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Contributors are: Ikechi Agbugba, Wiets Botes, Darrell de Klerk, Alan Felix, Claire Gaillard, Dean Langeveldt, Bheki Mngomezulu, Thembeka Myende, Amasa Ndofirepi, Ntombikayise Nkosi, Felix Okoye, June Palmer, Doniwen Pietersen, Percy Sepeng, Kevin Teise, Victor Teise and Yusef Waghid.
Contributors are: Ikechi Agbugba, Wiets Botes, Darrell de Klerk, Alan Felix, Claire Gaillard, Dean Langeveldt, Bheki Mngomezulu, Thembeka Myende, Amasa Ndofirepi, Ntombikayise Nkosi, Felix Okoye, June Palmer, Doniwen Pietersen, Percy Sepeng, Kevin Teise, Victor Teise and Yusef Waghid.
Foreword by Marcel Danesi
Foreword by Marcel Danesi
Constraints in Creativity provides educators, managers, creativity researchers, and anyone looking to improve their own creative skills with theoretical and practical insights into the role of constraints in the creative process.
Contributors are: Don Ambrose, John Baer, Paul Joseph Barnett, Michael Mose Biskjaer, Nathalie Bonnardel, Anthony Chemero, Peter Dalsgaard, Vlad Glăveanu, Armand Hatchuel, James C. Kaufman, Agnès Lellouche-Gounon, Pascal Le Masson, Kelsey E. Medeiros, Roni Reiter-Palmon, Eric Rietzschel, Wendy Ross, Diana Rus, Dean Keith Simonton, Robert J. Sternberg, Patricia D. Stokes, Catrinel Tromp and Benoit Weil.
Constraints in Creativity provides educators, managers, creativity researchers, and anyone looking to improve their own creative skills with theoretical and practical insights into the role of constraints in the creative process.
Contributors are: Don Ambrose, John Baer, Paul Joseph Barnett, Michael Mose Biskjaer, Nathalie Bonnardel, Anthony Chemero, Peter Dalsgaard, Vlad Glăveanu, Armand Hatchuel, James C. Kaufman, Agnès Lellouche-Gounon, Pascal Le Masson, Kelsey E. Medeiros, Roni Reiter-Palmon, Eric Rietzschel, Wendy Ross, Diana Rus, Dean Keith Simonton, Robert J. Sternberg, Patricia D. Stokes, Catrinel Tromp and Benoit Weil.
An international group of scholars, teachers, professors, and practitioners have contributed studies that draw upon theories of integral education from various times and cultures as well as practices that exemplify and encourage fresh integrations. The essays are especially relevant because of the current global evolution of education at all levels, from primary school to the university and into the community. This evolution has been inspiring teachers and professors to move beyond their traditional disciplinary boundaries, to engage in transdisciplinary educational models that embody multiple ways of knowing, and to recognize the student as a whole person.
Integral Education is not limited to a particular theory or practice: it is expansive. It integrates many models of teaching and learning, for example, Integral Drama Based Pedagogy integrates drama and other expressive arts. It also includes multiple ways of knowing; it embodies teaching and learning through action; and it values the intellectual, physical, and spiritual dimensions of being human.