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Poe Yu-ze Wan, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)

Managing Editor
Brian C.H. Fong, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)

Editorial Board

Anthropology, History, International Relations:
Titus Chih-Chieh Chen, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)
Maria Serena I. Diokno, University of the Philippines (The Philippines)
Sumanto Al Qurtuby, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (Saudi Arabia)
Yuka Tsuchiya, Kyoto University (Japan)
Chie Yomota, Yokohama National University (Japan)

Hua-Hua Chang, Purdue University (USA)
Ingrid Gogolin, University of Hamburg (Germany)
Liesel Ebersöhn, University of Pretoria (South Africa)
Mustafa Yunus Eryaman, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey)

Shih-Chian Hung, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)

Political Science:
Stéphane Corcuff, Sciences Po Lyon (France)
Samia Ferhat, Paris Nanterre University (France)
Tse-min Lin, The University of Texas at Austin (USA)
Gunter Schubert, University of Tübingen (Germany)
Kharis Templeman, Stanford University (USA)

Tuukka Kaidesoja, University of Helsinki (Finland)
Jonathan Unger, Australian National University (Australia)

Innovation in the Social Sciences

Poe Yu-ze Wan
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Innovation in the Social Sciences is a fully Open Access journal, which means that all articles are freely available online, ensuring maximum, worldwide dissemination of content. Open Access publication of the journal is supported by a subvention from National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan), and the Article Publication Charge for authors is therefore waived. For more information, see the BrillOpen dedicated webpage.

Innovation in the Social Sciences is an online-only, international, peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish research articles, perspectives, and concise reports of empirical studies that address real-world social problems (e.g., climate change, the pandemic and its impact, right-wing populism, political polarization, global inequality, population aging, democratic governance) with innovative perspectives grounded in solid social, cultural, political, and economic theories and practices. By aligning with growing trends of interdisciplinary research in the social sciences, the journal aims to integrate cross-field research results and various practical experiences to provide innovative solutions to social problems.

The journal is specifically interested in publishing research that examines the following topics:
• Political theory and political sociology of democratic innovations
• Design-thinking for social innovation
• Food sovereignty and community resilience
• Social and ecological resilience
• Social and solidarity economy
• Theories and practices of “real utopias”
• Economic and social empowerment
• Methodological triangulation techniques: integrating human knowledge with machine learning
• New methodological approaches in the social sciences
• Globalization in the post-COVID era: increasing antiglobalization and alterglobalization
• International relations in the post-COVID era
• Political economy in a new era of populist nationalism
• Political economy of: global society, global climate change, renewable energy, the semi-conductor industry, relocation of the global supply chain, global migration, pandemics, public health
• The evolution of global governance
• Geopolitical rivalries and global governance

Innovation in the Social Sciences aims to sustain and expand transdisciplinary research in the social sciences while promoting innovation in related fields. The core concept of “innovation” is employed in a double sense: First, the journal is designed to encourage research that examines important contemporary global and local social problems via innovative perspectives, approaches, and methods. Second, the journal welcomes research articles and case reports that not only feature local experiences (especially, but not limited to, social, cultural, political, and economic innovations in organizations, communities, cities, and regions) but also highlight their relevance to a broader context.

The journal provides a forum for international and interdisciplinary research offering innovative perspectives that challenge existing theories. The journal will prioritize articles that:
• present an advance in the social sciences.
• are methodologically rigorous and innovative.
• have wider theoretical, comparative, or practical significance.
• have policy implications, especially with regard to social, cultural, political, and economic innovations.
• diversify social scientific research with interdisciplinary studies.
• are written for a wide range of audiences and are accessible to the popular press and the public at large.

Innovation in the Social Sciences is committed to an expeditious peer review and publication process in order to regularly contribute groundbreaking research to the scientific conversation.

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