This dataset presents longitudinal data collected through four surveys (in six-monthly intervals) of fresh university and polytechnic graduates in Nigeria. The data were collected from 21,940 unique young men and women who underwent National Youth Service Corps (nysc) programme across ten states in Nigeria. The nysc programme is a compulsory one-year national service that all Nigerians under the age of 30 years must undergo after graduation. A key component of the one-year service is the Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development (saed) programme of the nysc. The dataset is useful for many purposes. It contains enough information to fully profile the entrepreneurship and apprenticeship characteristics of the fresh graduates. Moreover, it can be used to quantify the potential pool of future entrepreneurs among highly educated Nigerian youth. The dataset was originally used to assess the impact of saed, being an apprenticeship-based entrepreneurship intervention, on entrepreneurial outcomes among young persons. However, its use may also extend to an assessment of the impact of compulsory entrepreneurship training in the Nigerian university system that produced most of the respondents.
- –Related data set “Pooled Longitudinal Dataset on the Assessment of an Apprenticeship-based Entrepreneurship Intervention in Nigeria” with doi www.doi.org/10.17632/x7v3gd2wm3.2 in repository “Mendeley”
1. Introduction: Background and Context of the Research
- –Pooled Longitudinal Dataset on the Assessment of an Apprenticeship-based Entrepreneurship Intervention in Nigeria deposited at Mendeley – doi:www.doi.org/10.17632/x7v3gd2wm3.2
- –Temporal coverage: November 2020-April 2022
The dataset is from a longitudinal study comprising four surveys – a baseline, two follow-up surveys and an endline – collected from university and polytechnic graduates who were undergoing the one-year compulsory national service across ten selected states in Nigeria. Universities and polytechnics are higher education institutions (hei s) in the Nigerian education system. The polytechnics award a higher national diploma, which is considered a technical education certification equivalent to the Bachelor’s degree awarded by the universities. Graduates of both institutions are mobilized for the one-year national youth service. As of the time of writing this manuscript, there are a total of 221 universities and 173 polytechnics in Nigeria, according to the National Universities Commission (nuc)1 and the National Board for Technical Education (nbte),2 respectively, which are their regulating agencies. These hei s are either federal, state government-owned or private-owned. Many of the universities offer generalized courses while some specialize in specific areas such as agriculture, maritime studies, aviation, technology and health-based courses (Egbetokun et al., 2020).
The surveys were designed for a longitudinal study to assess the impact of the Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development (saed) programme of the nysc, which is the largest apprenticeship-based entrepreneurship intervention for young people in Nigeria, and arguably in Africa. The saed programme introduces apprenticeship-based entrepreneurship training in several skill sectors to Corps members. The study was based on the premise in management literature that educated entrepreneurs tend to be better managers who nurture high-growth firms and expand modern businesses, and that apprenticeship is an effective means of increasing the pool of potential entrepreneurs (Gennaioli et al., 2013; La Porta & Shleifer, 2014; Onakala & Banwo, 2015).
The surveys were collected at roughly 6-monthly intervals across the ten selected states, including a baseline survey in November 2020 when the respondents were newly mobilized for their service and were having the Orientation programme on the camps, two follow-up surveys respectively in April and October 2021, and an endline survey in April 2022 after the respondents had exited the nysc scheme for about six months.
2. Value of the Data
The dataset is useful for quantifying the pool of potential educated entrepreneurs in Nigeria and for understanding the correlates of their motivation and interest. The dataset is, to the best of our knowledge, the largest on the subject of entrepreneurship among young educated Nigerians. The baseline survey data fills a critical research gap in understanding and assessing the impacts of the introduction of compulsory entrepreneurship courses in the Nigerian university system that produced most of the respondents (see Olofinyehun et al., 2018).
The data was originally used to assess the design, delivery and impacts of the saed programme of the nysc on entrepreneurial outcomes which is by far the largest apprenticeship-based entrepreneurship development programme for young people in Africa, and which by the start of the surveys had run for a decade; but it can also be applied to evaluating the impact of policies that are relevant to the target population between November 2020 and April 2022.
Governments and donors can especially find the data useful in designing responsive strategies and programmes to support apprenticeship and entrepreneurship development among educated young people in developing countries. Nigeria is a typical developing country in terms of its size and economy; lessons about Nigeria can be revealing and instructive for the rest of the developing world. Researchers in the field of entrepreneurship and development studies can use the data for comparative analyses to compare with other countries, implement further impact evaluation research and support systematic reviews in the future.
3. Methods
3.1. Context
Nigeria is divided into 36 sub-national administrative units called states, in addition to the Federal Capital Territory (fct). These are grouped into 6 geopolitical zones as shown in Figure 1 – North-East, North-Central, North-West, South-East, South-South and South-West. The nysc, with the national directorate headquarters in the fct and operations in every state, handles the mobilization of all eligible Nigerian graduates for the scheme. Eligible university and polytechnic graduates are deployed annually for a one-year service to any of the states other than their state of origin. The assignment of graduates is completely random. The nysc programme commences with a three-week Orientation Programme, which takes place at the orientation camps across all the states and the fct.
The saed programme has two components. The first and near-compulsory one is the on-camp introduction of apprenticeship training skills to the Corps members. This happens during the 3-week Orientation camp programme, and it is designed to motivate the Corps members to decide on which skill set they will follow for the rest of the service year. The post-camp component follows after the camp when Corps members decide whether or not they will continue to learn as an apprentice under a master, who is in most cases an accomplished entrepreneur or craftsperson.
3.2. Sampling
The surveys took place in ten states covering the Batch B 2020 Corps members who underwent the service between November 2020 and October 2021. Because the distribution of graduates into states where they will serve is completely random, the cohort of Corps members is practically homogenous across all states, even though total numbers may differ between states due to the differences in the capacity of available facilities in each state. To effectively reflect the national spread of the Corps members, the survey covered 2 randomly selected states in each of the 5 zones, the North-East deliberately exempted due to the insecurity there. Thus, we drew our sample from about a third of all the eligible states in Nigeria. In each of the selected states, a survey of all Corps members was targeted at baseline, yielding a total of 9,304 respondents covered at baseline. At the first midline survey, the number increased to 16,420. This was because at the time of the first midline survey, new Corps members who were not covered at baseline had been redeployed into the covered states after they had had their orientation program elsewhere. Many of those covered at baseline had also been redeployed to other states and were therefore lost. Response rates were drastically low in the second midline and endline surveys. This was because the last two surveys were administered online and focused on an experimental sample of less than 2000. Moreover, the respondents had passed out of the nysc programme by the time of the endline survey and were much more difficult to reach. Table 1 shows the number of respondents covered in each of the four surveys.
According to nuc Statistical Digest 2019 (the latest available), there were a total of 267,229 university graduates,3 comprising 150,731 (56%) males and 116,498 (44%) females. As indicated above, our data mirrors the national distribution of the Corps members but it is not perfectly representative of the distribution of Nigerian graduates along demographic dimensions (except sex) at the time of the study. This is because the number of Corps members undergoing the national youth service is itself not perfectly representative of the total or stock of university and polytechnic graduates in the system at any given time. Several factors account for this. One, all institutions in the Nigerian higher education system do not operate a uniform calendar, so the graduation period differs across institutions, and many graduates wait for months and years before being mobilized for the national service. This is particularly the case for our sample, which was drawn from the first set of graduates to commence nysc after the Covid-19 lockdown. Two, though the national service is compulsory, graduates may choose to defer their service for health, marital or academic reasons (some programs allow graduates to complete their Master’s degree before going for nysc); and those who defer will end up being later mobilized with a different graduation cohort. Three, those who graduate after age 30 are exempted from the national youth service. Four, many graduates, more common these days than before, travel abroad immediately after graduation to return much later for the nysc, and some never return.
3.3. The Instrument
Questionnaires differed across surveys, some questions cutting across a number of or all the surveys while some questions were particular to certain surveys. The baseline was the largest as it was meant to fully profile the respondents before the saed intervention. The midline surveys were particularly devoted to eliciting information from the respondents regarding their experience and assessment of the on-camp and post-camp components of the saed programme. The endline survey was particularly focused on capturing the effects that saed may have had on the ex-Corps members in terms of entrepreneurial interest, self-employment, securing decent employment and employment creation. Table A1 in the Appendix presents all the variables and shows in which survey(s) they were covered.
The questionnaires – which were hand-delivered to all the Corps members at baseline and first midline surveys, and administered online for the second midline and endline surveys – consist of closed-ended and Likert-scale questions, as well as open-ended questions that sought to elicit deeper insights from the respondents. Copies of the questionnaires for all the surveys are included in the repository where the datasets are deposited. Overall, the questionnaires covered various sections, as follows:
- (i)Personal information (biodata)
- (ii)Educational information
- (iii)Family background
- (iv)Entrepreneurship/business experience
- (v)Entrepreneurial attitude
- (vi)Apprenticeship
- (vii)Entrepreneurship education
- (viii)Personal entrepreneurship characteristics (pecs)
- (ix)Family and societal influence on entrepreneurship development
- (x)Contact information
- (xi)Participation and assessment of the saed programme, on-camp and post-camp
- (xii)Post-nysc entrepreneurial outcomes
3.4. Data Processing
Data entry of the raw data was done with Statistical Package for Social Scientists (spss) package version 20, and processed with Stata version 13.
4. Data Description
Structured questionnaires were used to collect information from the respondents. The questionnaires included both close-ended and Likert-scale questions with some open-ended questions that sought to elicit detailed explanations, as necessary. The questionnaire is provided as a supplementary file. The surveys were self-administered physically or online. For the first two surveys, questionnaires were hand-delivered to the respondents following an introductory address on the research project by a member of the research team or a trained enumerator. The last two surveys were administered online via Google Forms4 or Kobo Collect,5 respectively. The dataset is provided in a public repository.
4.1. Profile of Respondents
The profile of the 9,304 respondents covered at baseline is presented in Table 2. Most (83.35%) of the respondents were under the age of 30. This is as expected; because only those who have graduated before age 30 are mobilized for the nysc scheme, while those who are above age 30 at graduation are given exemption certificates. The less than 2% who are age 30 and above likely represent those who, after graduation, must undertake internship/housemanship for another year before proceeding on national service. Additionally, there is sometimes a time lag between graduation and the commencement of the national service, depending on the exact time of graduation in relation to the nysc calendar, which may also explain why only about 10% of the respondents have graduated within a year of the time of the survey. There was a higher percentage of males than females. The graduates are mostly single. In terms of ethnic origin, the three major tribes – Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba – are well represented; and all additional tribes (including, for instance, Efik, Tiv, Ijaw, etc.) are bundled under the ‘Others’ category. Most of the respondents held a university bachelor’s degree, while a little above a quarter of them had the Higher National Diploma (hnd) from polytechnics; and a few have post-graduate qualifications. The disciplinary backgrounds of the respondents spread across sciences, engineering, arts and education courses.
5. Conclusion
We have presented and described a longitudinal dataset originally collected to assess the effectiveness of an entrepreneurship initiative among a cohort of Nigerian university and polytechnic graduates. We hope that policymakers and development actors will find the dataset useful for guiding policy and practice, and researchers for further research in the youth entrepreneurship landscape in Nigeria and Africa.
cds | Community Development Service |
fct | Federal Capital Territory |
hei | Higher Education Institution |
hnd | Higher National Diploma |
idrc | International Development Research Centre |
nacetem | National Centre for Technology Management |
nbte | National Board for Technical Education |
nuc | National Universities Commission |
nysc | National Youth Service Corps |
pecs | Personal Entrepreneurship Characteristics |
saed | Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development |
spss | Statistical Package for Social Scientists |
Autor Contributions
Adedayo Olofinyehun: conceptualization, data curation, investigation, methodology, roles/writing – original draft, writing – review & editing; Jumoke Adeyeye: funding acquisition, investigation, resources, writing – review & editing; Abiodun Egbetokun: conceptualization, investigation, funding acquisition, methodology, data curation, writing – review & editing; Michael Olomu: investigation, writing – review & editing; Jessica Oluwadare: investigation; writing – review & editing; Maruf Sanni: investigation; writing review and editing; and Monica Orisadare: investigation; writing – review & editing.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships, which have or could be perceived to have influenced the work reported in this article. The data collection was part of an impact evaluation study supported by the International Development Research Centre (idrc), Canada under its Sustainable Inclusive Economies Employment and Growth program [idrc Project No. 109118-001]. The National Youth Service Corps (nysc) Directorate Headquarters, Abuja, Nigeria and the nysc officials across the selected states where data collection took place were exceptionally supportive during the surveys. The authors are grateful to them.
Ethical Approval
In implementing the surveys, informed consent was a key ethical issue that was considered. Official approval to conduct the survey among Corps members was obtained from the nysc Directorate Headquarters in Abuja. Every participant gave their consent before the questionnaires were administered. Essentially, they were fully informed about what the study was about and what participation in the study would entail. In addition, every questionnaire was prefaced with information that explained the purpose of the study and the role of the implementing agencies.
Egbetokun, A., Olofinyehun, A., Ayo-Lawal, A., Oluwatope, O., Sanni, M., & Yusuff, U. (2020). Doing research in Nigeria: Country report. New Delhi: National Centre for Technology Management, Ile-Ife & The Global Development Network. www.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.35488.71686.
Gennaioli, N., La Porta, R., Lopez-de-Silanes, F., & Shleifer, A. (2013) Human capital and regional development. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 128(1), 105–164.
La Porta, R., & Shleifer, R. (2014). Informality and development. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 28(3), 109–126.
National Universities Commission (nuc). Nigerian University System Statistical Digest 2019. Retrieved June 10, 2023, from www.nuc.edu.ng/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/2019-NIGERIAN-UNIVERSITY-SYSTEM-STATISTICAL-DIGEST-CONDENSED-VERSION-FINAL-2_compressed.pdf.
Olofinyehun, A. O., Adelowo, C. M., & Egbetokun, A. A. (2018). The supply of high-quality entrepreneurs in developing countries: evidence from Nigeria. Science and Public Policy, 45(2), 269–282. www.doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scx065.
Olofinyehun, A. O., & Egbetokun, A. (2023). Pooled longitudinal dataset on the assessment of an apprenticeship-based entrepreneurship intervention in Nigeria. Mendeley Data, V2, https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/x7v3gd2wm3/2 & DOI:10.17632/x7v3gd2wm3.2
Onakala, U., & Banwo, A. (2015). Informal sector in Nigeria through the lens of apprenticeship, education and unemployment. American Advanced Research in Management, 1(1), 13–22.
www.nuc.edu.ng (Accessed on May 19, 2023).
https://net.nbte.gov.ng (Accessed on May 19, 2023).
Recent data were not available for polytechnic graduates.
Variables across the four surveys
s/n | Variable | Label (in most cases, as in the questionnaire) | Surveys | |||
Baseline | Midline1 | Midline2 | Endline | |||
1. | survey | In which survey? | This variable was not collected as part of the survey but was added to indicate the survey in which each observation was present. This is important because the dataset is an unbalanced panel. | |||
2. | id | Unique observation identifier | The ID remains the same for an observation irrespective of the survey. In other words, an observation with ID of xx in baseline remains as xx in any other survey where it appears. | |||
3. | sex | Sex | √ | √ | √ | √ |
4. | maritalstatus | Marital status | √ | √ | √ | √ |
5. | state | nysc State | √ | √ | √ | √ |
6. | B_age | Age at last birthday (Years) | √ | |||
7. | B_ethnicorigin_raw | Ethnic origin | √ | |||
8. | B_ethnicorigin_others | Others, please specify | √ | |||
9. | B_ethnicorigin_new | Ethnic origin_recategorized | √ | |||
10. | B_highestqual | Highest Qualification | √ | |||
11. | B_school | Which type of institution did you graduate from? | √ | |||
12. | B_course | Course of study | √ | |||
13. | B_course_new | Discipline | √ | |||
14. | B_yearofgrad | Year of graduation | √ | |||
15. | B_classofdegree | Class of degree | √ | |||
16. | B_fatherqual | Father’s highest level of education | √ | |||
17. | B_motherqual | Mother’s highest level of education | √ | |||
18. | B_parentbus | Has any of your parents initiated or run at least one business before? | √ | |||
19. | B_parentbus_typei | What kind of business parents run_Agroallied | √ | |||
20. | B_parentbus_typeii | What kind of business parents run_Automobile | √ | |||
21. | B_parentbus_typeiii | What kind of business parents run_Construction | √ | |||
22. | B_parentbus_typeiv | What kind of business parents run_Cosmetology | √ | |||
23. | B_parentbus_typev | What kind of business parents run_Culture & Tourism | √ | |||
24. | B_parentbus_typevi | What kind of business parents run_Environment | √ | |||
25. | B_parentbus_typevii | What kind of business parents run_Education | √ | |||
26. | B_parentbus_typeviii | What kind of business parents run_ICT | √ | |||
27. | B_parentbus_typeix | What kind of business parents run_Food processing & preservation | √ | |||
28. | B_parentbus_typex | What kind of business parents run_Horticulture & Landscaping | √ | |||
29. | B_parentbus_typexi | What kind of business parents run_Film & Photography | √ | |||
30. | B_parentbus_typexii | What kind of business parents run_Power & Energy | √ | |||
31. | B_parentbus_typexiii | What kind of business parents run_Others | √ | |||
32. | B_parentbus_typexiii_1 | Others (specify) | √ | |||
33. | B_parentbus_ongoingi | Is the business(es) currently in operation_Agro-allied | √ | |||
34. | B_parentbus_ongoingii | Is the business(es) currently in operation_Automobile | √ | |||
35. | B_parentbus_ongoingiii | Is the business(es) currently in operation_Construction | √ | |||
36. | B_parentbus_ongoingiv | Is the business(es) currently in operation_Cosmetology | √ | |||
37. | B_parentbus_ongoingv | Is the business(es) currently in operation_Culture and Tourism | √ | |||
38. | B_parentbus_ongoingvi | Is the business(es) currently in operation_Environment | √ | |||
39. | B_parentbus_ongoingvii | Is the business(es) currently in operation_Education | √ | |||
40. | B_parentbus_ongoingviii | Is the business(es) currently in operation_ICT | √ | |||
41. | B_parentbus_ongoingix | Is the business(es) currently in operation_Food processing & Preservation | √ | |||
42. | B_parentbus_ongoingx | Is the business(es) currently in operation_Horticulture & Landscaping | √ | |||
43. | B_parentbus_ongoingxi | Is the business(es) currently in operation_Film & Photography | √ | |||
44. | B_parentbus_ongoingxii | Is the business(es) currently in operation_Power & Energy | √ | |||
45. | B_parentbus_ongoingxiii | Is the business(es) currently in operation_Others | √ | |||
46. | B_parentbus_ongoingxiii_1 | Others (specify) | √ | |||
47. | B_ownbus | Have you ever owned a business? | √ | |||
48. | B_ownbus_typei | What kind of business have you owned_Agro-allied | √ | |||
49. | B_ownbus_typeii | What kind of business have you owned_Automobile | √ | |||
50. | B_ownbus_typeiii | What kind of business have you owned_Construction | √ | |||
51. | B_ownbus_typeiv | What kind of business have you owned_Cosmetology | √ | |||
52. | B_ownbus_typev | What kind of business have you owned_Culture and Tourism | √ | |||
53. | B_ownbus_typevi | What kind of business have you owned_Environment | √ | |||
54. | B_ownbus_typevii | What kind of business have you owned_Education | √ | |||
55. | B_ownbus_typeviii | What kind of business have you owned_ICT | √ | |||
56. | B_ownbus_typeix | What kind of business have you owned_Food processing & preservation | √ | |||
57. | B_ownbus_typex | What kind of business have you owned_Horticulture & Landscaping | √ | |||
58. | B_ownbus_typexi | What kind of business have you owned_Film & Photography | √ | |||
59. | B_ownbus_typexii | What kind of business have you owned_Power & Energy | √ | |||
60. | B_ownbus_typexiii | What kind of business have you owned_Others | √ | |||
61. | B_ownbus_typexiii_1 | Others (specify) | √ | |||
62. | B_ownbus_ongoing_aggregated | Is the business currently in operation_Aggregated | √ | |||
63. | B_ownbus_ongoing_typei | Is the business currently in operation_Agro-allied | √ | |||
64. | B_ownbus_ongoing_typeii | Is the business currently in operation_Automobile | √ | |||
65. | B_ownbus_ongoing_typeiii | Is the business currently in operation_Construction | √ | |||
66. | B_ownbus_ongoing_typeiv | Is the business currently in operation_Cosmetology | √ | |||
67. | B_ownbus_ongoing_typev | Is the business currently in operation_Culture and Tourism | √ | |||
68. | B_ownbus_ongoing_typevi | Is the business currently in operation_Environment | √ | |||
69. | B_ownbus_ongoing_typevii | Is the business currently in operation_Education | √ | |||
70. | B_ownbus_ongoing_typeviii | Is the business currently in operation_ICT | √ | |||
71. | B_ownbus_ongoing_typeix | Is the business currently in operation_Food processing & preservation | √ | |||
72. | B_ownbus_ongoing_typex | Is the business currently in operation_Horticulture & Landscaping | √ | |||
73. | B_ownbus_ongoing_typexi | Is the business currently in operation_Film & Photography | √ | |||
74. | B_ownbus_ongoing_typexii | Is the business currently in operation_Power & Energy | √ | |||
75. | B_ownbus_ongoing_typexiii | Is the business currently in operation_Others | √ | |||
76. | B_ownbus_ongoing_typexiii_1 | Others (specify) | √ | |||
77. | B_ownbus_years | If yes to Q15, how long have you owned the business (in years)?_winsorized | √ | |||
78. | B_ownbus_inv | What is your level of involvement in the business? | √ | |||
79. | B_ownbus_motiv1 | who or what motivated your involvement in the business_Parents | √ | |||
80. | B_ownbus_motiv2 | who or what motivated your involvement in the business_Siblings/Relatives | √ | |||
81. | B_ownbus_motiv3 | who or what motivated your involvement in the business_Personal interest | √ | |||
82. | B_ownbus_motiv4 | who or what motivated your involvement in the business_Circumstances | √ | |||
83. | B_ownbus_motiv5 | who or what motivated your involvement in the business_Peers | √ | |||
84. | B_ownbus_motiv6 | who or what motivated your involvement in the business_Desire to make (more) money | √ | |||
85. | B_ownbus_motiv7 | who or what motivated your involvement in the business_Others | √ | |||
86. | B_ownbus_motiv7_1 | Others (please specify) | √ | |||
87. | B_mentor | Do you have a mentor that guides you in the business? | √ | |||
88. | B_noownbus_whyi | If you never owned a business before, kindly provide a reason_I feel unable | √ | |||
89. | B_noownbus_whyii | If you never owned a business before, kindly provide a reason_I have no interest | √ | |||
90. | B_noownbus_whyiii | If you never owned a business before, kindly provide a reason_Lack of capital | √ | |||
91. | B_noownbus_whyiv | If you never owned a business before, kindly provide a reason_Business is risky | √ | |||
92. | B_noownbus_whyv | If you never owned a business before, kindly provide a reason_I have flare for something else | √ | |||
93. | B_noownbus_whyvi | If you never owned a business before, kindly provide a reason_Other reasons | √ | |||
94. | B_noownbus_whyvi_1 | Other reasons (please specify) | √ | |||
95. | B_apprent | Have you ever been an apprentice at a business? | √ | |||
96. | B_apprent_typei | What kind of business_Agro-allied | √ | |||
97. | B_apprent_typeii | What kind of business_Automobile | √ | |||
98. | B_apprent_typeiii | What kind of business_Construction | √ | |||
99. | B_apprent_typeiv | What kind of business_Cosmetology | √ | |||
100. | B_apprent_typev | What kind of business_Culture and Tourism | √ | |||
101. | B_apprent_typevi | What kind of business_Environment | √ | |||
102. | B_apprent_typevii | What kind of business_Education | √ | |||
103. | B_apprent_typeviii | What kind of business_ICT | √ | |||
104. | B_apprent_typeix | What kind of business_Food processing and Preservation | √ | |||
105. | B_apprent_typex | What kind of business_Horticulture and Landscaping | √ | |||
106. | B_apprent_typexi | What kind of business_Film and Photography | √ | |||
107. | B_apprent_typexii | What kind of business_Power and Energy | √ | |||
108. | B_apprent_typexiii | What kind of business_Others | √ | |||
109. | B_apprent_typexiii_1 | Others (Specify) | √ | |||
110. | B_learnapprent | If offered the opportunity, would you be willing to learn a business as an apprentice? | √ | |||
111. | B_apprententr | Do you think apprenticeship is useful as a way of increasing entrepreneurship and reducing unemployment among youths? | √ | |||
112. | B_entrcourse | Have you taken any entrepreneurship course before? | √ | |||
113. | B_entrcourse_typei | What was the nature of this course_core course as part of my degree studies | √ | |||
114. | B_entrcourse_typeii | What was the nature of this course_compulsory elective as per nuc/nbte regulation | √ | |||
115. | B_entrcourse_typeiii | What was the nature of this course_optional elective in my school | √ | |||
116. | B_entrcourse_typeiv | What was the nature of this course_one-off course or event that I attended | √ | |||
117. | B_entrcourse_typev | What was the nature of this course_private arrangement that I made on my own | √ | |||
118. | B_entrcourse_typevi | What was the nature of this course_Others | √ | |||
119. | B_entrcourse_typevi_1 | Others, Please specify | √ | |||
120. | PECS1 | I look for things that need to be done | √ | |||
121. | PECS2 | When faced with a difficult problem, I spend a lot of time trying to find a solution | √ | |||
122. | PECS3 | I complete my work on time | √ | |||
123. | PECS4 | It bothers me when things are not going well | √ | |||
124. | PECS5 | I prefer situations in which I can control the outcomes at much as possible | √ | |||
125. | PECS6 | I like to think about the future | √ | |||
126. | PECS7 | When starting a new task or project, I gather a great deal of information before | √ | |||
127. | PECS8 | I plan a large project by breaking it down into smaller tasks. | √ | |||
128. | PECS9 | I get others to support my recommendations | √ | |||
129. | PECS10 | I feel confident that I will succeed at whatever I try to do | √ | |||
130. | PECS11 | No matter who I’m talking to, I’m a good listener | √ | |||
131. | PECS12 | I do things that need to be done before being asked to, by others | √ | |||
132. | PECS13 | I try several times to get people to do what I would like them to do | √ | |||
133. | PECS14 | I keep the promises I make | √ | |||
134. | PECS15 | My own work is better than that of other people I work with | √ | |||
135. | PECS16 | I don’t try something new without making sure I will succeed | √ | |||
136. | PECS17 | It’s a waste of time to worry about what to do with your life | √ | |||
137. | PECS18 | I seek advice of people who know a lot about the tasks I am working on | √ | |||
138. | PECS19 | I think about the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of accomplishing things | √ | |||
139. | PECS20 | I do not spend much time thinking about how to influence others | √ | |||
140. | PECS21 | I change my mind if others disagree strongly with me. | √ | |||
141. | PECS22 | I feel resentful when I don’t get my way | √ | |||
142. | PECS23 | I like challenges and new opportunities | √ | |||
143. | PECS24 | When something gets in the way of what I am trying to do, I keep on trying to accomplish what I want | √ | |||
144. | PECS25 | I am happy to do someone else’s work if necessary to get the job done on time | √ | |||
145. | PECS26 | It bothers me when my time is wasted | √ | |||
146. | PECS27 | In the past I have had failures | √ | |||
147. | PECS28 | I weigh my chances of succeeding or failing before I decide to do something | √ | |||
148. | PECS29 | The more specific I can be about what I want out of life, the more chance I have | √ | |||
149. | PECS30 | I take action without wasting time gathering information | √ | |||
150. | PECS31 | I try to think of all the problems I may encounter and plan what to do if each problem occurs | √ | |||
151. | PECS32 | I get important people to help me accomplish my goals | √ | |||
152. | PECS33 | When trying something difficult or challenging, I feel confident that I will succeed | √ | |||
153. | PECS34 | In the past I have had failures | √ | |||
154. | PECS35 | I prefer activities that I know well and with which I am comfortable | √ | |||
155. | PECS36 | When faced with major difficulties, I quickly go on to other things | √ | |||
156. | PECS37 | When I am doing a job for someone, I make a special effort to make sure the person is happy with my work | √ | |||
157. | PECS38 | I’m never entirely happy with the way in which things are done; I always think t | √ | |||
158. | PECS39 | I do things that are risky | √ | |||
159. | PECS40 | I have a very clear plan for my life | √ | |||
160. | PECS41 | When working on a project for some time, I ask many questions to be sure I understand what the person wants | √ | |||
161. | PECS42 | I deal with problems as they arise rather than spend time trying to anticipate them | √ | |||
162. | PECS43 | In order to reach my goals I think of solutions that benefit everyone involved in a problem | √ | |||
163. | PECS44 | I do very good work | √ | |||
164. | PECS45 | There have been occasions when I took advantage of someone | √ | |||
165. | PECS46 | I try things that are very new and different from what I have done before | √ | |||
166. | PECS47 | I try several ways to overcome things that get in the way of reaching my goals | √ | |||
167. | PECS48 | My family and personal life are more important to me than work deadlines I set for myself | √ | |||
168. | PECS49 | I find ways to complete tasks faster at work and at home | √ | |||
169. | PECS50 | I do things that others consider risky | √ | |||
170. | PECS51 | I am as concerned about meeting my weekly goals as I am for my yearly goals | √ | |||
171. | PECS52 | I go to several different sources to get information to get help with tasks or projects | √ | |||
172. | PECS53 | I am able to get people who have strong opinions or ideas to change their minds | √ | |||
173. | PECS54 | I stick with my decisions even if others disagree strongly with me | √ | |||
174. | PECS55 | When I don’t know something, I don’t mind admitting it | √ | |||
175. | B_entrcontexti | I feel I have skills and knowledge I need to venture into business or entrepreneurship | √ | |||
176. | B_entrcontextii | I feel my family will support me if I decide to go into business rather than seeking a job | √ | |||
177. | B_entrcontextiii | I feel my family roles and responsibilities can have negative influence on my venturing into business | √ | |||
178. | B_entrcontextiv | I feel family roles and duties can reduce the time I dedicate to business and work | √ | |||
179. | B_entrcontextv | I think men can perform better in business than women | √ | |||
180. | B_entrcontextvi | I think women are rarely good business managers | √ | |||
181. | B_entrcontextvii | I think my family and friends will have the final say in my decision to start a business | √ | |||
182. | B_entrcontextviii | I feel my gender identity as a man or woman can affect my chances of accessing credits and loans, if I need one | √ | |||
183. | B_entrcontextix | I feel the conditions for accessing loans and credits in Nigeria are fair to both men and women | √ | |||
184. | B_entrcontextx | I can take loans from formal sources (e.g. banks, microfinance) if I need to start or expand my business | √ | |||
185. | B_entrcontextxi | Decision making on how to use or invest my money is not subjected to influence from my family and friends | √ | |||
186. | B_entrcontextxii | The economic environment for operating businesses in Nigeria is more challenging for women | √ | |||
187. | B_entrcontextxiii | I feel both men and women in Nigeria have equal opportunity of starting a business or securing a job | √ | |||
188. | B_entrcontextxiv | I feel both men and women should have equal access, ownership and control of resources that can help in business start-up | √ | |||
189. | B_entrcontextxv | I think a woman’s sole responsibility is to take care of the children and the husband | √ | |||
190. | B_entrcontextxvi | I think there are some businesses that only men should engage in | √ | |||
191. | B_entrcontextxvii | I think a woman should not be ambitious about work or starting a business | √ | |||
192. | B_entrcontextxviii | I am sure I will get the necessary support and resources from government if I want to start a business | √ | |||
193. | B_entrcontextxix | In Nigeria, the current state of services and facilities (e.g., childcare facilities, maternity leave) | √ | |||
194. | B_entrcontextxx | The current employment and enterprise development strategies in Nigeria (e.g. N-Power programme, YouWIN, Sure-P, etc) are well designed to take care of the needs of men and women | √ | |||
195. | M1_oncampsaed | Did you participate in the nysc’s saed programme during your orientation exercise on the camp? | √ | |||
196. | M1_oncampsaed_typei | What kind of business did you enrol on the camp_Agro-allied | √ | |||
197. | M1_oncampsaed_typeii | What kind of business did you enrol on the camp_Construction | √ | |||
198. | M1_oncampsaed_typeiii | What kind of business did you enrol on the camp_Automobile | √ | |||
199. | M1_oncampsaed_typeiv | What kind of business did you enrol on the camp_Culture and Tourism | √ | |||
200. | M1_oncampsaed_typev | What kind of business did you enrol on the camp_Education | √ | |||
201. | M1_oncampsaed_typevi | What kind of business did you enrol on the camp_Cosmetology | √ | |||
202. | M1_oncampsaed_typevii | What kind of business did you enrol on the camp_Environment | √ | |||
203. | M1_oncampsaed_typeviii | What kind of business did you enrol on the camp_Food processing and Preservation | √ | |||
204. | M1_oncampsaed_typeix | What kind of business did you enrol on the camp_ICT | √ | |||
205. | M1_oncampsaed_typex | What kind of business did you enrol on the camp_Horticulture and Landscaping | √ | |||
206. | M1_oncampsaed_typexi | What kind of business did you enrol on the camp_Film & Photography | √ | |||
207. | M1_oncampsaed_typexii | What kind of business did you enrol on the camp_Power & Energy | √ | |||
208. | M1_oncampsaed_typexiii | What kind of business did you enrol on the camp_Others | √ | |||
209. | M1_oncampsaed_typexiii_1 | Others (specify) | √ | |||
210. | M1_rateoncampsaed | How would you rate the overall quality of on-camp saed training? | √ | |||
211. | M1_rateoncampsaedi | Rate the following aspects of the on-camp saed training_Trainer | √ | |||
212. | M1_rateoncampsaedii | Rate the following aspects of the on-camp saed training_Frequency of Training | √ | |||
213. | M1_rateoncampsaediii | Rate the following aspects of the on-camp saed training_Time of Training | √ | |||
214. | M1_rateoncampsaediv | Rate the following aspects of the on-camp saed training_Distance | √ | |||
215. | M1_rateoncampsaedv | Rate the following aspects of the on-camp saed training_Cost | √ | |||
216. | M1_rateoncampsaedvi | Rate the following aspects of the on-camp saed training_Facilities | √ | |||
217. | postcampsaed | Are you currently enrolled in the nysc’s saed programme post-camp? | √ | √ | ||
218. | postcampsaed_typei | What kind of business are you enrolled in post-camp_Agro-allied | √ | √ | √ | |
219. | postcampsaed_typeii | What kind of business are you enrolled in post-camp_Construction | √ | √ | √ | |
220. | postcampsaed_typeiii | What kind of business are you enrolled in post-camp_Automobile | √ | √ | √ | |
221. | postcampsaed_typeiv | What kind of business are you enrolled in post-camp_Culture and Tourism | √ | √ | √ | |
222. | postcampsaed_typev | What kind of business are you enrolled in post-camp_Education | √ | √ | √ | |
223. | postcampsaed_typevi | What kind of business are you enrolled in post-camp_Cosmetology | √ | √ | √ | |
224. | postcampsaed_typevii | What kind of business are you enrolled in post-camp_Environment | √ | √ | √ | |
225. | postcampsaed_typeviii | What kind of business are you enrolled in post-camp_Food processing & preservation | √ | √ | √ | |
226. | postcampsaed_typeix | What kind of business are you enrolled in post-camp_ICT | √ | √ | √ | |
227. | postcampsaed_typex | What kind of business are you enrolled in post-camp_Horticulture & Landscaping | √ | √ | √ | |
228. | postcampsaed_typexi | What kind of business are you enrolled in post-camp_Film & Photography | √ | √ | √ | |
229. | postcampsaed_typexii | What kind of business are you enrolled in post-camp_Power & Energy | √ | √ | √ | |
230. | postcampsaed_typexiii | What kind of business are you enrolled in post-camp_Others | √ | √ | √ | |
231. | postcampsaed_typexiv | What kind of business are/were you enrolled in post-camp_Fashion design | √ | √ | √ | |
232. | postcampsaed_typexiii_1 | Others (specify) | √ | √ | √ | |
233. | nopostcampsaed_whyi | If you answered No to Q12, provide the most important reasons_I am not interested | √ | √ | √ | |
234. | nopostcampsaed_whyii | If you answered No to Q12, provide the most important reasons_There is no trainer close enough to my location | √ | √ | √ | |
235. | nopostcampsaed_whyiii | If you answered No to Q12, provide the most important reasons_The training is too costly | √ | √ | √ | |
236. | nopostcampsaed_whyiv | If you answered No to Q12, provide the most important reasons_I do not have enough time | √ | √ | √ | |
237. | nopostcampsaed_whyv | If you answered No to Q12, provide the most important reasons_I cannot find the business I am interested in around my lga | √ | √ | √ | |
238. | nopostcampsaed_whyvi | If you answered No to Q12, provide the most important reasons_The business I am interested in is not available in the saed programme | √ | √ | √ | |
239. | nopostcampsaed_whyvii | If you answered No to Q12, provide the most important reasons_Other reasons | √ | √ | √ | |
240. | nopostcampsaed_whyvii_1 | Other reasons (please specify) | √ | √ | √ | |
241. | ratepostcampsaed | How would you rate the overall quality of apprenticeship training? | √ | √ | √ | |
242. | ratepostcampsaedi | Rate the following aspects of the post-camp saed training_Trainer | √ | √ | √ | |
243. | ratepostcampsaedii | Rate the following aspects of the post-camp saed training_Frequency of Training | √ | √ | √ | |
244. | ratepostcampsaedvii | Rate the following aspects of the post-camp saed training_Duration of Training | √ | √ | √ | |
245. | ratepostcampsaediii | Rate the following aspects of the post-camp saed training_Day/Time of Training | √ | √ | √ | |
246. | ratepostcampsaediv | Rate the following aspects of the post-camp saed training_Distance | √ | √ | √ | |
247. | ratepostcampsaedv | Rate the following aspects of the post-camp saed training_Cost | √ | √ | √ | |
248. | ratepostcampsaedvi | Rate the following aspects of the post-camp saed training_Facilities | √ | √ | √ | |
249. | ratepostcampsaedviii | Rate the following aspects of the post-camp saed training_Training manual | √ | √ | √ | |
250. | ratepostcampsaedix | Rate the following aspects of the post-camp saed training_Training content | √ | √ | √ | |
251. | ratepostcampsaedx | Rate the following aspects of the post-camp saed training_Training environment | √ | √ | √ | |
252. | EI | Are you interested in starting a new business of your own? | √ | √ | √ | √ |
253. | rateEI | Rate your level of interest in starting a new business | √ | √ | √ | |
254. | EI_motivatori | Who or what motivated your interest in starting a new business_SAED | √ | |||
255. | EI_motivatorii | Who or what motivated your interest in starting a new business_Parent | √ | |||
256. | EI_motivatoriii | Who or what motivated your interest in starting a new business_ Siblings/Relative | √ | |||
257. | EI_motivatoriv | Who or what motivated your interest in starting a new business_Personal interest | √ | |||
258. | EI_motivatorv | Who or what motivated your interest in starting a new business_Events | √ | |||
259. | EI_motivatorvi | Who or what motivated your interest in starting a new business_Peers | √ | |||
260. | EI_motivatorvii | Who or what motivated your interest in starting a new business_Others | √ | |||
261. | EI_motivatorvii_1 | Others (specify) | √ | |||
262. | busplan | Do you have a written business plan? | √ | √ | √ | |
263. | noEI_whyi | If you are not interested in starting a business, kindly provide a reason_I feel unable | √ | √ | √ | |
264. | noEI_whyii | If you are not interested in starting a business, kindly provide a reason_I have no interest | √ | √ | √ | |
265. | noEI_whyiii | If you are not interested in starting a business, kindly provide a reason_Lack of capital | √ | √ | √ | |
266. | noEI_whyiv | If you are not interested in starting a business, kindly provide a reason_Business is risky | √ | √ | √ | |
267. | noEI_whyv | If you are not interested in starting a business, kindly provide a reason_I have flair for something else | √ | √ | √ | |
268. | noEI_whyvi | If you are not interested in starting a business, kindly provide a reason_Other reasons | √ | √ | √ | |
269. | noEI_whyvi_1 | Other reasons (please specify) | √ | √ | √ | |
270. | entrcourse | Did you take any entrepreneurship course apart from saed since graduation? | √ | √ | ||
271. | entrcourse_typei | What was the nature of this course_A one-off course or event that I attended | √ | √ | ||
272. | entrcourse_typeii | What was the nature of this course_A private arrangement that I made on my own | √ | √ | ||
273. | entrcourse_typeiii | What was the nature of this course_Others | √ | √ | ||
274. | entrcourse_typeiii_1 | Others (specify) | √ | √ | ||
275. | postnyscentrcourse | Have you taken any entrepreneurship course since passing out from the nysc? | √ | |||
276. | postnyscentrcourse_typei | What was the nature of this course (post-service)_A one-off course or event that I attended | √ | |||
277. | postnyscentrcourse_typeii | What was the nature of this course (post-service)_A private arrangement that I made on my own | √ | |||
278. | postnyscentrcourse_typeiii | What was the nature of this course (post-service)_Others | √ | |||
279. | postnyscentrcourse_typeiii_1 | Others (specify) | √ | |||
280. | entcourse_hindrance | Do your family roles or responsibilities affect your ability to take any entrepreneurship course or training? | √ | |||
281. | completedsaed_i | Did you complete the saed programme? | √ | |||
282. | completedsaed_ii | Did you complete it in the same business you enrolled in at the start? | √ | |||
283. | completedsaed_typei | What kind of business did you complete your saed training in_Agroallied | √ | |||
284. | completedsaed_typeiii | What kind of business did you complete your saed training in_Automobile | √ | |||
285. | completedsaed_typeii | What kind of business did you complete your saed training in_Construction | √ | |||
286. | completedsaed_typevi | What kind of business did you complete your saed training in_Cosmetology | √ | |||
287. | completedsaed_typeiv | What kind of business did you complete your saed training in_Culture & Tourism | √ | |||
288. | completedsaed_typevii | What kind of business did you complete your saed training in_Energy & Environment | √ | |||
289. | completedsaed_typev | What kind of business did you complete your saed training in_Education | √ | |||
290. | completedsaed_typeviii | What kind of business did you complete your saed training in_Food processing & preservation | √ | |||
291. | completedsaed_typeix | What kind of business did you complete your saed training in_ICT | √ | |||
292. | completedsaed_typex | What kind of business did you complete your saed training in_Horticulture & Landscapping | √ | |||
293. | completedsaed_typexi | What kind of business did you complete your saed training in_Film & Photography | √ | |||
294. | completedsaed_typexii | What kind of business did you complete your saed training in_Power & Energy | √ | |||
295. | completedsaed_typexiv | What kind of business did you complete your saed training in_Fashion design | √ | |||
296. | completedsaed_typexiii | What kind of business did you complete your saed training in_Others | √ | |||
297. | completedsaed_typexiii_1 | Others (specify) | √ | |||
298. | postnyscbus_likelihood | Please rate the likelihood of starting your own business within one year after passing out from nysc | √ | |||
299. | postnyscbus_likelychallngi | What challenges do you think you might face in starting your own business after passing out_Lack of capital | √ | |||
300. | postnyscbus_likelychallngii | What challenges do you think you might face in starting your own business after passing out_Competition from existing businesses | √ | |||
301. | postnyscbus_likelychallngiii | What challenges do you think you might face in starting your own business after passing out_Competition from new businesses | √ | |||
302. | postnyscbus_likelychallngiv | What challenges do you think you might face in starting your own business after passing out_I do not think I am confident enough | √ | |||
303. | postnyscbus_likelychallngv | What challenges do you think you might face in starting your own business after passing out_I do not think I have enough business skills | √ | |||
304. | postnyscbus_likelychallngvi | What challenges do you think you might face in starting your own business after passing out_Other reasons | √ | |||
305. | postnyscbus_likelychallngvi_1 | Others (specify) | √ | |||
306. | busin5years | Please rate the likelihood of starting your own business within the next five years | √ | |||
307. | postnyscbusiness | Do you now run a business of your own? | √ | |||
308. | postnyscbusiness_typei | What kind of business do you now run_Agroallied | √ | |||
309. | postnyscbusiness_typeiii | What kind of business do you now run_Automobile | √ | |||
310. | postnyscbusiness_typeii | What kind of business do you now run_Construction | √ | |||
311. | postnyscbusiness_typevi | What kind of business do you now run_Cosmetology | √ | |||
312. | postnyscbusiness_typeiv | What kind of business do you now run_Culture & Tourism | √ | |||
313. | postnyscbusiness_typevii | What kind of business do you now run_Energy & Environment | √ | |||
314. | postnyscbusiness_typev | What kind of business do you now run_Education | √ | |||
315. | postnyscbusiness_typeviii | What kind of business do you now run_Food processing & preservation | √ | |||
316. | postnyscbusiness_typeix | What kind of business do you now run_ICT | √ | |||
317. | postnyscbusiness_typex | What kind of business do you now run_Horticulture & Landscapping | √ | |||
318. | postnyscbusiness_typexi | What kind of business do you now run_Film & Photography | √ | |||
319. | postnyscbusiness_typexii | What kind of business do you now run_Power & Energy | √ | |||
320. | postnyscbusiness_typexiv | What kind of business do you now run_Fashion design | √ | |||
321. | postnyscbusiness_typexiii | What kind of business do you now run_Others | √ | |||
322. | postnyscbusiness_typexiii_1 | Others (specify) | √ | |||
323. | postnyscbusiness_motivatori | Who or what motivated you to start the business_SAED | √ | |||
324. | postnyscbusiness_motivatorii | Who or what motivated you to start the business_Parent | √ | |||
325. | postnyscbusiness_motivatoriii | Who or what motivated you to start the business_Siblings/Relatives | √ | |||
326. | postnyscbusiness_motivatoriv | Who or what motivated you to start the business_Personal interest | √ | |||
327. | postnyscbusiness_motivatorv | Who or what motivated you to start the business_Events | √ | |||
328. | postnyscbusiness_motivatorvi | Who or what motivated you to start the business_Peers | √ | |||
329. | postnyscbusiness_motivatorvii | Who or what motivated you to start the business_Others | √ | |||
330. | postnyscbusiness_motivatorvii_1 | Others (specify) | √ | |||
331. | postnyscbusiness_challengei | What challenges did you face in starting this business_Lack of capital | √ | |||
332. | postnyscbusiness_challengeii | What challenges did you face in starting this business_Competition from existing businesses | √ | |||
333. | postnyscbusiness_challengeiii | What challenges did you face in starting this business_Competition from new businesses | √ | |||
334. | postnyscbusiness_challengeiv | What challenges did you face in starting this business_I do not think I am confident enough | √ | |||
335. | postnyscbusiness_challengev | What challenges did you face in starting this business_I do not think I have enough business skills | √ | |||
336. | postnyscbusiness_challengevi | What challenges did you face in starting this business_Others | √ | |||
337. | postnyscbusiness_challengevi_1 | Others (specify) | √ | |||
338. | postnyscbusiness_when | When did the business start? | √ | |||
339. | postnyscbusiness_employeesi | Apart from yourself, does your business have any employees? | √ | |||
340. | postnyscbusiness_employeesii | How many employees does your business have? | √ | |||
341. | postnyscbusiness_employeesiii | How many of these employees work full time? | √ | |||
342. | postnyscbusiness_ability | Do your family roles or responsibilities have any negative influence on your ability to run your business? | √ | |||
343. | postnyscbusiness_norms | Do you feel the prevailing norms and beliefs in the society support the running of your business? | √ | |||
344. | postnyscbusiness_support | Do you think the current state of support services and facilities (e.g. childcare facilities, health insurance) are adequate to support you in running your business? | √ | |||
345. | postnyscjob | Do you currently have a paid job? (Not the same as your own business if you have one) | √ | |||
346. | postnyscjob_fulltime | Is it a full time job? | √ | |||
347. | postnyscjob_benefiti | Please indicate which of the following benefits you get as part of your job_Pension | √ | |||
348. | postnyscjob_benefitii | Please indicate which of the following benefits you get as part of your job_Health insurance | √ | |||
349. | postnyscjob_benefitiii | Please indicate which of the following benefits you get as part of your job_Others | √ | |||
350. | postnyscjob_benefitiii_1 | Others (specify) | √ | |||
351. | postnyscEI | Are you presently interested in starting your own business (post-service)? | √ | |||
352. | ratepostnyscEI | Please rate your level of interest in starting a new business (post-service) | √ | |||
353. | postnyscEI_motivatori | Who or what motivated your interest in starting the new business_SAED | √ | |||
354. | postnyscEI_motivatorii | Who or what motivated your interest in starting the new business_Parent | √ | |||
355. | postnyscEI_motivatoriii | Who or what motivated your interest in starting the new business_Siblings/Relatives | √ | |||
356. | postnyscEI_motivatoriv | Who or what motivated your interest in starting the new business_Personal interest | √ | |||
357. | postnyscEI_motivatorv | Who or what motivated your interest in starting the new business_Events | √ | |||
358. | postnyscEI_motivatorvi | Who or what motivated your interest in starting the new business_Peers | √ | |||
359. | postnyscEI_motivatorvii | Who or what motivated your interest in starting the new business_Others | √ | |||
360. | postnyscEI_motivatorvii_1 | Others (specify) | √ | |||
361. | postnysc_busplan | Do you have a written business plan (post-service)? | √ | |||
362. | postnyscnoEI_whyi | If you are not interested in starting a business (post-service), kindly provide a reason_I feel unable | √ | |||
363. | postnyscnoEI_whyii | If you are not interested in starting a business (post-service), kindly provide a reason_I have no interest | √ | |||
364. | postnyscnoEI_whyiii | If you are not interested in starting a business (post-service), kindly provide a reason_Lack of capital | √ | |||
365. | postnyscnoEI_whyiv | If you are not interested in starting a business (post-service), kindly provide a reason_Business is risky | √ | |||
366. | postnyscnoEI_whyv | If you are not interested in starting a business (post-service), kindly provide a reason_I have flair for something else | √ | |||
367. | postnyscnoEI_whyvi | If you are not interested in starting a business (post-service), kindly provide a reason_Other reasons | √ | |||
368. | postnyscnoEI_whyvi_1 | Others (specify) | √ |