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81 On Ancient and Mediaeval Semantics and Metaphysics L. M. DE RIJK i Introduction T he aim of this study is, rather than to give a contribution to the T history of semantics as such, to show (1) the interdependence of Ancient (and Mediaeval) semantic views and metaphysical doc- trines, and (2
1 'Categorization' as a Key Notion in Ancient and Medieval Semantics L. M. DE RIJK The aim of this paper is to argue for a twofold thesis: (a) for Aristotle the verb 'kategorein' does not as such stand for statemental predication, let alone of the well-known 'S is P' type, and (b) 'non
81 On Ancient and Mediaeval Semantics and Metaphysics (2) * L. M. DE RIJK 3 The Multiplication of Being in Aristotle's Categories 3.1 Intyoduction _ ne of the results of the preceding section may be that Lloyd 0 (1956, 59) seems to be wrong in asserting that in Plato's view the role of the
97 On Ancient and Mediaeval Semantics and Metaphysics (6)* L. M. DE RIJK 5.6.7 How the diverse Kinds have communion with one another After the complete opposition between Change and Rest has been stated at 250 A (see above, Part (4) [ 198 1 ] , p. 43) and the discussion of the four antinomies
97 On Ancient and Mediaeval Semantics and Metaphysics (6)* L. M. DE RIJK 5.6.7 How the diverse Kinds have communion with one another After the complete opposition between Change and Rest has been stated at 250 A (see above, Part (4) [ 981], p. 43) and the discussion of the four antinomies has
81 On Ancient and Mediaeval Semantics and MetaPhysics (5)* L. M. DE RIJK 5 Plato's Semantics in his Critical Period (Cont.) 5.6.2 The pyoblem of giving several names and the Communion of Kinds The problem is stated with all due clarity in the opening words JL of this section: "Let us explain
1 On Ancient and Mediaeval Semantics and Metaphysics (4)* L. M. DE RIJK 5 Plato's Semantics in his Critical Period 5. I Introduction n concluding the previous section I argued (ig8o : nr. 4.9, p. 62) I that Aristotle's Categories may be viewed as dealing with the several ways in which an
I On Ancient and Mediaeval Semantics and Metaphysics (3)* L. M. DE RIJK 4 The Categories as Classes of Names q.. z Status quaestionis The previous sections contain several hints to the close inter- relation between three maior issues in Plato's doctrine, viz. the question about the true nature
content, both the intention of the speaker and the communication context in which this intention is being effectuated are essential features of the actual signification of names. Keywords Peter John Olivi, medieval semantics, medieval pragmatics, medieval philosophy, common names 1. Framing the question
interpretation of his solution to the Liar. Keywords Paradox of the Liar, John Buridan, medieval theories of truth, medieval semantics, medieval pragmatics * Earlier versions of this paper were read at conferences in Bologna and Rio de Janeiro. I thank the audiences on both occasions for helpful comments. I am