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A Biography of Alberto Gerchunoff
How can a child born in the Russian Pale at the end of the 19th century become one of the most celebrated journalists in Latin America and a writer admired by Jorge Luis Borges? In this biography, Mónica Szurmuk, delves into the different aspects of the life of writer, journalist, and politician Alberto Gerchuinoff. Thoroughly researched in four different continents, this book is as much an account of the life of Alberto Gerchunoff, as an investigation into the Jewish world of the first half of the twentieth century, and the different spaces where Jewish and Latin American cultural and political life intersect.
Today, the majority of the world's Christian population lives in the Global South. Knowledge of their history is therefore indispensable. This textbook offers a compact and vivid overview of the history of Christianity in Asia, Africa and Latin America since 1450, focussing on diversity and interdependence, local actors and global effects. Maps, illustrations and numerous photos as well as continuous references to easily accessible source texts support the reader's own reading and its use in various forms of academic teaching.
Transnational and Transmedia Explorations of the American West
This book presents papers by eleven European scholars that explore the ambivalent representations of an American West that follows “no single trajectory, creating instead a series of lines and rhythms, always moving, crossing, and folding” (Neil Campbell).
The papers explore the use of the American West as an ideal or a realistic setting in different cultural productions, ranging from music (“Sing-along Melodies of the West”) to film (“Western Images in Motion”) or comics (“Graphic Representations of the American West”), and including popular cultural fields like podcasts, fashion, and gastronomy (“Performing the West”).