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Editor / Translator:
The second volume in the Anti-Jesuit Literature series at Brill casts a revealing light on a crucial moment in eighteenth-century France: the suppression of the Jesuits. Through the expert translation of three representative treatises by Jotham Parsons and Patricia M. Ranum, this collection delves into the heart of the conflict, presenting views from Jansenist-Gallican magistrates, conservative clerics, and Enlightenment thinkers. Edited with contextual commentary by Robert A. Maryks and Jotham Parsons, the volume not only navigates the complexities of the Jesuits’ decline but also places it in the context of the broader Enlightenment critique, exploring the intricate interplay between evolving ideas of governance, faith, and intellectual freedom.
An Alchemist in the Amphitheatre of Eternal Wisdom
The German physician, alchemist, kabbalist, and theosopher Heinrich Khunrath (ca. 1560–1605) is one of the most remarkable figures in the intellectual history of the Renaissance. His work, combining text and images in a new way, is a fusion of the contemporary currents of thought in which alchemy went hand-in-hand with philosophy and Lutheran heterodox theology. As a follower of Paracelsus, Khunrath was in search of both the secrets of nature and and the knowledge of God -- the “theosophy”.
This volume sheds new light on the intellectual history of the Renaissance by focusing on the neglected paradigm of scholasticism. Its chapters aim to recast our present understanding of familiar features of Renaissance thought by showing that many of the assumed innovations of the period took place as a result of a dialogue between plural traditions of scholasticism and the emerging methods of humanism. Written by a team of internationally recognized experts, the volume seeks to further enfranchise scholasticism as an integral aspect of Renaissance intellectual history and explain its value to the study of humanism and early modern philosophy.
Diskursarchäologische Streifzüge in die Philosophiegeschichte
Dieser Band stellt die Frage, wieso in der Philosophiegeschichtsschreibung der christliche Aristotelismus aus der Neuzeit gestrichen ist. In sechs Kapitel zur theoretischen Philosophie – rund um die Hauptfiguren Suárez, Vázquez, Ruiz de Montoya, Arriaga und Izquierdo – erklärt sich der Skandal aus der Verspätung, mit der die Philosophische Mediävistik auch das 14. Jahrhundert für sich entdeckt hat. Katholische Innovationen des 16. Jahrhunderts – der Stoff der zwei Kapiteln zu Themen der praktischen Philosophie – vermitteln eine Ahnung von dem Ausmaß der Ignoranz, die eine Wirkung der Neuzeitlegende ist. Im Zeitalter der Hexenprozesse hat die sog. Jesuitenmoral den Glauben an die Folter zersetzt, und der sog. Jesuitenmoral verdankt der Westen die sexuelle Selbstbestimmung. Schließlich wird dafür plädiert, das Gerede von einer „Philosophie der Neuzeit“ und von deren Gegensatz zum „Mittelalter“ lediglich als ein Kulturkampfrelikt zu betrachten.
Prologue: Bio-Bibliography & Introduction to Khunrath’s Images
This is the 1st volume in a 4-volume work entitled The Mage’s Images. The work provides the first in-depth examination of the life and works of Heinrich Khunrath (1560-1605), ‘one of the great Hermetic philosophers’, whose Amphitheatre of Eternal Wisdom (1595/1609) has been described as ‘one of the most important books in the whole literature of theosophical alchemy and the occult sciences’. Khunrath is best known for his novel combination of ‘scripture and picture’ in the complex engravings in his Amphitheatre. In this richly illustrated monograph, Forshaw analyses occult symbolism, with previously unpublished material, offering insight into Khunrath’s insistence on the necessary combination of alchemy, magic, and cabala in ‘Oratory and Laboratory’.
This is the 2nd volume in a 4-volume work entitled The Mage’s Images. The work provides the first in-depth examination of the life and works of Heinrich Khunrath (1560-1605), ‘one of the great Hermetic philosophers’, whose Amphitheatre of Eternal Wisdom (1595/1609) has been described as ‘one of the most important books in the whole literature of theosophical alchemy and the occult sciences’. Khunrath is best known for his novel combination of ‘scripture and picture’ in the complex engravings in his Amphitheatre. In this richly illustrated monograph, Forshaw analyses occult symbolism, with previously unpublished material, offering insight into Khunrath’s insistence on the necessary combination of alchemy, magic, and cabala in ‘Oratory and Laboratory’.
This is the 3rd volume in a 4-volume work entitled The Mage’s Images. The work provides the first in-depth examination of the life and works of Heinrich Khunrath (1560-1605), ‘one of the great Hermetic philosophers’, whose Amphitheatre of Eternal Wisdom (1595/1609) has been described as ‘one of the most important books in the whole literature of theosophical alchemy and the occult sciences’. Khunrath is best known for his novel combination of ‘scripture and picture’ in the complex engravings in his Amphitheatre. In this richly illustrated monograph, Forshaw analyses occult symbolism, with previously unpublished material, offering insight into Khunrath’s insistence on the necessary combination of alchemy, magic, and cabala in ‘Oratory and Laboratory’.