Aflatoxin M1 is a derivate of aflatoxin B1 and an important contaminant of milk and dairy products. This systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted on relevant Persian and English original articles in national and international databases with no time limits until 1 January 2018. In total 605 articles were found among which 70 articles met the inclusion criteria for meta-analysis. The prevalence (95% confidence interval (CI)) and mean concentration (95% CI) of aflatoxin M1 was found to be 64% (53-75%) and 39.7 ng/l (31.9-47.4 ng/l) in raw milk, 95% (89-98%) and 62.3 ng/l (40.6-84 ng/l) in pasteurised milk, 71% (56-84%) and 60.1 ng/l (30.9-89.3 ng/l) in sterilised milk, 59% (20-93%) and 5.5 ng/l (3.3-7.7 ng/l) in breast milk and 72% (61-81%) and 82.3 ng/kg (63.7-100.9 ng/kg) in dairy products. In general, 9% (4-16%) of milks and 10% (4-17%) of dairy products had aflatoxin M1 in concentrations exceeding the permitted level of Iranian standards (500 ng/l). Based on the maximum permitted aflatoxin M1 concentration in standards of Europe (50 ng/l), these percentages increase to 25% (18-32%) for milks and 18% (9-29%) for dairy products. According to the results, further control and preventive measures should be applied on livestock feeds because decreased aflatoxin B1 contamination at this level results in decreased aflatoxin M1 in milk and dairy products.
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All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
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Aflatoxin M1 is a derivate of aflatoxin B1 and an important contaminant of milk and dairy products. This systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted on relevant Persian and English original articles in national and international databases with no time limits until 1 January 2018. In total 605 articles were found among which 70 articles met the inclusion criteria for meta-analysis. The prevalence (95% confidence interval (CI)) and mean concentration (95% CI) of aflatoxin M1 was found to be 64% (53-75%) and 39.7 ng/l (31.9-47.4 ng/l) in raw milk, 95% (89-98%) and 62.3 ng/l (40.6-84 ng/l) in pasteurised milk, 71% (56-84%) and 60.1 ng/l (30.9-89.3 ng/l) in sterilised milk, 59% (20-93%) and 5.5 ng/l (3.3-7.7 ng/l) in breast milk and 72% (61-81%) and 82.3 ng/kg (63.7-100.9 ng/kg) in dairy products. In general, 9% (4-16%) of milks and 10% (4-17%) of dairy products had aflatoxin M1 in concentrations exceeding the permitted level of Iranian standards (500 ng/l). Based on the maximum permitted aflatoxin M1 concentration in standards of Europe (50 ng/l), these percentages increase to 25% (18-32%) for milks and 18% (9-29%) for dairy products. According to the results, further control and preventive measures should be applied on livestock feeds because decreased aflatoxin B1 contamination at this level results in decreased aflatoxin M1 in milk and dairy products.
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