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As an open access journal TRIPLE HELIX requires authors cover Article Processing Charges (APCs) for the publication of the articles. However, APCs ARE FREE TO MEMBERS OF THE TRIPLE HELIX ASSOCIATION.

Online submission: Articles for publication in Triple Helix can be submitted online through Editorial Manager. To submit an article, click here.

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TRIPLE HELIX Journal Review Process
Triple Helix Journal is a double blind peer-reviewed journal. The editor initially screens all manuscripts submitted. A manuscript may be returned without peer review – desk-rejected – if it is judged to be inappropriate for publication in THJ. Manuscripts judged to be consistent with the publication criteria of THJ will be submitted for double-blind review to at least two referees through the submission and peer-review system Editorial Manager at Corresponding authors can expect to receive first-round review feedback via the system within approximately 30 days, moderated by the editor or a guest editor in the case of guest-edited Special Issues. Whenever the reviewers ask for revisions, the manuscript can be processed through up to a total of three rounds of reviews and revisions. After the 3rd round of reviews, the decision is taken by the Editor in Chief.

In their reviews peer-reviewers should ideally consider the below questions:
• What research question(s) do the authors address? Do they make a good argument for why a question is important?
• What methods do the authors use to answer the question? Are the methods the most current available or is there a newer more powerful method available? Does their overall strategy seem like a good one, or are there major problems with their methods? Are there other experiments that would greatly improve the quality of the manuscript? If so, are they necessary to make the work publishable? Would any different data help confirm the presented results and strengthen the paper?
• Were the results analyzed and interpreted correctly? Does the evidence support the authors’ conclusions?
• Will the results advance the research field in some way? If so, how much? Does the importance of the advance match the standards of the journal?
• Will other researchers be interested in reading the study? If so, what types of researchers? Do they match the journal’s audience? Is there an alternative readership that the paper would be more suitable for?
• Does the manuscript fit together well? Does it clearly describe what was done, why it was done, and what the results mean?
• Is the manuscript written well and easy to read? If the manuscript has many mistakes, the reviewers may suggest that the authors have it checked by a native English speaker. If the language quality is so poor that it is difficult to understand, it can be asked that the manuscript be corrected before it is reviewed.

The Co-Editors in Chief
Yuzhuo Cai, Tampere University, Finland
Marcelo Amaral, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil

Managing Editor
Anne Rocha Perazzo, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, France

Founding Editor-in-Chief
Henry Etzkowitz, Triple Helix Institute, USA

Editorial Board
David Campbell, Danube University Krems, Austria
Elias G. Carayannis, George Washington University, USA
Helen Lawton Smith, Birkbeck, University of London, United Kingdom
Loet Leydesdorff†, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Martin Meyer, University of Vaasa, Finland
Rongping Mu, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Hebe Vessuri, Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research
Han Woo Park, YeungNam University, South Korea

Consulting Editors
Ekaterina Albats, LUT University, Finland
Rabii Outamha, University Hassan II, Morocco
James Dzisah, University of Ghana
Christiane Gebhardt, The University of Edinburgh
Milica Jovanovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Helen Lawton Smith, Birkbeck Business School, University of London, UK
Cui Liu, Zhejiang University, China
Eustache Megnigbeto, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Roberto Rivas Hermann, Nord University Business School, Norway
Aidin Salamzadeh, University of Tehran, Iran
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The History of the Triple Helix Movement

Triple Helix movement, launched by Prof. Henry Etzkowitz and Prof. Loet Leydesdorff, began in 1996 when a workshop was organized in Amsterdam to discuss the Triple Helix model. This first workshop brought together of 90 researchers and attracted participation from Latin America, Europe, North America, Australia and Asia. The workshop was subsequently referred to as the first international conference on the Triple Helix.

The second international Triple Helix conference was organized two years later in new York, USA (1998), followed by bi-annual events in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2000), Copenhagen, Denmark and Lund, Sweden (2002), Turin, Italy (2005), Singapore (2007) and Glasgow, UK (2009). These conferences explored scientific research in the field of: the relationship of science, industry, and government and their role in creating the conditions for future innovation; the importance of location; the capitalization of knowledge; cognitive, economic, social and cultural aspects of innovation; emerging models for the entrepreneurial university; regional diversities and global convergence; boundary spanning interactions, linking the different national cultures and innovation systems; job creation and social wealth.

The growing number of participants demanded the coordination of intensified annual events and Triple Helix conferences after 2009. The growing interest and participation in the Triple Helix movement, lead also to the idea of creating an Association that is able to pull together and facilitate interactions among international scholars sharing common research interests. In 2009 the creation of the Triple Helix Association (THA) took place in Turin, Italy, where the TH Association is headquartered at Fondazione Rosselli, and is chaired by Prof. Henry Etzkowitz, having Prof. Loet Leydesdorff and Prof. José Manoel Carvalho de Mello as Vice-Presidents.

The creation of the association and the organization of the subsequent annual conferences opened space for the engagement on an annual basis with multiple stakeholders, academics, scientists, policy makers, and practitioners with interests in the Triple Helix model. The annual conference in Madrid, Spain (2010) was focused on the cities of knowledge and the expanding knowledge and connecting regions. The annual event in 2011 was held in the Silicon Valey, California, USA and shifted the emphasis to the gliobal aspects of the Triple Helix model, while the 2012 annual event in Bandung, Indonesia, extended the emphasis on developing countries.

The London event in 2012 brought the issue of open innovation and invited participants to challenge the Triple Helix model, while extending and deepening the application of the conceptuial aparatus, created as part of the evolution of the Triple Helix academic community. The large number of participants (over 300) from 35 countries indicated the emergence of a Triple Helix movement, anchored by the TH Association and spinning into numerous academic and practitioner domains.

Triple Helix

A Journal of University-Industry-Government Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Yuzhuo Cai
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Marcelo Amaral
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2023 Impact Factor: 2,3
5 Year Impact Factor: 2,2

Call for Papers: Triple Helix Conference 2024 (PDF)

This is a Diamond Open Access journal. Articles are published in Open Access at no cost to the author.

The Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations is an internationally recognized model for understanding entrepreneurship, the changing dynamics of universities, innovation and socio-economic development.

Run by the Triple Helix Association, in collaboration with the Chinese Association for Science of Science and S & T Policy (CASSSP), the aim of the Triple Helix Journal is to publish research for an international audience covering analysis, theory, measurements and empirical enquiry in all aspects of university-industry-government interactions. The objective is to unite key research on the transformations of universities, capitalization of knowledge, translational research, spin-off activities, intellectual property, knowledge and technology transfer, as well as the international bases and dimensions of Triple Helix relations, their impacts, social, economic, political, cultural, health and environmental implications as they arise from and shape Triple Helix interactions.

Open to all innovation authors, the special mission of the journal is to be an international outlet also for innovation scholars from developing countries.

Check out the 2024 Triple Helix Conference (19-21 June 2024)