Some strains of species belonging to the genera Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus are used in order to maintain health. Although these organisms have a long record of safe use, it is important to assess their safety and tolerance in potentially vulnerable populations, such as infants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the safety and tolerance of three probiotic strains (Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis R0033, Bifidobacterium bifidum R0071 and Lactobacillus helveticus R0052) in healthy infants aged 3 to 12 months. A multi-centre randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled intervention study with 221 healthy full-term infants was conducted. Infants received either a placebo or one of the 3 probiotic strains (3×109 cfu) daily during an 8 week intervention period. Growth (weight, height and head circumference), adverse events (AEs)/serious adverse events (SAEs), concentrations of D-lactic acid in urine samples, characteristics of the stools and use of medication were collected for safety evaluation. All 4 groups were homogeneous with respect to age, gender, feeding type, ethnicity, height, weight and head circumference at the start of the study. The results showed that changes in growth (weight, height and head circumference) were equivalent in all 4 groups. No SAEs were reported. Total number of AEs recorded was equivalent in all groups. Thus, the use of B. infantis R0033, L. helveticus R0052 and B. bifidum R0071 in infancy is safe, and well tolerated.
Allen, S.J., Jordan, S., Storey, M., Thornton, C.A., Gravenor, M., Garaiova, I., Plummer, S.F., Wang, D. and Morgan, G., 2010. Dietary supplementation with lactobacilli and bifidobacteria is well tolerated and not associated with adverse events during late pregnancy and early infancy. Journal of Nutrition 140: 483-488.
'Dietary supplementation with lactobacilli and bifidobacteria is well tolerated and not associated with adverse events during late pregnancy and early infancy ' () 140 Journal of Nutrition : 483 -488.
Bekkali, N., Hamers, S.L., Retisma, J.B., Van Toledo, L. and Benninga, M.A., 2009. Infant stool form scale: development and results. Journal of Pediatrics 154: 521-526.
'Infant stool form scale: development and results ' () 154 Journal of Pediatrics : 521 -526.
Bertelli, C., Pillonel, T., Torregrossa, A., Prod’hom, G., Fischer, C.J., Greub, G. and Giannoni, E., 2015. Bifidobacterium longum bacteremia in preterm infants receiving probiotics. Clinical Infectious Diseases 60(6): 924-927.
'Bifidobacterium longum bacteremia in preterm infants receiving probiotics ' () 60 Clinical Infectious Diseases : 924 -927.
Braegger, C., Chmielewska, A., Decsi, T., Kolacek, S., Mihatsch, W., Moreno, L., Pieścik, M., Puntis, J., Shamir, R., Szajewska, H., Turck, D. and Van Goudoever, J., 2011. Supplementation of infant formula with probiotics and/or prebiotics: a systematic review and comment by the ESPGHAN committee on nutrition. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 52: 238-250.
'Supplementation of infant formula with probiotics and/or prebiotics: a systematic review and comment by the ESPGHAN committee on nutrition ' () 52 Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition : 238 -250.
Cazzola, M., Tompkins, T.A. and Matera, M.G., 2010a. Immunomodulatory impact of a synbiotic in T(h)1 and T(h)2 models of infection. Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease 4: 259-270.
'Immunomodulatory impact of a synbiotic in T(h)1 and T(h)2 models of infection ' () 4 Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease : 259 -270.
Cazzola, M., Pham-Thi, N., Kerihuel, J.C., Durand, H. and Bohbot, S., 2010b. Efficacy of a synbiotic supplementation in the prevention of common winter diseases in children: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study. Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease 4: 271-278.
'Efficacy of a synbiotic supplementation in the prevention of common winter diseases in children: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study ' () 4 Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease : 271 -278.
Chouraqui, J.P., Grathwohl, D., Labaune, J.M., Hascoet, J.M., Montgolfier, I., Leclaire, M., Giarre, M. and Steenhout, P., 2008. Assessment of the safety, tolerance, and protective effect against diarrhea of infant formulas containing mixtures of probiotics or probiotics and prebiotics in a randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 87: 1365-1373.
'Assessment of the safety, tolerance, and protective effect against diarrhea of infant formulas containing mixtures of probiotics or probiotics and prebiotics in a randomized controlled trial ' () 87 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition : 1365 -1373.
Chouraqui, J.P., Van Egroo, L.D. and Fichot, M.C., 2004. Acidified milk formula supplemented with Bifidobacterium lactis: impact on infant diarrhea in residential care settings. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 38: 288-292.
'Acidified milk formula supplemented with Bifidobacterium lactis: impact on infant diarrhea in residential care settings ' () 38 Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition : 288 -292.
Connolly, E. and Lönnerdal, B., 2004. D(-)-lactic acid-producing bacteria. Safe to use in infant formulas. Nutrafoods 3(3): 37-49.
'D(-)-lactic acid-producing bacteria ' () 3 Nutrafoods : 37 -49.
Da Silva, G.T., Logan, B.R. and Klein, J.P., 2008. Methods for equivalence and noninferiority testing. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation: Journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation 15, Suppl. 1: 120-127.
'Methods for equivalence and noninferiority testing ' () 1 Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation: Journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation 15 : 120 -127.
Dani, C., Coviello, C.C., Corsini, I.I., Arena, F., Antonelli, A. and Rossolini, G.M., 2016. Lactobacillus Sepsis and probiotic therapy in newborns: two new cases and literature review. AJP Reports 6: e25-e29.
'Lactobacillus Sepsis and probiotic therapy in newborns: two new cases and literature review ' () 6 AJP Reports : e25 -e29.
Dekker, J.W., Wickens, K., Black, P.N., Stanley, T.V., Mitchell, E.A., Fitzharris, P., Tannockg, G.W., Purdieh, G. and Crane, J., 2009. Safety aspects of probiotic bacterial strains Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis HN019 in human infants aged 0-2 years. International Dairy Journal 19: 149-154.
'Safety aspects of probiotic bacterial strains Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis HN019 in human infants aged 0-2 years ' () 19 International Dairy Journal : 149 -154.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization (FAO/WHO), 2002. Guidelines for the evaluation of probiotics in food. Report of a Joint FAO/WHO working group on drafting guidelines for the evaluation of probiotics in food. Available at:
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 2016. Department of Health and Human Services. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Vol. 5. Available at:
Frick, J.S., Schenk, K., Quitadamo, M., Kahl, F., Köberle, M., Bohn, E., Aepfelbacher, M. and Autenrieth, I.B., 2007. Lactobacillus fermentum attenuates the proinflammatory effect of Yersinia enterocolitica on human epithelial cells. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 13: 83-90.
'Lactobacillus fermentum attenuates the proinflammatory effect of Yersinia enterocolitica on human epithelial cells ' () 13 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases : 83 -90.
Gourbeyre, P., Denery, S. and Bodinier, M., 2011. Probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics: impact on the gut immune system and allergic reactions. Journal of Leukocyte Biology 89: 685-695.
'Probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics: impact on the gut immune system and allergic reactions ' () 89 Journal of Leukocyte Biology : 685 -695.
Haschke-Becher, E., Baumgartner, M. and Bachmann, C., 2000. Assay of d-lactate in urine of infants and children with reference values taking into account data below detection limit. Clinica Chimica Acta 298: 99-109.
'Assay of d-lactate in urine of infants and children with reference values taking into account data below detection limit ' () 298 Clinica Chimica Acta : 99 -109.
Haschke-Becher, E., Brunser, O., Cruchet, S., Gotteland, M., Haschke, F. and Bachmann, C., 2008. Urinary d-lactate excretion in infants receiving Lactobacillus johnsonii with formula. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 53: 240-244.
'Urinary d-lactate excretion in infants receiving Lactobacillus johnsonii with formula ' () 53 Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism : 240 -244.
Kalliomäki, M., Salminen, S., Arvilommi, H., Kero, P., Koskinen, P. and Isolauri, E., 2001. Probiotics in primary prevention of atopic disease: a randomised placebo controlled trial. Lancet 357: 1076-1079.
'Probiotics in primary prevention of atopic disease: a randomised placebo controlled trial ' () 357 Lancet : 1076 -1079.
Koletzko, B., Von Kries, R., Closa, R., Escribano, J., Scaglioni, S., Giovannini, M., Beyer, J., Demmelmair, H., Gruszfeld, D., Dobrzanska, A., Sengier, A., Langhendries, J.P., Rolland Cachera, M.F. and Grote, V., 2009. Lower protein in infant formula is associated with lower weight up to age two years: a randomized clinical trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 89: 1836-1845.
'Lower protein in infant formula is associated with lower weight up to age two years: a randomized clinical trial ' () 89 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition : 1836 -1845.
Lee, L.Y., Bharani, R., Biswas, A., Lee, J., Tran, L.A., Pecquet, S. and Steenhout, P., 2015. Normal growth of infants receiving an infant formula containing Lactobacillus reuteri, galacto-oligosaccharides, and fructo-oligosaccharide: a randomized controlled trial. Maternal Health, Neonatology and Perinatology 1: 9.
'Normal growth of infants receiving an infant formula containing Lactobacillus reuteri, galacto-oligosaccharides, and fructo-oligosaccharide: a randomized controlled trial ' () 1 Maternal Health, Neonatology and Perinatology : 9.
Macpherson, A.J. and Harris, N.L., 2004. Interactions between commensal intestinal bacteria and the immune system. Nature Reviews. Immunology 4: 478-485.
'Interactions between commensal intestinal bacteria and the immune system ' () 4 Immunology : 478 -485.
Mascha, E.J. and Sessler, D.J., 2011. Equivalence and noninferiority testing in regression models and repeated-measures designs. Anesthesia and Analgesia 12: 678-687.
'Equivalence and noninferiority testing in regression models and repeated-measures designs ' () 12 Anesthesia and Analgesia : 678 -687.
Mei, L.X. and Chen, Z., 2008. Evaluation of the efficacy of a synbiotic preparation on rotaviral infection in children. Medical Information 21: 893-895.
'Evaluation of the efficacy of a synbiotic preparation on rotaviral infection in children ' () 21 Medical Information : 893 -895.
Papagaroufalis, K., Fotiou, A., Egli, D., Tran, L.A. and Steenhout, P., 2014. A randomized double blind controlled safety trial evaluating D-lactic acid production in healthy infants fed a Lactobacillus reuteri-containing formula. Nutrition and Metabolic Insights 22: 19-27.
'A randomized double blind controlled safety trial evaluating D-lactic acid production in healthy infants fed a Lactobacillus reuteri-containing formula ' () 22 Nutrition and Metabolic Insights : 19 -27.
Plaza-Díaz, J., Gómez-Llorente, C., Campaña-Martin, L., Matencio, E., Ortuño, I., Martínez-Silla, R., Gomez-Gallego, C., Periago, M.J., Ros, G., Chenoll, E., Genovés, S., Casinos, B., Silva, A., Corella, D., Portolés, O., Romero, F., Ramón, D., Perez de la Cruz, A., Gil, A. and Fontana, L., 2013. Safety and immunomodulatory effects of three probiotic strains isolated from the feces of breast-fed infants in healthy adults: SETOPROB Study. PLoS ONE 8: e78111.
'Safety and immunomodulatory effects of three probiotic strains isolated from the feces of breast-fed infants in healthy adults: SETOPROB Study ' () 8 PLoS ONE : e78111.
Räihä, N.C., Fazzolari-Nesci, A., Cajozzo, C., Puccio, G., Monestier, A., Moro, G., Minoli, I., Haschke-Becher, E., Bachmann, C., Van’t Hof, M., Carrié Fässler, A.L. and Haschke, F., 2002. Whey predominant, whey modified infant formula with protein/energy ratio of 1.8 g/100 kcal: adequate and safe for term infants from birth to four months. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 35: 275-281.
'Whey predominant, whey modified infant formula with protein/energy ratio of 1.8 g/100 kcal: adequate and safe for term infants from birth to four months ' () 35 Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition : 275 -281.
Rautava, S., Salminem, S. and Isolauri, E., 2009. Specific probiotics in reducing the risk of acute infections in infancy – a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. British Journal of Nutrition 101: 1722-1726.
'Specific probiotics in reducing the risk of acute infections in infancy – a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study ' () 101 British Journal of Nutrition : 1722 -1726.
Saavedra, J.M., Abi-Hanna, A., Moore, N. and Yolken, RH., 2004. Long-term consumption of infant formulas containing live probiotic bacteria: tolerance and safety. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 79(2): 261-267.
'Long-term consumption of infant formulas containing live probiotic bacteria: tolerance and safety ' () 79 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition : 261 -267.
Szajewska, H. and Chmielewska, A., 2013. Growth of infants fed formula supplemented with Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12 or Lactobacillus GG: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. BMC Pediatrics 13: 1-10.
'Growth of infants fed formula supplemented with Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12 or Lactobacillus GG: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials ' () 13 BMC Pediatrics : 1 -10.
Szajewska, H., Kotowska, M., Mrukowicz, J.C., Armanska, M. and Mikolajczyk, W., 2001. Efficacy of Lactobacillus GG in prevention of nosocomial diarrhea in infants. Journal of Pediatrics 138: 361-365.
'Efficacy of Lactobacillus GG in prevention of nosocomial diarrhea in infants ' () 138 Journal of Pediatrics : 361 -365.
Thompson, C., McCarter, Y.S., Krause, P.J. and Herson, V.C., 2001. Lactobacillus acidophilus sepsis in a neonate. Journal of Perinatology 21: 258-260.
'Lactobacillus acidophilus sepsis in a neonate ' () 21 Journal of Perinatology : 258 -260.
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'Probiotics: not just for treatment anymore ' () 115 Pediatrics : 174 -177.
Weizman, Z. and Alsheikh, A., 2006. Safety and tolerance of a probiotic formula in early infancy comparing two probiotic agents: a pilot study. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 25: 415-419.
'Safety and tolerance of a probiotic formula in early infancy comparing two probiotic agents: a pilot study ' () 25 Journal of the American College of Nutrition : 415 -419.
Wind, R.D., Tolboom, H., Klare, I., Huys, G. and Knol, J., 2010. Tolerance and safety of the potentially probiotic strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus PRSFL477: a randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled trial in healthy volunteers. British Journal of Nutrition 104: 1806-1816.
'Tolerance and safety of the potentially probiotic strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus PRSFL477: a randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled trial in healthy volunteers ' () 104 British Journal of Nutrition : 1806 -1816.
Wine, E., Gareau, M.G., Johnson-Henry, K. and Sherman, P.M., 2009. Strain-specific probiotic (Lactobacillus helveticus) inhibition of Campylobacter jejuni invasion of human intestinal epithelial cells. FEMS Microbiology Letters 300: 146-152.
'Strain-specific probiotic (Lactobacillus helveticus) inhibition of Campylobacter jejuni invasion of human intestinal epithelial cells ' () 300 FEMS Microbiology Letters : 146 -152.
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Some strains of species belonging to the genera Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus are used in order to maintain health. Although these organisms have a long record of safe use, it is important to assess their safety and tolerance in potentially vulnerable populations, such as infants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the safety and tolerance of three probiotic strains (Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis R0033, Bifidobacterium bifidum R0071 and Lactobacillus helveticus R0052) in healthy infants aged 3 to 12 months. A multi-centre randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled intervention study with 221 healthy full-term infants was conducted. Infants received either a placebo or one of the 3 probiotic strains (3×109 cfu) daily during an 8 week intervention period. Growth (weight, height and head circumference), adverse events (AEs)/serious adverse events (SAEs), concentrations of D-lactic acid in urine samples, characteristics of the stools and use of medication were collected for safety evaluation. All 4 groups were homogeneous with respect to age, gender, feeding type, ethnicity, height, weight and head circumference at the start of the study. The results showed that changes in growth (weight, height and head circumference) were equivalent in all 4 groups. No SAEs were reported. Total number of AEs recorded was equivalent in all groups. Thus, the use of B. infantis R0033, L. helveticus R0052 and B. bifidum R0071 in infancy is safe, and well tolerated.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
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