscription to Psychology Today and read R. D. Laing’s Sanity, Madness and the Family and D. H. Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers, the latter no less an exploration of the dark corners of family life than the former. Having been

In: Leaders in Philosophy of Education

live and the diffi culty of constructing norms together. Value construction is a psychological process that involves the personal life. Constructing norms together is a sociological process of living together, of dealing with differences and jointly constructing social life and society. Processes

In: Education and Humanism

the rich man’s daughter for a life of service to her future husband. Later, under the impact of the needs of modem society and under the great influence of the greatest educator of all times, Pestatozzi. vocational training increasingly became the profane substitute for the sacred. Yet. even then

In: The Hazard Called Education by Joseph Agassi

gulf between a merely intellectual and genuinely ethical education. Dewey’s pragmatic philosophy advances our understanding that an important aspect of learning is to be found in experience and that the development of our practical life as moral amounts to the progressive capacity of becoming able

In: Semiotics Education Experience