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of urbanization will vary across world-system position. Likewise, we expect that effects of population age cohorts will also vary by zone in the world system. Methodology Country Sample Following conventional practices in this research area, our sample includes all countries of the world for which

In: Globalization and the Environment

.0345 36.8 .001 –0.1193 –4.2 .001 neuroticism 0.1722 0.1376 170.9 .001 +0.3238 +11.5 .001 psychoticism 0.2252 0.0530 70.3 .001 +0.2360 +8.4 .001 extraversion 0.2429 0.0177 23.9 .001 -0.1395 –5.0 .001 lie scale 0.2451 0.0022 3.0 NS –0.0502 –1.7 NS Personal accomplishment age 0.0009 0.0009 0.9 NS 0.0387 1

In: Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Volume 15

for a theistic view of psychology to complement secular views of psychology. they explicate some of the assumptions that under- gird conventional methodology and practice and compare these assump- tions to the theistic assumption of a currently and practically relevant God. Bishop discusses

In: Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Volume 23

experiences with god predict theists’ god images. The test of this hypothesis, as we will illustrate, could closely fol- low the methodology already used in conventional god image research, with a few modifications. theistic psychological research 193 Methodology given attachment theory’s emphasis on

In: Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Volume 23

-system approach, with its root metaphor of spirituality as “search,” can be critiqued on a number of conceptual, methodological, and empirical grounds, particularly the issue of how high-level meaning actually energizes and enables the moral action prescribed by one’s meaning system. Thus, to further argue

In: Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Volume 22

.040 ** 0.011 0.044 ** 0.011 Union Member (1 = yes) 0.263 ** 0.014 0.265 ** 0.014 0.274 ** 0.014 TSEI 0.014 ** 0.000 0.013 ** 0.000 0.013 ** 0.000 Citizenship (1 = citizen) 0.091 ** 0.021 0.088 ** 0.021 0.086 ** 0.022 Education b : Less Than High School –0.217 ** 0.021 –0.208 ** 0.021 –0.214 ** 0.022 High

In: Perspectives on Global Development and Technology

.1 The discipline of what we are calling Spirituality Studies has been undergoing sea change in recent years. Once considered incompatible with academic inquiry, it has in the past 10-15 years proliferated in terms of institutional homes, theoretical conceptualizations, methodological

In: Understanding New Perspectives of Spirituality

.039 1 which,he,their,music,they,one,dancers,has,p,have 0.029 2 she,work,its,more,all,movement,new,can,also,you 0.022 3 there,were,other,into,when,who,we,what,so,like 0.017 0 some,performance,two,out,t,than,company,between,only,first 0.014 3 time,if,had,about,these,up,been,no,through,such 0.013 1

In: Spectrums and Spaces of Writing

psychological scien- tist. students learn to indwell the scientific tradition and rely on particu- lar methodologies and landmark studies to continue the acquisition of knowledge (Polanyi, 1974). it seems that psychological science is a tradi- tion and has context-dependent ways of knowing. This is not

In: Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Volume 23

). theories are integrated into a set of working hypotheses, which are tested throughout the chapter. the methodological approach and the specification of the statistical models follows, and results are discussed in light of the theories and the hypotheses tested. We conclude by proposing further lines of

In: Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe