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Contributions to Zoology, 80 (3) 201-211 (2011) Morphometric variation in two intertidal littorinid gastropods Henrique Queiroga1, 2, Rolando Costa1, Nélia Leonardo1, Débora Soares1, Daniel F.R. Cleary1 1 Departamento de Biologia & CESAM – Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Universidade de

Open Access
In: Contributions to Zoology

formulas are presented in table 3 below. Morphometrics of Phenacoccus manihoti Every stage of live P. manihoti (eggs, first, second, third instars and adult) (fig 3) was removed from the same M4 variety rearing colony. Morphometric parameters such as length and width were then measured using a

In: Animal Biology

MORPHOMETRIC RELATIONS IN NEMATODES BY E. GERAERT Instituut voor Dierkunde, Universiteitsstraat 14, Gent, Belgium In descriptions of nematodes it is often customary to use the ratio between two well-defined distances rather than the absolute measurements of the same distances. The most widely

In: Nematologica

degrees of overall similarity and difference between whole crania rather than on localized mor­ phology. Considering the above-described problems of obtaining an adequate descrip­ tion of ‘total’ morphology based on land­ marks, it would seem to be useful to have alternative morphometric strategies

In: Folia Primatologica

Nematology , 2004, Vol. 6(5), 715-727 Molecular and morphometric analyses of Xiphidorus species (Nematoda: Longidoridae) Claudio M.G. O LIVEIRA 1 , 3 , Luiz C.C.B. F ERRAZ 2 , Ailton R. M ONTEIRO 2 , Brian F ENTON 1 , Gaynor M ALLOCH 1 and Roy N EILSON 1 , ∗ 1 Scottish Crop Research

In: Nematology

comprehensive morphometric statistical analysis nor a detailed comparison of tree shrews is available in the literature. Given the above, we decided to perform such a morphometric study. The tree shrew, Tupaia belangeri (Mammalia: Scandentia: Tupaiidae), is the only representative of Scandentia in China

In: Animal Biology

Amphibia-Reptilia 30 (2009): 321-329 The effect of preservation on lizard morphometrics – an experimental study Bart Vervust ∗ , Stefan Van Dongen, Raoul Van Damme Abstract. The millions of conserved biological specimens that are stored upon the shelves of Natural History Museums across the

Full Access
In: Amphibia-Reptilia

VARIATION AMONG NATURAL POPULATIONS OF TALITRUS SALTATOR (AMPHIPODA): MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS BY FELICITA SCAPINI 1 ), FULVIA CAMPACCI and MONICA AUDOGLIO Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e Genetica, Universit ³ a di Firenze, via Romana 17, I-50125 Florence, Italy ABSTRACT The talitrid amphipod

In: Crustaceana

Chapter 2 Morphometric behaviour and functional morphology The study of the morphometry gives some clues to the understanding of the mor- phology of the Tylenchida. This chapter will focus on the body length and there- lationships of body length with various components of the tylench body. Some

In: Functional and detailed Morphology of the Tylenchida (Nematoda)

fish species’ life cycle must be understood regarding morphometric connections and condition factors to build effective management plans and establish their ecological equilibrium. Since a handful of investigations on these factors were completed in the past thirty years, regular updating of these

In: Crustaceana