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provoking a state of mind driving him to a decisive act.“ (András Bálint Kovács: Screening Modern- ism: European Art Cinema, 1950-1980, Chicago 2007, S. 254). 28 Von der Weppen: Der Spaziergänger, S. 19. F5538-Glasenapp.indd 78 14.02.13 12:28 79LA NOTTE ODER: ANTONIONIS NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD Nur umso

In: Abschied vom Aktionsbild

- merkt Peter Brunette ganz in diesem Sinne, „Antonioni expressly foregrounds female subjectivity, emphasizing that the look is being generated by a specifi c fe- male, rather than by the usual male protagonist who motivates plot and action or, more generally, by the abstract, invisible (male) apparatus

In: Michelangelo Antonioni

rivers, pylons, doors, tin cans. And we join, also, with the flux of the non-representational: the colours, shapes and edits, those gestures of the film itself as a living, breathing, pulsating or- ganism. Emotion is not absent in these strange rituals of identification, transferral

In: Medienästhetik des Films

method of Edmund Husserl to offer a critique of Max Weber’s sociological theory of rational action.7 In later works, published posthumously by his associate Thomas Luckmann, Schutz continued his project of understanding the life-world in greater detail.89 Schutz’s phenomenology may be useful in

In: Riding the Hype Cycle: The Resurgence of Virtual Worlds

own being is desirable for each man, so, or almost so, is that of his friend.4 The language in the above quotation is subtle. Aristotle equates a friend with oneself and argues that because both you and your friend have the same goals and aspirations in living a successful life, the two of you are one

In: Videogames Studies: Concepts, Cultures, and Communication

perceptions of chat rooms and discussion boards. The differences in perception often lay in the perception of ‘being there’ as opposed to other online tools as indicated by a student who enjoyed using Second Life more than the discussion board or chat rooms because it felt like a personal contact with

In: Riding the Hype Cycle: The Resurgence of Virtual Worlds

tactic used by military forces and leaders to rally troops against other human beings. From the Crusades, to Nazi Germany, to the Cold War, every society involved in a conflict has used this tactic to motivate troops to kill opposing forces.4 This tactic is not only used on troops; propaganda in the

In: Engaging with Videogames: Play, Theory and Practice

, Jenkins said: It established a citizen “nerve center” to track events and share solutions. Anybody could play by creating a personal story—an email or phone call, or for advanced users a blog post, video, photo, podcast, twitter, whatever—that chronicled the imagined reality of their life in the

In: Transmedia Practice: A Collective Approach

secret identify, identifying with one’s avatar, that is brave, motivated, risk-taking and successful has been proven to have positive psychological effects and may lead to developing resilience mental agility, willpower in real life.9 However, played on screens, the world we enter on video games is

In: Engaging with Videogames: Play, Theory and Practice

asked to explore the same cave with the aim of eliminating all the poisonous bug-like creatures living there so that a group of innocent townspeople who had just been turned out of their home town by a group of bandits could settle there and enjoy a peaceful life. The group of participants who were

In: First-Person Shooter Videogames