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pulses are accumulated and a given duration will seem longer. In addition, the efficacy with which the switch is maintained in the closed state during the presentation of the timing signal has been used to explain modality differences in interval timing (e.g., Penney et al., 2000 , 2005 ) and the

In: Timing & Time Perception

1. Introduction The ability to flexibly keep track of time intervals in the seconds to minutes range is observed in many vertebrate species with common statistical features (Buhusi & Meck, 2005 ). This ability is referred to as interval timing. The alteration of interval timing behavior

In: Timing & Time Perception

1. Introduction The peak-interval timing procedure ( Catania, 1970 ; Roberts, 1981 ) uses subject reinforcement for the first response after some interval has elapsed. Once the subject learns the criterion time T c , probe trials run for durations two to three times the training interval

Open Access
In: Timing & Time Perception

1 Introduction Timing is an integral part of many routine physical activities. Although the relation between physical effort and cognitive performance has been relatively well studied, the relationship between interval timing and movement (i.e., walking) as a common form of physical effort

In: Timing & Time Perception

1. Introduction Interval timing, or timing in the seconds-to-minutes range, is an essential process for rate estimation, planning and decision-making (Buhusi & Meck, 2005 ; Gallistel, 1990 ), as well as for animal foraging (Bateson & Kacelnik, 1998 ; Bateson, Healy & Hurly, 2003

In: Timing & Time Perception

, Experiment 2 is an interesting wake-up call for researchers studying the emotional modulation of interval timing: rerunning a study with participants from a similar participant pool and a highly similar experimental setup made some presumably stable effects disappear. In addition, to assess how emotional

In: Timing & Time Perception

can be used to implement these analyses (see book’s GitHub repository). In order to motivate the application of these techniques for interval timing research, it helps first to consider a simple class of computational models of timing, the pacemaker-accumulator ( pa ) models ( Creelman, 1962

Open Access
In: Timing and Time Perception: Procedures, Measures, & Applications

to implement these analyses (see book’s GitHub repository). In order to motivate the application of these techniques for interval timing research, it helps first to consider a simple class of computational models of timing, the pacemaker-accumulator ( pa ) models ( Creelman, 1962 ; Gibbon & Church

Open Access
In: Timing and Time Perception: Procedures, Measures, & Applications

1. Introduction Previous research suggests that the hippocampus plays a secondary role in interval timing, with the effects of hippocampal or fimbria-fornix lesions being mainly observed in altered accuracy (e.g., proportional underrepresentation of target durations on the order of 20

In: Timing & Time Perception

1. Introduction Many species, including humans, show both accurate timing − appropriate time estimation in the seconds to minutes range − and scalar timing − time estimation error varies linearly with estimated duration, reflecting Weber’s Law applied to interval timing ( Gibbon, 1977 ). A

Open Access
In: Timing & Time Perception