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concentration slowed down significantly, compared to a period of a significant increase (2014–17). 11 2 Environmental Law and Institutions in Russia The polluter-pays principle, contained both in international documents and in domestic legislation can be traced to the oecd Council

In: Climate Law

1 Introduction The polluter-pays principle ( ppp ) is widely seen as the backbone of environmental policy. It was already present in the European Community’s first environment action program, and later in the Single European Act (1986). Lawyers have often argued that the idea that “the

In: Climate Law

MARTINUS NIJHOFF PUBLISHERS jEEPL 6.2 (2009)I7I-I96 OURNAL FOR ~ UROPfAN E NVIRONMENTAL& PLANNING AW The polluter pays principle and State aid for environmental protection Marcin Stoczkiewicz Abstract The polluter pays principle is one of the Treaty-based principles of the Community envi

In: Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law

This article explores the operation of the Polluter Pays Principle (the PPP or simply ‘the principle’) in Chinese environmental law. The PPP is a generally accepted principle of environmental law of relevance to both international and domestic law. 13 The PPP has had wide global application

In: Chinese Journal of Environmental Law

windfall profits caused a significant distortion in competition. 4 Last but not least, such an overallocation may sit awkwardly with the polluter-pays principle ( ppp ), enshrined in tfeu Article 192(2), which requires polluting entities to bear the costs of their pollution-reduction investments

In: Climate Law

the normative foundation of the climate change legal regime. The polluter pays principle has been characterized as one of the leading principles of international environmental law. 5 An expression of it occurs in Principle 16 of the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development

In: Climate Law

scope and significance of the polluter-pays principle, as codified by European Union Law, and to assess the extent towards which it finds concrete and fully fledged application, beyond abstract statements. The most fertile soil for an analysis of the polluter-pays principle can be probably found in the

In: Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law

1 Introduction The polluter pays principle is often thought of as an aspirational or guiding principle rather than one that is justiciable by courts. 1 While the principle features in many international conventions in varying formulations, it has not been recognized as a principle of

In: Climate Law

CHAPTER 6 THE POLLUTER PAYS PRINCIPLE National authorities should endeavour to promote the internal- ization of environmental costs and the use of economic instru- ments, taking into account the approach that the polluter should, in principle, bear the cost of pollution, with due regard to the

In: Emerging Principles of International Environmental Law

1 Introduction States, engaged in the conduct of hazardous activities, are obliged to prevent significant transboundary harm (‘the duty to prevent’ or ‘the duty’). One of the emerging principles of the duty is the polluter-pays principle ( PPP ). The aim of this paper is to consider how the

In: The Yearbook of Polar Law Online