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to basic artistic supplies or to any mentorship. Governments in a specific geographic region, such as East Africa or Indochina, could collaborate to build the infrastructure for an art institute, to provide a combination of internationally and regionally notable artists as teachers, and to seek
. 61 Among other regional courts in the African region, in 2018 the East African Court of Justice ( eacj ) in its interim orders found that, in principle and without mentioning the undrip , the eviction of Maasai members from historically occupied lands is not justified by environmental considerations
Politics of Diversity, a paper presented at the Colloquium in Legal & Social Philosophy, The Global Diffusion of Minority and Indigenous Rights, 28 February 2007, University College London. Lauterpacht, H. International Law, Collected Papers, Vol. 1 (1970). Legesse, A. ‘Human Rights in African Political
.g., Articles 1 (2) and 55. But "the struggle of peoples *** has been one, if not indeed the primary factor in the formation of the cus- tomary rule whereby the right of peoples to self-determination is recognized." Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West
mejor gobernanza del territorio Andino – Amazónico, el caso San Martín ’ ( Moyobamba – Peru 2015 ). O’Laughlin B , ‘ Class and the customary: the ambiguous legacy of the Indigenato in Mozambique ’ ( 2000 ) 99 (394 of the complete numeration) African Affairs The Journal of the Royal
Introduction “Gay Free Zone”: in February 2011 street stickers appeared in the East London areas of Tower Hamlets and Hackney which condemned the ‘sins’ of homosexuality and warned of ‘Allah’s punishment’ (Roberts 2011). There was a universal outrage in the London press and media, not to mention in
(Official Journal of the European Communities C 340), 10 November 1997. 51 Council Directive 2000/43/EC of 29 June 2000 implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin (Official Journal L 180), 19 July 2000, pp. 0022–0026. 52 Council Directive 2000