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that the working class moved from the countryside to the greater cities. This is called urbanisation urbanisation. After all, making a living in the countryside was next to impossible, since the bigger factories were producing at far lower costs than craftsmen in the countryside. The problem was

In: International Law and Business

regards treatment of obese people. There might be a right to equal access to treatment, regardless of life style; but there is also a concern for cost efficiency, requiring resources to be spent where they produce most health per Euro. And obese people might not benefit as much as people living more

In: Global food security: ethical and legal challenges

arise and air will start moving. Living systems seem to defy the law of entropy. Rather than a destructive move towards more chaos, living systems actually develop in the direction of more and more order. Life on Earth began with primitive life forms that could sustain themselves and reproduce. It

In: Energising Networks

The arena of everyday life 81 6. Households and social networks in times of HIV/AIDS: a case from Tanzania Carolyne Nombo11 Abstract The household is important because it is the unit to which the generation of a livelihood is anchored. It is the arena where much of daily life takes place and

In: The arena of everyday life

pollution and human interaction with coral reefs – danger to the reefs, and actions being taken to preserve them. Coral reefs are primitive living structures that play a major role in supporting life on our planet and have a vital impact on humans. Individual corals are actually colonies of tiny animals

In: Young people, education, and sustainable development

-fi living ‘off-grid’. Also in this connection, the importance of sharing autobiography, for communication of important life experience – especially of initiation. Assuming an explanatory (Turnerian, Jungian) framework of contemporary initiation, Woodman (1985: 175ff.), a minister’s daughter from London

In: Anthropology and mysticism in the making of initiation

to discipline the migrants in Moria and other places, who are living a non-life, not unlike the shrivelled human heads on stakes that used to decorate the walls of medieval European cities to deter vagabonds from passing through the gates. Being told by their friendly lawyers to keep their heads

In: Engaged Encounters

responsible consumption should lead to an understanding of key concepts related to sustainability by linking a complex concept such as sustainable development to concrete, day-to-day life issues. Reflecting on personal consumption behaviours, assumptions, and experiences should enable students and young

In: Young people, education, and sustainable development

implicitly allow the public to immerse themselves in the experience of questions such as ‘do they suffer’, ‘is their life worth living’, ‘do we respect them as subjects’. Rather than attempting to separate the philosophical, scientific and ethical questions regarding cognition, a game could foster the

In: Global food security: ethical and legal challenges

a household can command also sets limits on its expenditures and a household’s composition and phase in the life course (cf. Pennartz and Niehof, 1999) to a large extent determine the relative importance of different kinds of consumer goods and the way time, including leisure time, is spent

In: Changing families and their lifestyles