Volume 9, No. 1
Special Issue: Sacred Places
Foreword 1
State Legitimacy and Religious Accommodation: The Case of Sacred Places 3
Enzo Rossi and Janosch Prinz
Privatizing the Temple Mount (Haram es-Sharif) and the Western Wall (Kotel): A Swiftian Suggestion for Solving the Religious Freedom Problems 23
Michael J. Broyde and David Zeligman
The Value of Sacred Places 48
Jonathan Seglow
Shared Sacred Sites: Reflections on the State and Protection 67
Karen Barkey
Time, Power and Religion: Comparing the Disputes over Temple Mount and the Ayodhya Sacred Sites 95
Jocelyne Cesari
The Western Wall Controversy 124
Gideon Sapir
Volume 9, Nos. 2-3
Reforming Laïcité or Reforming Islam?: Secularism, Islam, and the Regulation of Religion in France 147
Berna Zengin Arslan and Bige Açimuz
Religious Freedom in Contest: Enforcing Religion Through Anti-Conversion Laws in India 178
M. Mohsin Alam Bhat
Utilizing Systems Theory Insights and Reflexive Law to Negotiate the “Collision Between… Un-connecting Worlds” in Family Law 212
Tristan Cummings
Passive Proselytism: The European Court of Human Rights and Religious Garments 244
Christine Carpenter
Civil Liability for Sex Abuse by Muslim Clergy in Spain 270
Nicolás Zambrana-Tévar
Case Comment: Do Indigenous Peoples Have a Right to Limit Religious Proselytism Activities in Their Territories?: A Response from the Case Law of the Colombian Constitutional Court 299
Trilce Gabriela Valdivia Aguilar