Old World publishes contributions in all the humanities which deal with different aspects of the African and Eurasian past. It aims to enrich the academic discourse by promoting high-quality research that moves beyond the conventional Eurocentric paradigms. To achieve this goal, Old World particularly endorses two methodological approaches. On the one hand, the journal is interested in contributions that examine Africa and Eurasia as a networked space, prioritizing connections and exchange over the geographically constrained studies related to political and cultural 'centres' in the past or present. On the other, the journal encourages authors to creatively incorporate into their research elements of ontological frameworks and insightful concepts from the cultures of their study.
Old World's emphasis on the study of premodern Africa and Eurasia as a networked space takes methodological inspiration from the Global History approach, which views the world in the past as an inter-connected area, without imposing on it the perspective of Western Europe or other hegemonistic areas. The editors of Old World believe that the insights of Global History apply to a broader range of disciplines, and they encourage authors to focus on the connections and exchange in their studies of such fields as Art History, Philosophy, Archaeology, Linguistics, and Literature. By encouraging the creative use of premodern ontological systems, Old World aims to overcome some of the constraints related to the imposition of the Eurocentric discourse on the study of historical societies. The ontological and terminological systems employed in premodern sources may reflect a more adequate way of explaining the realities of the time than what can be achieved using the conventional academic vocabulary. Therefore, Old World welcomes contributions that thoroughly examine and explain useful concepts from premodern cultures and adopt them as an analytical tool, and not merely as an object of study. Such concepts can be used to elucidate the societies where they had been conceived, as well as to explain realities of other regions and historical periods.
- OW is an Open Access journal, fully-funded by the Research Centre For History and Culture (RCHC).
- OW is only published in a digital format.
- Submissions by both eminent and young scholars are welcome.
- Authors are encouraged to write concisely. Ideally, submitted articles should be below 10,000 words without bibliography. Except special cases, such as review articles covering a broad range of primary and secondary sources, articles should not exceed 12,000 words.
- Submissions may regard any aspects of the Old World: linguistics, history, archeology, art and architecture, philology, literature, philosophy, religion, economy, sociology, anthropology, etc.
- Submissions may regard any civilizations of Africa, Asia, and Europe, developed between prehistory and the 15th century AD, that is, the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire.
- OW also takes into consideration studies of oral literature, such as proverbs and folklore, as well as field work on endangered languages, which represent the legacy of ancient traditions verbally transmitted from generation to generation.
- Scholarly reviews are welcome as well.
- Special issues may be considered for publication.
- Articles must present original work and must have been submitted exclusively to OW.
Peer Review Policy: Old World is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. Each article published has been reviewed anonymously by at least two external reviewers. This includes articles published in special issues.
The journal is published continuously. Once an article has been approved for publication by the editors, it is published immediately.
CHEN Zhi, Research Centre for History and Culture, Beijing Normal University & UIC, Zhuhai, China
Associate Editors:
Yegor Grebnev, Research Centre for History and Culture, Beijing Normal University & UIC, Zhuhai, China
Carlotta Viti, University of Lorraine, Nancy, France
WANG Xiang (Shawn Wang), Research Centre for History and Culture, Beijing Normal University & UIC, Zhuhai, China
Editorial Board:
Samuel Chen, Mesopotamian Studies, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, China
Julien Cooper, Egyptology, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Julien Dufour, Comparative Semitics, École normale supérieure - PSL, Paris, France
Jost Gippert, Caucasian languages and cultures, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, Germany
Monica Hanna, Egyptology, Arab Academy of Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport, Aswan, Egypt
Bernd Heine, African languages, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Dirk Meyer, Chinese Studies, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Yuri Pines, Chinese Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Hidemi Takahashi, Middle Asian History, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan
Xiaolin Wang, Sino-Japanese relations, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Eva Wilden, Tamil studies, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Advisory Board:
Wolfgang Behr, University of Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland
Bernhard Fuehrer, SOAS, University of London, London, UK
Tze-ki HON, Research Centre for History and Culture, Beijing Normal University & UIC, Zhuhai, China
Ekkehard König, Prof. em., Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Yuet Keung Lo, National University of Singapore, Queenstown, Singapore
Rosemarie Lühr, Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Daniel Petit, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, France
Georges-Jean Pinault, Sorbonne University, Paris, France
Paolo Poccetti, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
Thomas Schneider, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada & Research Centre for History and Culture, Beijing Normal University & UIC, Zhuhai, China
Edward L. Shaughnessy, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Hans van Ess, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Munich, Germany
BNU/UIC academic staff involved in the publication of OW:
CHEN Zhan, Research Centre for History and Culture, Beijing Normal University & UIC, Zhuhai, China
Online submission: Articles for publication in Old World: Journal of Ancient Africa and Eurasia can be submitted online through Editorial Manager. To submit an article, click here.
For more details on online submission, please visit our EM Support page.
Download Author Instructions (PDF)
The journal is published continuously. Once an article has been approved for publication by the editors, it is published immediately.
This is a Diamond Open Access journal. Articles are published in Open Access at no cost to the author.
Prof. CHEN Zhi, (Ph.D. 1999 in Chinese Studies, University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA), is Chair Professor of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the Hong Kong Baptist University, Director of the Jao Tsung - I Academy of Sinology, and Vice President (Academic) of Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College. His research interests lie in the areas of Shijing studies, bronze inscriptions, ancient history, and intellectual history. His publications include The Legacy of the Odes, Documents, Ritual Music, Interviews with Yu Ying-shih, Papers on Interdisciplinary Study of the Book of Odes, The Shaping of the Book of Songs: From Ritualization to Secularization, etc. He also has had dozens of papers in Chinese and English published in renowned academic journals in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and overseas. Prof. Chen is the Editor of the Early China Book Series, Chief Editor of the Bulletin of the Jao Tsung - I Academy of Sinology, and Associate Editor of Journal of Early Chinese Philosophers.
Prof. Carlotta Viti, (Ph.D. 2003 in Linguistics at the University of Pisa, Italy) is Full Professor at the Research Center for History and Culture of Beijing Normal University, China. Previously, she had research and teaching appointments in several Universities of Europe and Asia. Her main research interests include general linguistics, historical linguistics, Indo-European linguistics, comparative syntax and syntactic theory, comparative semantics and semantic theory, pragmatics, information structure, discourse analysis and corpus linguistics, linguistic contact and multilingualism, translation studies, philosophy of language, linguistic theories, linguistic typology. She is the author of three monographs (Strategies of subordination in Vedic, 2007; Variation und Wandel in der Syntax der alten indogermanischen Sprachen, 2015; Termes de couleur dans les anciennes langues indo-européennes. Une étude de sémantique comparative, forthcoming) as well as numerous articles in these subject areas.
Prof. WANG Xiang (Shawn Wang) (Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Stanford University) is Full Professor in the General Education Office of Beijing Normal University—Hong Kong Baptist University United International College. He is currently teaching interregional and multidisciplinary courses on Buddhology and world religions, which regularly cover many diverse cultures of the "One Belt One Road" countries. In addition to Asian Studies, his other interests include spiritual classics, comparative mysticism and thanatology. He has single-authored a monograph on Ximing Monastery and translated a book by the British historian Eric Hobsbawn. He also published numerous journal articles, book chapters, papers in proceedings, book reviews as well as government research reports and newspaper articles for both academic professionals and the reading public.
Online submission: Articles for publication in Old World: Journal of Ancient Africa and Eurasia can be submitted online through Editorial Manager. To submit an article, click here.
For more details on online submission, please visit our EM Support page.
Download Author Instructions (PDF)
The journal is published continuously. Once an article has been approved for publication by the editors, it is published immediately.
This is a Diamond Open Access journal. Articles are published in Open Access at no cost to the author.
CHEN Zhi, Research Centre for History and Culture, Beijing Normal University & UIC, Zhuhai, China
Associate Editors:
Yegor Grebnev, Research Centre for History and Culture, Beijing Normal University & UIC, Zhuhai, China
Carlotta Viti, University of Lorraine, Nancy, France
WANG Xiang (Shawn Wang), Research Centre for History and Culture, Beijing Normal University & UIC, Zhuhai, China
Editorial Board:
Samuel Chen, Mesopotamian Studies, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, China
Julien Cooper, Egyptology, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Julien Dufour, Comparative Semitics, École normale supérieure - PSL, Paris, France
Jost Gippert, Caucasian languages and cultures, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, Germany
Monica Hanna, Egyptology, Arab Academy of Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport, Aswan, Egypt
Bernd Heine, African languages, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Dirk Meyer, Chinese Studies, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Yuri Pines, Chinese Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Hidemi Takahashi, Middle Asian History, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan
Xiaolin Wang, Sino-Japanese relations, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Eva Wilden, Tamil studies, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Advisory Board:
Wolfgang Behr, University of Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland
Bernhard Fuehrer, SOAS, University of London, London, UK
Tze-ki HON, Research Centre for History and Culture, Beijing Normal University & UIC, Zhuhai, China
Ekkehard König, Prof. em., Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Yuet Keung Lo, National University of Singapore, Queenstown, Singapore
Rosemarie Lühr, Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Daniel Petit, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, France
Georges-Jean Pinault, Sorbonne University, Paris, France
Paolo Poccetti, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
Thomas Schneider, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada & Research Centre for History and Culture, Beijing Normal University & UIC, Zhuhai, China
Edward L. Shaughnessy, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Hans van Ess, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Munich, Germany
BNU/UIC academic staff involved in the publication of OW:
CHEN Zhan, Research Centre for History and Culture, Beijing Normal University & UIC, Zhuhai, China
Prof. CHEN Zhi, (Ph.D. 1999 in Chinese Studies, University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA), is Chair Professor of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the Hong Kong Baptist University, Director of the Jao Tsung - I Academy of Sinology, and Vice President (Academic) of Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College. His research interests lie in the areas of Shijing studies, bronze inscriptions, ancient history, and intellectual history. His publications include The Legacy of the Odes, Documents, Ritual Music, Interviews with Yu Ying-shih, Papers on Interdisciplinary Study of the Book of Odes, The Shaping of the Book of Songs: From Ritualization to Secularization, etc. He also has had dozens of papers in Chinese and English published in renowned academic journals in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and overseas. Prof. Chen is the Editor of the Early China Book Series, Chief Editor of the Bulletin of the Jao Tsung - I Academy of Sinology, and Associate Editor of Journal of Early Chinese Philosophers.
Prof. Carlotta Viti, (Ph.D. 2003 in Linguistics at the University of Pisa, Italy) is Full Professor at the Research Center for History and Culture of Beijing Normal University, China. Previously, she had research and teaching appointments in several Universities of Europe and Asia. Her main research interests include general linguistics, historical linguistics, Indo-European linguistics, comparative syntax and syntactic theory, comparative semantics and semantic theory, pragmatics, information structure, discourse analysis and corpus linguistics, linguistic contact and multilingualism, translation studies, philosophy of language, linguistic theories, linguistic typology. She is the author of three monographs (Strategies of subordination in Vedic, 2007; Variation und Wandel in der Syntax der alten indogermanischen Sprachen, 2015; Termes de couleur dans les anciennes langues indo-européennes. Une étude de sémantique comparative, forthcoming) as well as numerous articles in these subject areas.
Prof. WANG Xiang (Shawn Wang) (Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Stanford University) is Full Professor in the General Education Office of Beijing Normal University—Hong Kong Baptist University United International College. He is currently teaching interregional and multidisciplinary courses on Buddhology and world religions, which regularly cover many diverse cultures of the "One Belt One Road" countries. In addition to Asian Studies, his other interests include spiritual classics, comparative mysticism and thanatology. He has single-authored a monograph on Ximing Monastery and translated a book by the British historian Eric Hobsbawn. He also published numerous journal articles, book chapters, papers in proceedings, book reviews as well as government research reports and newspaper articles for both academic professionals and the reading public.
Old World publishes contributions in all the humanities which deal with different aspects of the African and Eurasian past. It aims to enrich the academic discourse by promoting high-quality research that moves beyond the conventional Eurocentric paradigms. To achieve this goal, Old World particularly endorses two methodological approaches. On the one hand, the journal is interested in contributions that examine Africa and Eurasia as a networked space, prioritizing connections and exchange over the geographically constrained studies related to political and cultural 'centres' in the past or present. On the other, the journal encourages authors to creatively incorporate into their research elements of ontological frameworks and insightful concepts from the cultures of their study.
Old World's emphasis on the study of premodern Africa and Eurasia as a networked space takes methodological inspiration from the Global History approach, which views the world in the past as an inter-connected area, without imposing on it the perspective of Western Europe or other hegemonistic areas. The editors of Old World believe that the insights of Global History apply to a broader range of disciplines, and they encourage authors to focus on the connections and exchange in their studies of such fields as Art History, Philosophy, Archaeology, Linguistics, and Literature. By encouraging the creative use of premodern ontological systems, Old World aims to overcome some of the constraints related to the imposition of the Eurocentric discourse on the study of historical societies. The ontological and terminological systems employed in premodern sources may reflect a more adequate way of explaining the realities of the time than what can be achieved using the conventional academic vocabulary. Therefore, Old World welcomes contributions that thoroughly examine and explain useful concepts from premodern cultures and adopt them as an analytical tool, and not merely as an object of study. Such concepts can be used to elucidate the societies where they had been conceived, as well as to explain realities of other regions and historical periods.
- OW is an Open Access journal, fully-funded by the Research Centre For History and Culture (RCHC).
- OW is only published in a digital format.
- Submissions by both eminent and young scholars are welcome.
- Authors are encouraged to write concisely. Ideally, submitted articles should be below 10,000 words without bibliography. Except special cases, such as review articles covering a broad range of primary and secondary sources, articles should not exceed 12,000 words.
- Submissions may regard any aspects of the Old World: linguistics, history, archeology, art and architecture, philology, literature, philosophy, religion, economy, sociology, anthropology, etc.
- Submissions may regard any civilizations of Africa, Asia, and Europe, developed between prehistory and the 15th century AD, that is, the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire.
- OW also takes into consideration studies of oral literature, such as proverbs and folklore, as well as field work on endangered languages, which represent the legacy of ancient traditions verbally transmitted from generation to generation.
- Scholarly reviews are welcome as well.
- Special issues may be considered for publication.
- Articles must present original work and must have been submitted exclusively to OW.
Peer Review Policy: Old World is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. Each article published has been reviewed anonymously by at least two external reviewers. This includes articles published in special issues.
The journal is published continuously. Once an article has been approved for publication by the editors, it is published immediately.