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The Fall of Man in the Early Modern Art and Literature of Germany and the Low-Countries
This book looks at early modern representations, both pictorial and literary, of the animals surrounding Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden at the dramatic moment of the Fall. Beginning with Albrecht Dürer's engraving Adam and Eve (1504) and ending with Rembrandt's etching Adam and Eve (1637), it explores the many manifestations of this theme at the intersection of painting, literature, and natural history. Artists such as Lucas Cranach and Jan Brueghel, and poets such as Guillaume Du Bartas and Joost van den Vondel, as well as many others, mainly from Germany and the Netherlands, are discussed.
The Oriental Bequest of Joseph Scaliger and the University Library of Leiden
In 1609 Joseph Scaliger bequeathed ‘all my books in foreign tongues’ to the library of Leiden University. The collection was kept in the Arca Scaligerana, an ornamental cupboard in the library. This publication provides a complete overview of all Scaliger's printed books in oriental languages for the first time. How and why did Scaliger collected these rare books? Answers can be found in Scaliger's extensive network, the development of oriental scholarship, the booktrade and the use of libraries.
[Nawāḍir al-Ayk fī Nawādir al-Nayk: An New Edition of al-Suyūṭī's Work on Erotica Literature]
هذه الطبعة من كتاب نواضر الأيك في نوادر النيك للعلامة الإسلامي جلال الدين السيوطي، والتي كثيرا ما أثارت الجدل في الأوساط العلمية والشعبية على حد سواء، مهمة جدا من عدة جوانب. إنها ليست فقط الطبعة العلمية الأولى للأعمال المثيرة الشعبية التي كتبها السيوطي أو المنسوبة إليه، ولكنها أيضًا دراسة متعمقة لهذه الأعمال وبعض مصادرها التي لم تتم دراسة معظمها بعد.
لقد تم إهمال هذا النوع من الأدب الأيروتيكي العربي في فترة ما قبل الحداثة منذ فترة طويلة من قبل الباحثين الجادين والعديد من الأعمال الموجودة معيبة، لكنه الآن يتوسع بسرعة، وهناك حاجة ماسة إلى طبعات ودراسات موثوقة. سيكون هذا العمل مهمًا جدًا للباحثين والطلاب المهتمين بالأدب العربي و/أو وجهات النظر الإسلامية حول الحياة الجنسية، لأن الطبعات عادة ما تكون غير نقدية، وبالتالي غير مرضية، في حين أن هذه الطبعة مصنوعة باستخدام دراسات موثوقة وتفي بمعايير الطبعة الاستثنائية.

This edition of Nawāḍir al-Ayk fī Nawādir al-Nayk by the Islamic scholar Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī, which has often sparked controversy in scholarly and popular circles alike, is very important from several aspects. It is not only the first scholarly edition of popular erotic works written by or attributed to al-Suyūṭī, but also an in-depth study of these works and some of their sources that most of which are understudied.
The genre of premodern Arabic erotic literature has long been neglected by serious scholars and many of the existing works are flawed, but now it is rapidly expanding, and there is a critical need of reliable editions and studies. This work will be very important for scholars and students who are interested in Arabic literature and/or Islamic perspectives on sexuality, because the editions are usually uncritical and, hence, unsatisfactory, whereas this edition is made using reliable studies and meets the standards of an exceptional edition.
Practices of Reading, Use, and Interaction in Early Modern Dutch Bibles (1522–1546)
This volume explores how and by whom early modern Dutch Bibles were used. Through a detailed analysis of paratextual features and readers’ traces in over 180 surviving Bible copies, Renske Hoff shows how individuals manifested their faith in owning, reading, and personalising the Bible, in a period characterised by religious turmoil.
From nuns and countesses to tailors and merchants: Bibles were read by a diverse public. Printer-publishers shaped the contents and paratextual features of their Bible editions to suit the varied wishes of the reading public. Readers themselves added marginalia, corrected the text, or pasted texts and images in their books, displaying their creativity as users as well as stressing the malleability of the material Bible.
The literarisation of the early modern Baltic Sea region was a long and complex process with varying trajectories for different vernacular languages. This volume highlights the interaction of local social and cultural settings with wider political and confessional contexts. Using rarely examined materials, such as prints, court protocols, letters and manuscripts in Latin and a range of vernacular languages, including Estonian, Finnish, German, Ingrian, Karelian, Latvian, Lenape, Sami languages and Swedish, the thirteen authors chart the social and literary developments of the area. Wide networks of learned men and officials but also the number of native speakers in the clergy defined the ways the poetic resources of transnational and local literary and oral cultures benefited the nascent literatures.

Contributors include: Eeva-Liisa Bastman, Kati Kallio, Suvi-Päivi Koski, Ulla Koskinen, Miia Kuha, Anu Lahtinen, Tuija Laine, Tuomas M. S. Lehtonen, Ilkka Leskelä, Aivar Põldvee, Sanna Raninen, Kristiina Ross, Taarna Valtonen, and Kristi Viiding.