***VJEP publishes video articles as soon as they are accepted for publication. For this reason we publish 1 issue per year. This issue includes special topics that have been invited as well as individual pieces. All are subject to the same high standards of double-blind peer review.***

VJEP, unlike other journals, publishes video articles which are peer reviewed. VJEP accepts video articles which are submissions where the essence of the article is the video. As with text submissions, case reports are not encouraged unless they are very unusual or timely. Authors are strongly encouraged to include case series information on the video with attention to clinical outcomes. Multimedia as a format to convey other types of information will be considered on a case by case basis.

Requirements for the video portion of a video article are:
• Choose “Video” as the manuscript type.
• The maximum size for all files (including videos) in the submission 350 MB. Videos must be in one the following formats: MPEG-1, QuickTime (not mpg4) or Window media video (WMV). The video file must be playable on a Windows-based computer.
• No authored DVDs.
• There should be a “manuscript” submitted with the video that includes a title page, abstract, text as well as references if needed, in the format as indicated below.

Criteria for VJEP Video Uploads
An article consists of written and video components which operate together. Authors should assume that the video component is not intended to be viewed in isolation but is always contextualised within the framework outlined by the written component. The video component of the article does not need to be surfaced as a single clip, but can be broken into two or more clips to be used where needed (e.g. in a sequence dispersed at key points through the written component, or as a grouping or clips, or number of groupings).
The video component could serve a number of purposes within the article as a whole. A video component which is divided into a series of clips does not need to use the same techniques for each clip. The following list of purposes is not intended to be exclusive, but are prompts to ensure authors have a clear understanding of the role the video component (or each clip) plays:
• extract (e.g. of raw data for illustration purposes)
• summary (with or without voice-over)
• commentary
• other

Authors should note that for technical reasons VJEP is not able to surface videos in a separate, full screen window. Authors should ensure that their video is viewable and serves its purpose(s) when viewed through a player on the same page as the written component.
Authors should note that the editing process may require edits to any part of the article (written and/or video components).
Because of global constraints on copyright for audio-visual material, and the inconsistencies in the ways in which copyright law is enforced in different territories, authors need to be rigorous in ensuring that their video does not include audio, visual or audio-visual extracts of copyright material (except where rights have been clearly granted to the authors for this purpose). Note: it is the preference and explicit recommendation of VJEP that authors use Creative Commons licensing:
In the uploading process, the authors need to complete a form which includes:
1. confirmation that the checking of copyright has been undertaken (and a reminder that this is the responsibility of the authors), and that authors have the necessary rights to upload (and space to list Creative Common licence)
2. a clear statement on ethics (including that all participants in the video have given their permission for the video to be uploaded to the journal)
3. listing the software used to create and edit the video
4. confirmation that the authors have a capability to edit their video component if asked to by VJEP editors

***Need help in preparing your video article for VJEP?***
AVP's Video Design Advisor - Bridgette - will work with you to find creative solutions to crafting and producing video content for your publication. There are many options to explore. Contact Bridgette at

Online submission: Articles for publication in the Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy can be submitted online through Editorial Manager. To submit an article, click here.

For more details on online submission, please visit our EM Support page.

Need support prior to submitting your manuscript? Make the process of preparing and submitting a manuscript easier with Brill's suite of author services, an online platform that connects academics seeking support for their work with specialized experts who can help.

Download Author Instructions (PDF).

Please note the current APC for this journal is $2,000 (USD) per article.

*** The Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy and Brill make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in its publications. However, the Association for Visual Pedagogies (AVP) and Brill and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Association or Brill.
The Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy is published in Cooperation with the Association for Visual Pedagogies (AVP).

E. Jayne White, University of Canterbury, New Zealand (

Editorial Manager:
Rene Novak, University of Waikato (

Fiona Westbrook, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Natasa Lackovic, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Joff Bradley, Teikyo University, Japan
Fabien Schultz, Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Founding Editors:
Michael A. Peters, Beijing Normal University, PR China
E. Jayne White, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Tina Besley, Beijing Normal University, PR China

Associate Editors:
Alicja Renata Sadownik, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Birthe Lund, Aalborg University, Denmark
Cheryl Brown, University of Canterbury, Australia
Gloria Goytortua, Monash University, Australia
Masayuki Iwase, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada
Neal Haslem, RMIT University, Australia
Petar Jandrić, Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Croatia
Sheena Elwick, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Sigrid Jordan Havre, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Te Hurinui Karaka-Clarke, University of Canterbury
Call for Papers:

2025 AVP Conference Call: Visualising Environments, Imagining Sustainable Developments: Place/visual media/art/technology for sustainable futures

Shaking Down on Visual Research and Pedagogies Editor: Dr Fiona Westbrook (

This special topic invites articles that shake up pedagogies in and through visual research. From pioneering technological advancements to avant-garde teaching methodologies, we invite submissions that push the boundaries of traditional pedagogical research, illuminating new pathways for understanding and engaging with research through the visual realm. Inspiring trans-disciplinary collaborations, we invite contributions from educators, technologists, artists, and scholars across diverse pedagogical fields of inquiry. Whether augmented reality, immersive storytelling, visual journaling, artificial intelligence, collaborative mural projects, or creative use of video and/or image, we hope to call out the potential for dynamic approaches to visual research for contemporary learning. Through this visual emphasis, our aim is to explore the diverse ways innovative visualities can shake up pedagogies.

First draft due: February 28th 2025

Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy

E. Jayne White
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This is a fully Open Access journal, which means that all articles are freely available online, ensuring maximum, worldwide dissemination of content, in exchange for an Article Publication Charge. For more information visit the Brill Open dedicated webpage.

As the first-ever video journal of education and pedagogy, owned by the Association for Visual Pedagogies Inc (AVP), our aim is to initiate a new movement in education publishing. VJEP integrates visual approaches to educational research and practitioner knowledge concerning learning and teaching in its broadest sense. It facilitates the rapid spread of ideas and open access to video pedagogy demonstrations in an international and comparative context in an ‘author pays’ model that is based on institutional subscriptions. The VJEP provides a platform for cross-disciplinary research and demonstrated pedagogy while providing a ready means to capture and globally share practitioner knowledge. VJEP wants to establish a new frontier in education publishing and scientific communication and to promote the aims of the Association for Visual Pedagogies (AVP) which seeks to privilege all things visual in thought and practice.

In particular, the journal focuses on 3 main areas:

- Educational research at large, in all forms of education and pedagogy, containing a strong video/visual component. The video component must be outstanding either in the methodology, in the way data were collected, or results that are shown. This includes in particular:
o Teacher education
o Classroom teacher and child observation
o Workplace learning
o Technology and social learning across multi-disciplinary domains of practice
- Visual approaches to educational research
o Research on new visualization methodologies
o Research and case-based studies to facilitate video data collection, dissemination, critical engagement and analysis
o Integrated approaches
- Research in visual and digital humanities, including philosophical reflection on the use of digital and visual resources in the humanities, particularly:
o Philosophical approaches in the study of visuality in education and society
o Other forms of visual pedagogy such as documentary, film and social media
o Cultural analytics, cultural studies and ethnography

VJEP will publish a set of articles per volume per year, including interviews and videos on teaching practice. The articles will be published online only at regular intervals to maintain the journal’s impact and each will have a video component. Manuscripts will be subject to a rigorous anonymous peer review process.

To submit your articles and proposals please read the section ' Submit Article'.

***VJEP publishes video articles as soon as they are accepted for publication. For this reason we publish 1 issue per year. This issue includes special topics that have been invited as well as individual pieces. All are subject to the same high standards of double-blind peer review.***

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