Gavin Arnall
is Assistant Professor in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is the author of Subterranean Fanon: An Underground Theory of Radical Change (Columbia University Press, 2020) and the translator of Emilio de Ípola’s Althusser, The Infinite Farewell (Duke University Press, 2018). He is also the co-editor of two forthcoming volumes: Translation and Universality: Sites of Struggle (Fordham University Press) and Revolution and Democracy: José Aricó, Marxism, and Latin America (Brill). []
Kyle Baasch
is a PhD Candidate in Comparative Literature at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. His other published essays can be found in Radical Philosophy and Telos. He is currently working on a dissertation about interwar German historiography and cultural criticism. []
Jean Batou
is Professor Emeritus of International History at the University of Lausanne and one of the founders of the network Penser l’Émancipation, a French-speaking counterpart of Historical Materialism. He is the author of several books and numerous articles on economic and social history from a Marxist perspective, including One Hundred Years of Resistance to Underdevelopment: Latin American and Middle Eastern Industrialization and the European Challenge, 1770–1870 (Geneva: Librairie Droz, 1991), Quand l’Esprit de Genève s’embrase. Au-delà de la fusillade du 9 Novembre 1932 (Lausanne: Éditions d’en bas, 2012) and Nos Années 68 dans le cerveau du monstre (Vevey: Éditions de l’Aire, 2018). He is currently working on two books: the first, a presentation of Trotsky’s thought through his texts, the second, a people’s history of Islam, from the time of the Prophet to our own day. []
Chris Byron
is a full-time Philosophy and World Religions Instructor at Snead State Community College. His research and publications have been primarily in the field of social and political philosophy with an emphasis on clarifying the theories of Marx, but he also writes on philosophy of religion. Presently he is under contract with the Brill Historical Materialism Book Series to complete a manuscript arguing that Marx’s theory of exploitation has been deeply misunderstood. []
Gal Kirn
is a research associate at the Department of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, where he is also research leader of the project ‘Protests, artistic practices and culture of memory in the post-Yugoslav context’. For the last 10 years he has worked within the German academic context (Institute for Cultural Inquiry, Berlin; Humboldt University; TU Dresden; and the GWZO, Leipzig) and is a member of an international research group called Partisan Resistances (University of Grenoble). Kirn’s research has focused on the theme of transition in the (post)socialist context, and on the national-liberation struggle in Yugoslavia and its afterlives, as it has played out at the intersection of art, politics and memory. He has led a research project called Counter Archives (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation at ICI Berlin) and has published two monographs, Partisan Ruptures (Pluto Press, 2019) and Partisan Counter-Archive (De Gruyter, 2020). Kirn recently co-edited (with Natasha Ginwala and Niloufar Tajeri) a volume titled Nights of the Dispossessed: Riots Unbound (Columbia Press, 2021), a volume co-edited with Marian Burchardt called Beyond Neoliberalism (Palgrave, 2017), and Encountering Althusser (Bloomsbury, 2013), co-edited with Sara R. Farris, Katja Diefenbach and Peter D. Thomas. []
Jakub Krzeski
is an assistant professor at the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Nicolaus Copernicus University, researcher at the Scholarly Communication Research Group, and a translator. His research interests focus on the social theory of quantification, critical theory and political ontology. Together with Krystian Szadkowski, he is currently preparing a scholarly monograph on Marxist critique and its relevance to the study of capitalist transformations of contemporary institutions of science and higher education. []
Jesse Lopes
is a 2020 graduate of Boston University’s Dual-Degree (MA & PhD) Program in Classical Studies and Philosophy. His dissertation examined the relation between description and explanation in Husserl and cognitive science. The dissertation inadvertently led to the thesis on the transformation problem as a problem primarily concerning descriptions to-be-explained and theoretical (causal) explanation, qua natural science. The idea was realised in conversation with Peter Blandino (a fellow BU classicist) whilst reading Capital Volume III (alongside Theocritus) in the summer of 2019. Jesse is currently working on a paper with Chris Byron concerning the Newtonian nature of Marx’s transformation of the science of economics and its historical rejection in favour of the ‘vulgar economics’ of marginalism. []
Tyler McCreary
is an assistant professor of Geography at Florida State University. He is author of Shared Histories: Witsuwit’en-Settler Relations in Smithers, 1913–1973 (Creekstone Press, 2018). He is also co-editor of Settler City Limits: Indigenous Resurgence and Colonial Violence in the Urban Prairie West (University of Manitoba Press and Michigan State University Press, 2019). []
Maxi Nieto
is professor of Sociology at Miguel Hernández University, Elche, Spain. His research focuses on labour value theory and economic planning. He is author of Cómo funciona la economía capitalista (Escolar y Mayo, 2015), Ciber-comunismo, with Paul Cockshott (Trotta, 2017) and Marx y el comunismo en la era digital (Maia, 2021). He participates in (‘Ciber-comunismo’), a Spanish interdisciplinary group dedicated to research on economic planning and communism. []
Anna Piekarska
is a PhD Candidate in Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. Her research interests include critical legal thinking, Marxist theories of law, and critical legal studies. In her current project she examines the social and political consequences of the rule of law, universalism, and tensions between the particular and the universal in the rule of law as a notion. []