Sebastian Luft
professor of philosophy at Marquette University. Visiting positions at the Universities of Graz, Freiburg, Cologne, Paderborn, San Juan (P.R.). Specializes and has published in phenomenology, Neo-Kantianism, and Classical and Contemporary Pragmatism.
Frederick J. Wertz
Duquesne University PhD, is Professor Emeritus at FordhamUniversity. He served as editor of the Journal of Phenomenological Psychology and President of the Society for Humanistic Psychology, Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, Interdisciplinary Coalition of North American Phenomenologists, and Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology. Coauthor of Five Ways of Doing Qualitative Analysis: Phenomenological Psychology, Grounded Theory, Discourse Analysis, Narrative Research, and Intuitive Inquiry (2011), his scholarship has focused on the philosophical foundations and history of psychology, phenomenology, comparative research methodology, qualitative analytic procedures, psychoanalysis, and indigenous psychologies. He has researched topics including perception, abnormality, criminal victimization, spirituality, and psychopathology. Now retired in Michigan, he continues scholarship, teaching, collaborations, mentoring and psychotherapeutic practice while serving on APA’s Council of Representatives and as president-elect of APA’s Division of Quantitative and Qualitative Methods.
James Morley
is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ramapo College of New Jersey where he teaches Psychopathology, Phenomenological Psychology, Existentialism, and Social Theory. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, founding director of the Center for Mindfulness at Ramapo College and is the recent past president of the Interdisciplinary Coalition of North American Phenomenologists (ICNAP). Publications can be found in the following link:
Thomas Nenon
(PhD, University of Freiburg 1983) is Distinguished University Professor of Philosophy at the University of Memphis. Before coming to Memphis, he worked as an editor at the Husserl-Archives and instructor at the University of Freiburg, co-editing Volumes XXV and XXVII of the Husserliana. In addition to his academic work, he also served in leadership roles in academic administration at the University of Memphis. His teaching and areas of extensive research contributions include Husserl, Heidegger, Kant and German Idealism, Hermeneutics, and the philosophy of the social sciences. He has served as review editor for Husserl Studies, as a member of the Executive Committee of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, and President of the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology. His current research interests include Husserl’s theories of personhood and subjectivity and Kant’s and Hegel’s practical philosophy.
Eugene Mario DeRobertis
is a Professor of Psychology at Brookdale College in New Jersey and a Lecturer at Rutgers University-Newark. He received his PhD in psychology from Duquesne University. He has published multiple peer-reviewed works in the areas of phenomenological psychology, existential-humanistic psychology, psychological theory, and developmental psychology with an emphasis on childhood. His publications include Humanizing Child Developmental Theory: A Holistic Approach (2008), The Whole Child: Selected Papers on Existential-Humanistic Child Psychology (2012), The Phenomenology of Learning and Becoming: Enthusiasm, Creativity, and Self-Development (2017) and Profiles of Personality: Integration, Paradox, and the Process of Becoming (Second Edition, 2021).
Philipp Berghofer
is a Post-Doc researcher and lecturer at the Philosophy Department of the University of Graz, Austria, and a visiting fellow at the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh, USA (Spring Term 2023). His research focus centers around epistemology, phenomenology, and philosophy of physics. He received his PhD at the University of Graz in June 2019. In addition to his PhD in philosophy, he also has a Bachelor’s degree in physics. He is the President of the Austrian Society for Phenomenology and the Book Review Editor of Husserl Studies. Philipp Berghofer is the author of The Justificatory Force of Experiences (2022), co-author of Gauge Symmetries, Symmetry Breaking, and Gauge-Invariant Approaches (forthcoming), and the co-editor of Phenomenological Approaches to Physics (2020) and Phenomenology and QBism (forthcoming).