The concept of ‘responsible innovation’ is the subject of an expanding literature. As Vincent Blok and colleagues have recently analysed, practical issues undermine the adoption of responsible innovation in industry. These issues are intensified for agri-food producers who export a large proportion of their production to distant consumers, as is the situation in New Zealand. Even in this case, however, this study reports evidence that final consumers of agri-food products in five of New Zealand’s key export markets value credence attributes produced by responsible innovation and that this has the potential to increase returns to the country’s domestic producers. A national movement of New Zealand agribusiness leaders is pursuing this vision, but further research is needed to understand how responsible innovation can operate in global agribusiness value chains.
Baker, R., S.J. Blumberg, J.M. Brick, M.P. Couper, M. Courtright, J.M. Dennis, D. Dillman, M.R. Frankel, P. Garland, R.M. Groves, C. Kennedy, J. Krosnick, P.J. Lavrakas, S. Lee, M. Link, L. Piekarski, K. Rao, R.K. Thomas and D. Zahs. 2010. Research synthesis: AAPOR report on online panels. Public Opinion Quarterly 74(4): 711-781.
'Research synthesis: AAPOR report on online panels ' () 74 Public Opinion Quarterly : 711 -781.
Bennet, J. and V. Adamowicz. 2001. Some fundamentals of environmental choice modelling. In: The choice modelling approach to environmental valuation, edited by J. Bennet and R. Blamey. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 37-69.
'Some fundamentals of environmental choice modelling ', in The choice modelling approach to environmental valuation , () 37 -69.
Bennet, J. and R. Blamey. 2001. The choice modelling approach to environmental valuation. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
The choice modelling approach to environmental valuation , ().
Blok, V., L. Hoffmans and E.F.M. Wubben. 2015. Stakeholder engagement for responsible innovation in the private sector: critical issues and management practices. Journal on Chain and Network Science 15(2): 147-164.
'Stakeholder engagement for responsible innovation in the private sector: critical issues and management practices ' () 15 Journal on Chain and Network Science : 147 -164.
Blok, V. and P. Lemmens. 2015. The emerging concept of responsible innovation. Three reasons why it is questionable and calls for a radical transformation of the concept of innovation. In: Responsible innovation 2: concepts, approaches, and applications, edited by B.-J. Koops, I. Oosterlaken, H. Romijn, T. Swierstra and J. van den Hoven. Springer, Cham, Germany, pp. 19-35.
'The emerging concept of responsible innovation. Three reasons why it is questionable and calls for a radical transformation of the concept of innovation ', in Responsible innovation 2: concepts, approaches, and applications , () 19 -35.
Brackenridge, J. 2016. Why are we wasting a good crisis? The value shift our primary sector needs. In: New Zealand Land and Food Annual, Volume 1, edited by C. Massey. Massey University Press, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 27-36.
'Why are we wasting a good crisis? The value shift our primary sector needs ', in New Zealand Land and Food Annual, Volume 1 , () 27 -36.
Callegaro, M., R. Baker, J. Bethlehem, A.S. Göritz, J.A. Krosnick and P.J. Lavrakas. 2014a. Online panel research: history, concepts, applications and a look at the future. In: Online panel research: a data quality perspective, edited by M. Callegaro, R. Baker, J. Bethlehem, A.S. Göritz, J.A. Krosnick and P.J. Lavrakas. John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, USA pp. 1-22.
'Online panel research: history, concepts, applications and a look at the future ', in Online panel research: a data quality perspective , () 1 -22.
Callegaro, M., A. Villar, D. Yeager and J.A. Krosnick. 2014b. A critical review of studies investigating the quality of data obtained with online panels based on probability and nonprobability samples. In: Online panel research: a data quality perspective, edited by M. Callegaro, R. Baker, J. Bethlehem, A.S. Göritz, J.A. Krosnick and P.J. Lavrakas. John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, USA, pp. 23-53.
'A critical review of studies investigating the quality of data obtained with online panels based on probability and nonprobability samples ', in Online panel research: a data quality perspective , () 23 -53.
Cho, J. and A. Trent. 2006. Validity in qualitative research revisited. Qualitative Research 6: 319-340.
'Validity in qualitative research revisited ' () 6 Qualitative Research : 319 -340.
Cresswell, J.W. and D.L. Miller. 2000. Determining validity in qualitative inquiry. Theory into Practice 39: 124-128.
'Determining validity in qualitative inquiry ' () 39 Theory into Practice : 124 -128.
Dalziel, P. and R. Lattimore. 2004. The New Zealand macroeconomy: striving for sustainable growth with equity. 5th Edition. Oxford University Press, Melbourne, Australia.
The New Zealand macroeconomy: striving for sustainable growth with equity , ().
Dalziel, P. and C. Saunders. In press. Treasury’s refreshed views on New Zealand’s economic strategy: a review article. New Zealand Economic Papers. DOI: 10.1080/00779954.2016.1268196.
De Hoop, E., A. Pols and H. Romijn. 2016. Limits to responsible innovation. Journal of Responsible Innovation 3(2): 110-134.
'Limits to responsible innovation ' () 3 Journal of Responsible Innovation : 110 -134.
De Saille, S. and F. Medvecky. 2016. Innovation for a steady state: a case for responsible stagnation. Economy and Society 45(1): 1-23.
'Innovation for a steady state: a case for responsible stagnation ' () 45 Economy and Society : 1 -23.
European Commission. 2012a. Responsible research and innovation: Europe’s ability to respond to societal challenges. European Union Publications Office, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
European Commission. 2012b. Knowledge-intensive (business) services in Europe. Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Brussels, Belgium.
Fearne, A., M. Garcia Martinez and B. Dent. 2012. Dimensions of sustainable value chains: implications for value chain analysis. Supply Chain Management 17: 575-581.
'Dimensions of sustainable value chains: implications for value chain analysis ' () 17 Supply Chain Management : 575 -581.
Foley, R.W., M.J. Bernstein and A. Wiek. 2016. Towards an alignment of activities, aspirations and stakeholders for responsible innovation. Journal of Responsible Innovation 3(3): 209-232.
'Towards an alignment of activities, aspirations and stakeholders for responsible innovation ' () 3 Journal of Responsible Innovation : 209 -232.
Gardetti, M.Á. 2017. Sustainability in the textile and fashion industries: animal ethics and welfare. In: Textiles and clothing sustainability: implications in textiles and fashion, edited by S.S. Muthu. Springer, Singapore, Singapore, pp. 47-73.
'Sustainability in the textile and fashion industries: animal ethics and welfare ', in Textiles and clothing sustainability: implications in textiles and fashion , () 47 -73.
Gereffi, G. 1994. The organization of buyer-driven global commodity chains: how U.S. retailers shape overseas production networks. In: Commodity chains and global capitalism, edited by G. Gereffi and M. Korzeniewicz. Praeger, Westport, CT, USA, pp. 95-122.
'The organization of buyer-driven global commodity chains: how U.S ', in Commodity chains and global capitalism , () 95 -122.
Grunert, K. G., S. Hieke and J. Wills. 2014. Sustainability labels on food products: consumer motivation, understanding and use. Food Policy 44: 177-189.
'Sustainability labels on food products: consumer motivation, understanding and use ' () 44 Food Policy : 177 -189.
Guenther, M., C. Saunders, P. Dalziel, P. Rutherford and T. Driver. 2015. Maximising export returns. Consumer attitudes towards attributes of food and beverages in developed and emerging export markets relevant to New Zealand. AERU Research Report No. 336. Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit, Lincoln University, Lincoln, New Zealand.
Maximising export returns. Consumer attitudes towards attributes of food and beverages in developed and emerging export markets relevant to New Zealand , ().
Guston, E.F., A. Grunwald, R. Owen, T. Swierstra and S. van der Burg. 2014. Responsible innovation: motivations for a new journal. Journal of Responsible Innovation 1(1) 1-8.
'Responsible innovation: motivations for a new journal ' () 1 Journal of Responsible Innovation : 1 -8.
Hall, J. and G.M. Scobie. 2007. The role of R&D in productivity growth: the case of agriculture in New Zealand: 1927 to 2001. New Zealand Treasury Working Paper 06/01. Treasury, Wellington, New Zealand.
The role of R&D in productivity growth: the case of agriculture in New Zealand: 1927 to 2001 , ().
Hanley, N., S. Mourato and R.E. Wright. 2001. Choice modelling approaches: a superior alternative for environmental valuation. Journal of Economic Surveys 15(3): 435-462.
'Choice modelling approaches: a superior alternative for environmental valuation ' () 15 Journal of Economic Surveys : 435 -462.
Humphrey, J. 2006. Policy implications of trends in agribusiness value chains. European Journal of Development Research 18(4): 572-592.
'Policy implications of trends in agribusiness value chains ' () 18 European Journal of Development Research : 572 -592.
Iatridis, K. and D. Schroeder. 2016. Responsible research and innovation in industry: the case for corporate responsibility tools. Springer briefs in research and innovation governance. Springer, Cham, Germany.
Responsible research and innovation in industry: the case for corporate responsibility tools , ().
Joyce, S. 2013. Budget 2013: national science challenges announced – Budget boost of $73.5m. Press release by the minister of science and innovation, 1 May. Available at:
Kaye-Blake, W., C. Saunders and S. Çağatay. 2008. Genetic modification technology and producer returns: the impacts of productivity, preferences, and technology uptake. Review of Agricultural Economics 30(4): 692-710.
'Genetic modification technology and producer returns: the impacts of productivity, preferences, and technology uptake ' () 30 Review of Agricultural Economics : 692 -710.
Koops, B-J., I. Oosterlaken, H. Romijn, T. Swierstra and J. Van den Hoven. 2015. Responsible innovation 2: concepts, approaches, and applications. Springer, Cham, Germany.
Responsible innovation 2: concepts, approaches, and applications , ().
Lagervist, C.J. and S. Hess. 2011. A meta-analysis of consumer willingness to pay for farm animal welfare. European Review of Agricultural Economics 38(1): 55-78.
'A meta-analysis of consumer willingness to pay for farm animal welfare ' () 38 European Review of Agricultural Economics : 55 -78.
Liu, R., Z. Pieniak and W. Verbeke. 2013. Consumers’ attitudes and behaviour towards safe food in China: a review. Food Control 33: 93-104.
'Consumers’ attitudes and behaviour towards safe food in China: a review ' () 33 Food Control : 93 -104.
Lusk, J.L. and B.C. Briggeman. 2009. Food values. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91(1): 184-196.
'Food values ' () 91 American Journal of Agricultural Economics : 184 -196.
Miller, S., P. Tait and C. Saunders. 2015. Estimating indigenous cultural values of freshwater: a choice experiment approach to Māori values in New Zealand. Ecological Economics 118: 207-214.
'Estimating indigenous cultural values of freshwater: a choice experiment approach to Māori values in New Zealand ' () 118 Ecological Economics : 207 -214.
Muller, E. and D. Doloreux. 2009. What we should know about knowledge-intensive business services. Technology in Society 31(1): 64-72.
'What we should know about knowledge-intensive business services ' () 31 Technology in Society : 64 -72.
Nathan, G. 2015. Innovation process and ethics in technology: an approach to ethical (responsible) innovation governance. Journal on Chain and Network Science 15(2): 119-134.
'Innovation process and ethics in technology: an approach to ethical (responsible) innovation governance ' () 15 Journal on Chain and Network Science : 119 -134.
New Zealand Government. 2011. Opening doors to India: New Zealand’s 2015 vision. New Zealand Trade and Enterprise and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Wellington, New Zealand. Available at:
New Zealand Government. 2012. Building Export Markets. Export Markets Group of Ministers, Wellington, New Zealand. Available at:
New Zealand Government. 2015. MBIE contestable research fund investment plan, 2016-2018. Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Wellington, New Zealand.
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). 2016. Trade in goods and services (indicator). Available at:
Ortega, D.L., H.H. Wang, N.J. Olynk, L. Wu and J. Bai. 2012. Chinese consumers’ demand for food safety attributes: a push for government and industry regulations. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 94(2): 489-495.
'Chinese consumers’ demand for food safety attributes: a push for government and industry regulations ' () 94 American Journal of Agricultural Economics : 489 -495.
Owen, R., J. Bessant and M. Heintz. 2013. Responsible innovation: managing the responsible emergence of science and innovation in society. Wiley Online Library. Available at:
Owen, R., P. Macnaghten and J. Stilgoe. 2012. Responsible research and innovation: from science in society to science for society, with society. Science and Public Policy 39(6): 751-760.
'Responsible research and innovation: from science in society to science for society, with society ' () 39 Science and Public Policy : 751 -760.
Pellé, S. and B. Reber. 2015. Responsible innovation in the light of moral responsibility. Journal on Chain and Network Science 15(2): 107-117.
'Responsible innovation in the light of moral responsibility ' () 15 Journal on Chain and Network Science : 107 -117.
Pellé, S. and B. Reber. 2016. From ethical review to responsible research and innovation. ISTE, London, UK and Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, USA.
From ethical review to responsible research and innovation , ().
Petrovici, D., A. Fearne, R.M. Nayga Jr. and D. Drolias. 2012. Nutritional knowledge, nutritional labels, and health claims on food: a study of supermarket shoppers in the South East of England. British Food Journal 114: 768-783.
'Nutritional knowledge, nutritional labels, and health claims on food: a study of supermarket shoppers in the South East of England ' () 114 British Food Journal : 768 -783.
PwC. 2016. A recipe for food trust: PwC’s food supply and integrity services. Available at:
Rolleston, W. 2015. The challenge of maintaining the social licence to farm in New Zealand in the 21st century. Address by the president, Federated Farmers of New Zealand, Westpac breakfast at National Fieldays, Mystery Creek Hamilton, 11 June. Available at:
Roningen, V.O. 1997. Multi-market, multi-region partial equilibrium modelling. In: Applied methods for trade policy analysis: a handbook, edited by J.F. François and K.A. Reinert. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 231-257.
'Multi-market, multi-region partial equilibrium modelling ', in Applied methods for trade policy analysis: a handbook , () 231 -257.
Saunders, C. and S. Çağatay. 2004. Trade and the environment: economic and environmental impacts of global dairy trade liberalization. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 6(3): 1-27.
'Trade and the environment: economic and environmental impacts of global dairy trade liberalization ' () 6 Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management : 1 -27.
Saunders, C., P. Dalziel, M. Guenther, J. Saunders and P. Rutherford. 2016a. The land and the brand. AERU Research Report No. 339, prepared for AGMARDT, ANZCO Foods, Beef and Lamb New Zealand, Fonterra and Zespri. Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit, Lincoln University, Lincoln, New Zealand.
The land and the brand , ().
Saunders, C., P. Dalziel, M. Wilson, T. McIntyre, H. Collier, W. Kaye-Blake, A. Mowat, T. Olsen and J. Reid. 2016b. How value chains can share value and incentivise land use practices: a white paper. Report for our land and water national science challenge. Available at:
Saunders, C., P. Tait, P. Dalziel and M. Guenther. 2015. Consumer attitudes towards attributes of food and the use of digital media and smart technologies to inform and purchase food. University of Warwick, Coventry, UK,
'Consumer attitudes towards attributes of food and the use of digital media and smart technologies to inform and purchase food', ().
Scholten, V.E. and V. Blok. 2015. Foreword: responsible innovation in the private sector. Journal on Chain and Network Science 15(2): 101-105.
'Foreword: responsible innovation in the private sector ' () 15 Journal on Chain and Network Science : 101 -105.
Soosay, C., A. Fearne and B. Dent. 2012. Sustainable value chain analysis – a case study of Oxford Landing from ‘vine to dine’. Supply Chain Management 17: 68-77.
'Sustainable value chain analysis – a case study of Oxford Landing from ‘vine to dine’ ' () 17 Supply Chain Management : 68 -77.
Statistics New Zealand. 2012. Using national accounts input-output tables. Statistics New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.
Stilgoe, J. 2013. Foreword: why responsible innovation? In: Responsible innovation: managing the responsible emergence of science and innovation in society, edited by R. Owen, J. Bessant and M. Heintz. John Wiley, Chichester, UK, pp. i-xv.
'Foreword: why responsible innovation? ', in Responsible innovation: managing the responsible emergence of science and innovation in society , ().
Taebi, B., A. Correljé, E. Cuppen, M. Dignum and U. Pesch. 2014. Responsible innovation as an endorsement of public values: the need for interdisciplinary research. Journal of Responsible Innovation 1(1): 118-124.
'Responsible innovation as an endorsement of public values: the need for interdisciplinary research ' () 1 Journal of Responsible Innovation : 118 -124.
Tait, P., R. Baskaran, R. Cullen and K. Bicknell. 2012. Nonmarket valuation of water quality: addressing spatially heterogeneous preferences using GIS and a random parameter logit model. Ecological Economics 75: 15-21.
'Nonmarket valuation of water quality: addressing spatially heterogeneous preferences using GIS and a random parameter logit model ' () 75 Ecological Economics : 15 -21.
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'Consumers and animal welfare: a comparison between European Union countries ' () 58 Appetite : 597 -607.
Tonsor, T. 2011. Consumer inferences of food safety and quality. European Review of Agricultural Economics 38: 213-235.
'Consumer inferences of food safety and quality ' () 38 European Review of Agricultural Economics : 213 -235.
Tonsor, G. T., T.C. Schroeder, J.M.E. Pennings and J. Mintert. 2011. Consumer valuations of beef steak food safety enhancement in Canada, Japan, Mexico and the United States. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 57: 395-416.
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Treasury. 2014. Holding on and letting go: opportunities and challenges for New Zealand’s economic performance – a perspective from the Treasury. Treasury, Wellington, New Zealand.
Holding on and letting go: opportunities and challenges for New Zealand’s economic performance – a perspective from the Treasury , ().
Valdivia, W.D. and D.H. Guston. 2015. Responsible innovation: a primer for policymakers. Centre for Technology Innovation at Brookings, Washington, WA, USA.
Responsible innovation: a primer for policymakers , ().
Value Chain Management Centre. 2012. Characterizing the determinants of successful value chains. Report, prepared for the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute. Available at:
Van den Heuvel, T., H. van Trijp, C. van Woerkum, R.J. Renes and B. Gremmen. 2007. Linking product offering to consumer needs; inclusion of credence attributes and the influence of product features. Food Quality and Preference 18: 296-304.
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Van den Hoven, J. 2014. Responsible innovation: a new look at technology and ethics. In: Responsible innovation 1: innovative solutions for global issues, edited by J. van den Hoven, N.D.T. Swierstra, B.-J. Koops and J. Romijn. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, pp. 3-13.
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Van den Hoven, J., N.D.T. Swierstra, B.-J. Koops and J. Romijn. 2014. Responsible innovation 1: innovative solutions for global issues. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands.
Responsible innovation 1: innovative solutions for global issues , ().
Von Schomberg, R. 2013. A vision of responsible research and innovation. In: Responsible innovation: managing the responsible emergence of science and innovation in society, edited by R. Owen, J. Bessant and M. Heintz. John Wiley, Chichester, UK, pp. 51-74.
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Von Schomberg, R. 2014. The quest for the ‘right’ impacts of science and technology: a framework for responsible research and innovation. In: Responsible innovation 1: innovative solutions for global issues, edited by J. van den Hoven, N.D.T. Swierstra, B.-J. Koops and J. Romijn. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, pp. 33-50.
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Wang, J., R.C.M. Yam and E.P.Y. Tang. 2013. Ecologically conscious behaviour of urban Chinese consumers: the implications to public policy in China. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 56(7): 982-1001.
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The concept of ‘responsible innovation’ is the subject of an expanding literature. As Vincent Blok and colleagues have recently analysed, practical issues undermine the adoption of responsible innovation in industry. These issues are intensified for agri-food producers who export a large proportion of their production to distant consumers, as is the situation in New Zealand. Even in this case, however, this study reports evidence that final consumers of agri-food products in five of New Zealand’s key export markets value credence attributes produced by responsible innovation and that this has the potential to increase returns to the country’s domestic producers. A national movement of New Zealand agribusiness leaders is pursuing this vision, but further research is needed to understand how responsible innovation can operate in global agribusiness value chains.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
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Full Text Views | 150 | 105 | 34 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 129 | 96 | 33 |