Food safety incidents caused by foodborne diseases is the most prominent food safety problem in the world, and especially in China. In order to analyze consumers’ risk perception of foodborne diseases, the present study has expanded previous work by conducting a survey in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. 834 valid questionnaires were collected. The survey showed that most of the respondents were not familiar with the pathogens. Only 53.24% of the respondents stated that they always separated raw and cooked food during storage and handling. The study provides analysis of individual characteristics who perceived low risk of foodborne diseases, that is, lower education level and lower income. The government should effectively popularize knowledge about food safety, and guide consumers in developing correct eating habits and behaviors, thereby further improving consumers’ understanding and risk perception of foodborne diseases.
Bakhtiary, F., H.R. Sayevand, M. Remely, B. Hippe, H. Hosseini and A.G. Haslberger. 2016. Evaluation of bacterial contamination sources in meat production line. Journal of Food Quality 39(6): 750-756.
'Evaluation of bacterial contamination sources in meat production line ' () 39 Journal of Food Quality : 750 -756.
Buffer, J., P. Kendall, L.C. Medeiros, M. Schroeder and J. Sofos, J. Nurses and dietitians differ in food safety information provided to highly susceptible clients. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 45 (2): 102-108.
'Nurses and dietitians differ in food safety information provided to highly susceptible clients ' () 45 Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior : 102 -108.
Byrd-Bredbenner, C., J.M. Abbot and V. Quick. 2010. Food safety knowledge and beliefs of middle school children: implications for food safety educators. Journal of Food Science Education 9 (1): 19-30.
'Food safety knowledge and beliefs of middle school children: implications for food safety educators ' () 9 Journal of Food Science Education : 19 -30.
Carol, B. B., B. Jacqueline, M.B. Jennifer and Q. Virginia. 2013. Food safety in home kitchens: a synthesis of the literature. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 10 (9): 4060-4085.
'Food safety in home kitchens: a synthesis of the literature ' () 10 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health : 4060 -4085.
Chen, T., L. Wang and J. Wang. 2017. Transparent assessment of the supervision information in China’s food safety: a fuzzy-ANP comprehensive evaluation method. Journal of Food Quality 2017 (9): 1-14.
'Transparent assessment of the supervision information in China’s food safety: a fuzzy-ANP comprehensive evaluation method ' () 2017 Journal of Food Quality : 1 -14.
Clayton, D.A., C.J. Griffith and P. Price. 2003. An investigation of the factors underlying consumers’ implementation of specific food safety practices. British Food Journal 105 (7): 434-453.
'An investigation of the factors underlying consumers’ implementation of specific food safety practices ' () 105 British Food Journal : 434 -453.
Cunha, D.T.D., E. Stedefeldt and V.V.D. Rosso. 2012. Perceived risk of foodborne disease by school food handlers and principals: the influence of frequent training. Journal of Food Safety 32 (2): 219-225.
'Perceived risk of foodborne disease by school food handlers and principals: the influence of frequent training ' () 32 Journal of Food Safety : 219 -225.
Fischer, A.R.H., A.E.I.D. Jong, E.D.V. Asselt, R.D. Jonge, L.J. Frewer and M.J. Nauta. 2007. Food safety in the domestic environment: an interdisciplinary investigation of microbial hazards during food preparation. Risk Analysis 27 (4): 1065-1082.
'Food safety in the domestic environment: an interdisciplinary investigation of microbial hazards during food preparation ' () 27 Risk Analysis : 1065 -1082.
Food Standards Agency. 2011. Foodborne disease strategy 2010-2015. An FSA programme for the reduction of foodborne disease in the UK. Available at:
Frewer, L.J., R. Shepherd and P. Sparks. 1994. The interrelationship between perceived knowledge, control and risk associated with a range of food-related hazards targeted at the individual, other people and society. Journal of Food Safety 14 (1): 19-40.
'The interrelationship between perceived knowledge, control and risk associated with a range of food-related hazards targeted at the individual, other people and society ' () 14 Journal of Food Safety : 19 -40.
Gomes-Neves, E., C.S. Cardoso, A. C. Araújo and J. M. Correia da Costa. 2011. Meat handlers training in Portugal: a survey on knowledge and practice. Food Control 22 (3-4): 501-507.
'Meat handlers training in Portugal: a survey on knowledge and practice ' () 22 Food Control : 501 -507.
Gould, L.H., K.A. Walsh, A.R. Vieira, K. Herman, I.T. Williams, A.J. Hall and D. Cole. 2013. Surveillance for foodborne disease outbreaks - United States, 1998–2008. MMWR Surveillance Summaries 62 (2): 1-34.
'Surveillance for foodborne disease outbreaks - United States, 1998–2008 ' () 62 MMWR Surveillance Summaries : 1 -34.
Hall, P.A., G.T. Fong, L.J. Epp and L.J. Elias. 2008. Executive function moderates the intention-behavior link for physical activity and dietary behavior. Psychology & Health 23 (3): 309-326.
'Executive function moderates the intention-behavior link for physical activity and dietary behavior ' () 23 Psychology & Health : 309 -326.
Hoang, L. M. N., M. Fyfe, C. Ong, J. Harb, S. Champagne, B. Dixon and J. Lsaac-Renton. 2005. Outbreak of cyclosporiasis in british columbia associated with imported thai basil. Epidemiology & Infection 133 (1): 23-27.
'Outbreak of cyclosporiasis in british columbia associated with imported thai basil ' () 133 Epidemiology & Infection : 23 -27.
Hoffmann, S., M.B. Batz and J.G. Morris. 2012. Annual cost of illness and quality adjusted life year losses in the United States due to 14 foodborne pathogens. Journal of Food Protection 75 (7): 1291-1302.
'Annual cost of illness and quality adjusted life year losses in the United States due to 14 foodborne pathogens ' () 75 Journal of Food Protection : 1291 -1302.
International Food Information Council Foundation. 2012. Food & Nutrition survey: consumers’ attitudes toward food safety, nutrition, & health. International Food Information Council, Washington, DC, USA.
Jacowitz, K.E. and D. Kahneman. 1995. Measures of anchoring in estimation tasks. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin 21: 1161-1166.
'Measures of anchoring in estimation tasks ' () 21 Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin : 1161 -1166.
Jevšnik, M., V. Hlebec and P. Raspor. 2008. Consumers’ awareness of food safety from shopping to eating. Food Control 19 (8): 737-745.
'Consumers’ awareness of food safety from shopping to eating ' () 19 Food Control : 737 -745.
Kendall, P., R. Scharff, S. Baker, J. Lejeune, J. Sofos and L. Medeiros. 2017. Food safety instruction improves knowledge and behavior risk and protection factors for foodborne illnesses in pregnant populations. Maternal & Child Health Journal 21 (8): 1-13.
'Food safety instruction improves knowledge and behavior risk and protection factors for foodborne illnesses in pregnant populations ' () 21 Maternal & Child Health Journal : 1 -13.
Kennedy, J., V. Jackson, I.S. Blair, D.A. Mcdowell, C. Cowan and D.J. Bolton. 2005. Food safety knowledge of consumers and the microbiological and temperature status of their refrigerators. Journal of Food Protection 68 (7): 1421-1430.
'Food safety knowledge of consumers and the microbiological and temperature status of their refrigerators ' () 68 Journal of Food Protection : 1421 -1430.
Kim, B. R. 2009. Meeting consumer concerns for food safety in South Korea: the importance of food safety and ethics in a globalizing market. The Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22 (2): 141-152.
'Meeting consumer concerns for food safety in South Korea: the importance of food safety and ethics in a globalizing market ' () 22 The Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics : 141 -152.
Kohl, K. S., K. Rietberg, S. Wilson and T.A. Farley. 2002. Relationship between home food-handling practices and sporadic salmonellosis in adults in Louisiana, United States. Epidemiology & Infection 129 (2): 267-276.
'Relationship between home food-handling practices and sporadic salmonellosis in adults in Louisiana, United States ' () 129 Epidemiology & Infection : 267 -276.
Lin, C. T. J., K.L. Jensen and S.T. Yen. 2005. Awareness of foodborne pathogens among us consumers. Food Quality and Preference 16 (5): 401-412.
'Awareness of foodborne pathogens among us consumers ' () 16 Food Quality and Preference : 401 -412.
Mao, X. 2010. The study on epidemiological characteristics and disease burden of bacterial foodborne disease in China during 2003-2008. PhD Thesis. Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing, China.
'The study on epidemiological characteristics and disease burden of bacterial foodborne disease in China during 2003-2008', ().
Miles, S., M. Brennan, S. Kuznesof, M. Ness, C. Ritson and L.J. Frewer. 2013. Public worry about specific food safety issues. British Food Journal 106 (1): 9-22.
'Public worry about specific food safety issues ' () 106 British Food Journal : 9 -22.
Oliver, S. P., B.M. Jayarao, and R.A. Almeida. 2005. Foodborne pathogens in milk and the dairy farm environment: food safety and public health implications. Foodborne Pathogens & Disease 2 (2): 115-129.
'Foodborne pathogens in milk and the dairy farm environment: food safety and public health implications ' () 2 Foodborne Pathogens & Disease : 115 -129.
Pichler, J., J. Ziegler, U. Aldrian and F. Allerberger. 2014. Evaluating levels of knowledge on food safety among food handlers from restaurants and various catering businesses in Vienna, Austria 2011/2012. Food Control 35 (1): 33-40.
'Evaluating levels of knowledge on food safety among food handlers from restaurants and various catering businesses in Vienna, Austria 2011/2012 ' () 35 Food Control : 33 -40.
Redmond, E. C. and C.J. Griffith. 2003. Consumer food handling in the home: a review of food safety study. Journal of Food Protection 66 (1): 130-161.
'Consumer food handling in the home: a review of food safety study ' () 66 Journal of Food Protection : 130 -161.
Roseman, M. and J. Kurzynske. 2006. Food safety perceptions and behaviors of Kentucky consumers. Journal of Food Protection 69 (6): 1412-1421.
'Food safety perceptions and behaviors of Kentucky consumers ' () 69 Journal of Food Protection : 1412 -1421.
Sanlier, N. 2009. The knowledge and practice of food safety by young and adult consumers. Food Control 20 (6): 538-542.
'The knowledge and practice of food safety by young and adult consumers ' () 20 Food Control : 538 -542.
Shan, L., X. Xu and L. Xie. 2013. The effects of food traceability technology on social welfare: based on the perspective of vertical differential game. Journal of Public Management 10 (3): 103-109.
'The effects of food traceability technology on social welfare: based on the perspective of vertical differential game ' () 10 Journal of Public Management : 103 -109.
United States Department of Health and Human Services, 2010. Healthy people 2020: food safety. Available at:
Xu, F., S. Liu, T. Lan, Y. Wang and X. Feng. 2014. Pollution situation and coping strategies of foodborne pathogens. Food Research & Development 35 (1): 98-101.
'Pollution situation and coping strategies of foodborne pathogens ' () 35 Food Research & Development : 98 -101.
Xu, M. 2013. Quality and safety economy. China Zhijian Publishing House. Beijing, China.
'Quality and safety economy', ().
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Food safety incidents caused by foodborne diseases is the most prominent food safety problem in the world, and especially in China. In order to analyze consumers’ risk perception of foodborne diseases, the present study has expanded previous work by conducting a survey in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. 834 valid questionnaires were collected. The survey showed that most of the respondents were not familiar with the pathogens. Only 53.24% of the respondents stated that they always separated raw and cooked food during storage and handling. The study provides analysis of individual characteristics who perceived low risk of foodborne diseases, that is, lower education level and lower income. The government should effectively popularize knowledge about food safety, and guide consumers in developing correct eating habits and behaviors, thereby further improving consumers’ understanding and risk perception of foodborne diseases.
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