
Learning in Cities from Within and Across Cities: A Scoping Review

In: Triple Helix
Pradipta Banerjee Department of Computer Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim Norway

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Sobah Abbas Petersen Department of Computer Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim Norway

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Cities evolve rapidly while providing both opportunities and posing challenges. To cope with the emerging behaviours of cities, contextual innovations and development are essential. Driving innovations through the learning of contextual knowledge in cities is crucial. In this study, we explore relevant studies to identify the frameworks for human-centric innovations in cities that consider learning from within and/or across cities. We analyse how learning in cities has been addressed in those studies and find that even though some aspects of learning in cities have been studied, a comprehensive framework for how cities can learn as an innovation ecosystem is missing. Based on the findings of a scoping review and insights from the theories of the Triple, Quadruple and Quintuple helices of innovation, we present a high-level conceptual model for cities as innovation ecosystems. The model is aimed to support sustainable human-centric development through the understanding of city learning through multilevel interactions and feedback.


Urbanisation and technological innovations have propelled the growth of cities. Cities form the economic backbone of the world, wherein, by 2025, it is expected that 60% of the global GDP will be generated by 600 cities (Piva, 2017). Presently, around 55% of the world’s population resides in cities, constituting only 2% of the global land space, and it is estimated that 68% of the world’s population will be living in cities by 2050 (Correia et al., 2018). Both business and welfare perspectives have driven this growth phenomenon of cities. Technological innovations, with the ability to open up vast opportunities for earning profits while generating new genres of employment, have been providing thrust for developing cities. The disruptive demographic and economic changes occurring in and around cities necessitate effective and timely innovations to respond to the emerging challenges of competitive growth, rising inequality and environmental degradation for ensuring sustainable human-centric development of the cities. Policymakers and social scientists, on the other hand, strive to maximise social welfare and ensure ecological sustainability.

The focus on addressing the emerging challenges and opportunities in cities has driven the concept of smart sustainable cities (UNECE, 2015; ITU, 2016). A smart sustainable city has been described by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) (UNECE, 2015) as “an innovative city that uses Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and other means to improve the quality of life, efficiency of urban operations and services, and competitiveness while ensuring that it meets the needs of present and future generations with respect to economic, social, environmental as well as cultural aspects”. This concept of cities has been further expanded to Human Smart Cities (Hanna, 2016) that has been formally described in de Oliveira et al. (2015) as a concept for improving the quality of life of the citizens, leading to well-being and happiness through services that can be defined as new and innovative “ad hoc” services developed by the local government in collaboration with the citizens and other stakeholders, to tackle the wicked problems which are challenging to resolve due to their complex and interconnected nature. Complex, social-environmental issues are classified as “wicked problems” (Rittel, 1967) because the proposed solutions to tackle them are mutually and constantly reshaping one another (Duckett et al., 2016).

The common method for bringing innovations in cities has been through policy transfers by sharing and replicating best practices from developed cities to developing cities (European Commission, 2016, 2017a,b,c). Developmental policies following such approaches of replication may not produce desired outcomes (Calzada, 2020; Vandervyvere, 2017; Marchetti et al., 2019; Graham, 2002; Glasmeier and Nebiolo, 2016; Stead, 2012; Nagorny-Koring, 2019). In such replicative transfers of policies or sharing of best practices, learning gets reduced to replication, whereas learning is not equivalent to replication. Calzada (2020) argues that such replication approaches are often disconnected from the stakeholders and are simplistic, short term and driven by profit. Contextual knowledge is a prerequisite for sustainable innovations in a city to cope with the city’s emerging economic, social and environmental changes. However, the knowledge learnt in different cities is not homogeneous because the cities have distinct contextual requirements and resources with different administrative settings (Calzada, 2020). These concepts reveal the importance of continuous learning about the local contextual challenges and opportunities through interactions and feedback from experiences for designing interventions that can yield the desired results.

To understand how a city can learn for sustainable, human-centric innovations, it is essential to comprehend what comprises a city. There are different elements of a city, such as citizens, collective bodies or groups of individuals, administrators, organisations/institutions and service systems, that create and use physical infrastructure such as residential/commercial buildings, industries and roadways built over a certain area of land (Bibri, 2019; Pham, 2017). The elements within a city, which can have positive or negative interdependencies among themselves, interact with each other and across cities to form a complex ecosystem. The Triple, Quadruple and Quintuple Helix models (Carayannis et al., 2022) identify several dimensions that indicate these elements of cities, and these models have been used to describe cities as interconnected networks where various dynamics converge, including intellectual capital, industrial development, and societal participation (Pique et al., 2019). These interactions create spaces within cities that facilitate the exploitation of knowledge. The density of relationships among universities, wealth creation, and democratic governance lead to the development of cities as innovation ecosystems (Granstrand and Holgersson, 2020). While discussing technological and social innovations through the Triple Helix approach and considering the complexities of interactions in a city, the necessity of taking an evolutionary and a system perspective for cities for their local innovations has also been emphasised in Gebhardt (2015).

Cities as innovation ecosystems behave like large complex organisations where various interconnected elements interact with each other (Mayangsari and Novani, 2015). Such an ecosystem comprises individuals with diverse competencies, values, and needs, wherein stakeholders are defined as groups or individuals who can influence or be influenced by the organisation’s objectives. The evolution of a city as an innovation ecosystem shares similarities with a Complex Adaptive System, where the behaviour of the system goes beyond the simple sum of its individual elements’ behaviours, and the ecosystem as a whole evolves due to the interactions between its elements (Sanders, 2008; Nel et al., 2015; Ulysses, 2017; Caputo et al., 2019). Interventions within such ecosystems lead to new system behaviour emerging through adaptations to the temporary impacts (van Geert, 2019). Interventions must be continually innovated to address the emergent behaviour in a city based on the feedback obtained from experiences and interactions. Isolated analyses of the impacts of a city’s elements or service systems, without an ecosystem view of a city, cannot provide accurate insights into the innovation and development of a city. These phenomena highlight the crucial role of knowledge management in the sustainable development of human-centric cities (Israilidis et al., 2021) where the focus has been on three key areas: (1) socio-technical approaches, (2) integrating knowledge-sharing perspectives and (3) developing organisational learning capabilities.

Learning is an integral part of the process of innovation wherein knowledge of contextual requirements, challenges and opportunities are the primary steps for innovating a solution for any system. Learning can take place within a city from the elements within the city. A city also learns from other cities, which we refer to as learning across cities or city-to-city learning. In the rest of this study, the term “city learning” has been used to refer to both the types of learning wherein a city can learn from the elements within the city and also from across cities. The knowledge from the interactions and the feedback between the city elements and across cities can propel innovations to address emerging challenges and opportunities. To ensure economically, socially and environmentally sustainable city development, the contextual requirements of a city’s stakeholders must be considered while developing innovations for the city ecosystem. Innovations should be based on the knowledge learnt from the feedback of interactions and experiences between the different elements of the city ecosystem. For example, a city’s mobility services are affected by its roadway planning. Similarly, traffic congestion can affect the city’s air pollution levels, work-life quality and education systems. Environmental factors, in turn, directly affect the quality of life and healthcare systems.

A framework for city learning can greatly help in ensuring the city’s economic, social and environmental sustainability by illustrating what the learning implies and how the learning can take place in a city. To explore city learning, our research questions for this study are:

RQ1. What are the existing frameworks for developing cities through human-centric innovations considering city learning?

RQ2. What has been addressed as learning in cities in the frameworks identified through RQ1?

In this study, we conduct a scoping review (Peters et al., 2015) to map the relevant literature to answer our research questions. Through the analysis of the scoping review, we develop a high-level conceptual model of interrelationships and interactions between city elements, facilitating city learning while considering the ecosystem view of a city.

The rest of this study is organised as follows: Section 2 describes the background of this study, Section 3 illustrates details of the methods for conducting the scoping review, and Section 4 presents the results of the scoping review. In Section 5, the discussion based on the scoping review is presented, and we propose a conceptual model of a city ecosystem for the interrelationships and interactions between its elements that can drive city learning. The conclusion of this study is provided in Section 6.


Cities can be visualised as systems wherein physical spaces within the natural environment are developed by a community of living organisms, human beings in this case, by developing and utilising several non-living components such as physical infrastructures, technological artefacts and services for the city residents. An understanding of the evolution of cities across time and space highlights that population size, density and heterogeneity form the fundamental properties of urban settlements (Angel et al., 2016). The socio-economic and cultural heterogeneity in a city catalyses a plethora of interactions (intentional or serendipitous, fleeting and consequential, anonymous or long-lasting, driven by economic imperatives or sustained by shared ideological commitments), resulting in social learning (von Sch¨onfeld et al., 2020). The parks, cafes, and sidewalks of contemporary cities or the plazas and marketplaces of ancient cities have provided the settings for social interactions (Stanley et al., 2012). Cities are places where “energised crowding” (Westlund and Larsson, 2016; Serafinelli and Tabellini, 2021) of people takes place, which enables creative and innovative possibilities for generating growth and change through the networks of interactions between different individual and institutional entities, service systems and various social structures. However, not all the outcomes of “energised crowding” have been positive traits; for example, increased poverty, crime and social alienation have also been outcomes of social interactions (Smith, 2019).

The UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 for “Sustainable cities and communities”, (United Nations, 2015), focuses on developing people-centred innovative cities that use ICT and other means to improve people’s well-being, utilising ICT and various approaches to enhance the overall quality of life, urban functionality and competitiveness, while considering the requirements of current and future generations across the economic, social, environmental and cultural dimensions. In Granstrand and Holgersson (2020: 1) we find a detailed definition of an innovation ecosystem as “the evolving set of actors, activities, and artefacts, and the institutions and relations, including complementary and substitute relations, that are important for the innovative performance of an actor or a population of actors”. A city can be viewed as an innovation ecosystem that evo