The study investigated the collaboration between a non-profit and a for-profit organization and evaluated the benefits and drawbacks of the collaboration for the non-profit partner. The non-profit partner is a charitable organization that supports an ethnic minority in one of the least economically affluent European countries. The collaboration stemmed from a project, in which members of the minority cultivated and processed a delicatessen product for the market in more affluent European countries. The collaboration did not succeed to fully produce the desired results. It was negatively affected by inadequate communication, the absence of meta-goals, as well as classical and multi-level agency problems. In part due to the inexperience of both partners with such collaborations, the for-profit partner seems to have taken hidden actions. These actions did not contribute to the project goals, respectively jeopardized the goals and reputation of the non-profit partner.
Anderson, E. and S.D. Jap. 2005. The dark side of close relationships. MIT Sloan Management Review 46 (3): 75-82.
'The dark side of close relationships ' () 46 MIT Sloan Management Review : 75 -82.
Arranz, B. 2018. ‘It’s a better life here’: Romanian Roma perceptions of successful integration. In: Galician migrations: a case study of emerging super-diversity, edited by R. DePalma and A. Pérez-Caramés. Springer, Cham, Germany, pp. 141-152.
'‘It’s a better life here’: Romanian Roma perceptions of successful integration ', in In: Galician migrations: a case study of emerging super-diversity , () 141 -152.
Austin, J.E. 2000. Strategic collaboration between nonprofits and businesses. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 29 (1_suppl): 69-97.
'Strategic collaboration between nonprofits and businesses ' () 29 Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly : 69 -97.
Austin, J.E. and M.M. Seitanidi. 2012a. Collaborative value creation: a review of partnering between nonprofits and businesses: Part I. Value creation spectrum and collaboration stages. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 41 (5): 726-758.
'Collaborative value creation: a review of partnering between nonprofits and businesses: Part I ' () 41 Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly : 726 -758.
Austin, J.E. and M.M. Seitanidi. 2012b. Collaborative value creation: a review of partnering between nonprofits and businesses. Part 2: Partnership processes and outcomes. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 41 (6): 929-968.
'Collaborative value creation: a review of partnering between nonprofits and businesses ' () 41 Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly : 929 -968.
Babiak, K. and L. Thibault. 2009. Challenges in multiple cross-sector partnerships. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 38 (1): 117-143.
'Challenges in multiple cross-sector partnerships ' () 38 Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly : 117 -143.
Battilana, J., M. Sengul, A.C. Pache and J. Model. 2015. Harnessing productive tensions in hybrid organizations: the case of work integration social enterprises. Academy of Management Journal 58 (6): 1658-1685.
'Harnessing productive tensions in hybrid organizations: the case of work integration social enterprises ' () 58 Academy of Management Journal : 1658 -1685.
Bies, R.J., J.M Bartunek, T.L. Fort and M.N. Zald. 2007. Corporations as social change agents: individual, interpersonal, institutional, and environmental dynamics. Academy of Management Review 32 (3): 788-793.
'Corporations as social change agents: individual, interpersonal, institutional, and environmental dynamics ' () 32 Academy of Management Review : 788 -793.
Biesenthal, C. and R. Wilden. 2014. Multi-level project governance: trends and opportunities. International Journal of Project Management 32 (8): 1291-1308.
'Multi-level project governance: trends and opportunities ' () 32 International Journal of Project Management : 1291 -1308.
Bitsch, V. 2005. Qualitative research: a grounded theory example and evaluation criteria. Journal of Agribusiness 23 (1): 75-91.
'Qualitative research: a grounded theory example and evaluation criteria ' () 23 Journal of Agribusiness : 75 -91.
Bosse, D.A. and R.A. Phillips. 2016. Agency theory and bounded self-interest. Academy of Management Review 41 (2): 276-297.
'Agency theory and bounded self-interest ' () 41 Academy of Management Review : 276 -297.
Bosse, D.A., R.A. Phillips and J.S. Harrison. 2009. Stakeholders, reciprocity, and firm performance. Strategic Management Journal 30 (4): 447-456.
'Stakeholders, reciprocity, and firm performance ' () 30 Strategic Management Journal : 447 -456.
Braun, D. and D.H. Guston. 2003. Principal-agent theory and research policy: an introduction. Science and Public Policy 30 (5): 302-308.
'Principal-agent theory and research policy: an introduction ' () 30 Science and Public Policy : 302 -308.
Clarke, A. and M. Fuller. 2010. Collaborative strategic management: strategy formulation and implementation by multi-organizational cross-sector social partnerships. Journal of Business Ethics 94 (1_suppl.): 85-101.
'Collaborative strategic management: strategy formulation and implementation by multi-organizational cross-sector social partnerships ' () 94 Journal of Business Ethics : 85 -101.
Crowe, S., K. Cresswell, A. Robertson, G. Huby, A. Avery and A. Sheikh. 2011. The case study approach. BMC Medical Research Methodology 11 (1). 1-9.
'The case study approach ' () 11 BMC Medical Research Methodology : 1 -9.
Curtis, S., W. Gesler, G. Smith and S. Washburn. 2000. Approaches to sampling and case selection in qualitative research: examples in the geography of health. Social Science and Medicine 50 (7-8): 1001-1014.
'Approaches to sampling and case selection in qualitative research: examples in the geography of health ' () 50 Social Science and Medicine : 1001 -1014.
Dalton, D.R., M.A. Hitt, S.T. Certo and C.M. Dalton. 2007. 1 The fundamental agency problem and its mitigation: independence, equity, and the market for corporate control. The Academy of Management Annals 1 (1): 1-64.
'1 The fundamental agency problem and its mitigation: independence, equity, and the market for corporate control ' () 1 The Academy of Management Annals : 1 -64.
Davidson, C. 2009. Transcription: imperatives for qualitative research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 8 (2). 35-52.
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Doherty, B., H. Haugh, and F. Lyon. 2014. Social enterprises as hybrid organizations: a review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews 16 (4): 417-436.
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'Better stories, not better constructs, to generate better theory: a rejoinder to Eisenhardt ' () 16 Academy of Management Review : 613 -619.
Ebrahim, A., J. Battilana and J. Mair. 2014. The governance of social enterprises: mission drift and accountability challenges in hybrid organizations. Research in Organizational Behavior 34 (1): 81-100.
'The governance of social enterprises: mission drift and accountability challenges in hybrid organizations ' () 34 Research in Organizational Behavior : 81 -100.
Eisenhardt, K.M. 1989a. Agency theory: an assessment and review. Academy of Management Review 14 (1): 57-74.
'Agency theory: an assessment and review ' () 14 Academy of Management Review : 57 -74.
Eisenhardt, K.M. 1989b. Building theories from case study research. Academy of Management Review 14 (4): 532-50.
'Building theories from case study research ' () 14 Academy of Management Review : 532 -50.
Eisenhardt, K.M. and M.E. Graebner. 2007. Theory building from cases: opportunities and challenges. Academy of Management Journal 50 (1): 25-32.
'Theory building from cases: opportunities and challenges ' () 50 Academy of Management Journal : 25 -32.
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'Munchausen, black swans, and the RBV: response to Levitas and Ndofor ' () 15 Journal of Management Inquiry : 145 -151.
Gibbert, M., W. Ruigrok and B. Wicki. 2008. What passes as a rigorous case study? Strategic Management Journal 29 (13): 1465-1474.
'What passes as a rigorous case study? ' () 29 Strategic Management Journal : 1465 -1474.
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'Conditions facilitating interorganizational collaboration ' () 38 Human Relations : 911 -936.
Griffin, M.R. and E.A. Frongillo. 2003. Experiences and perspectives of farmers from Upstate New York farmers’ markets. Agriculture and Human Values 20 (2): 189-203.
'Experiences and perspectives of farmers from Upstate New York farmers’ markets ' () 20 Agriculture and Human Values : 189 -203.
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'Reciprocal stakeholder behavior: a motive-based approach to the implementation of normative stakeholder demands ' () 54 Business and Society : 9 -51.
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'Swimming with sharks: creating strategic change through multi-sector collaboration ' () 1 International Journal of Strategic Change Management : 96 -112.
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'Better safe than sorry: nonprofit organizational legitimacy and cross-sector partnerships ' () 54 Business and Society : 822 -858.
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'Innovation in non-profit and for-profit organizations: visionary, strategic, and financial considerations ' () 6 Journal of Change Management : 53 -65.
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'Uneasy alliances: lessons learned from partnerships between businesses and NGOs in the context of CSR ' () 84 Journal of Business Ethics : 277 -295.
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'Theory of the firm: managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure ' () 3 Journal of Financial Economics : 305 -360.
Jiang, Y. and B.W. Ritchie. 2017. Disaster collaboration in tourism: motives, impediments and success factors. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 31 (1): 70-82.
'Disaster collaboration in tourism: motives, impediments and success factors ' () 31 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management : 70 -82.
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'Public private partnerships in global food governance: business engagement and legitimacy in the global fight against hunger and malnutrition ' () 28 Agriculture and Human Values : 385 -399.
Kaplowitz, M.D. 2000. Identifying ecosystem services using multiple methods: lessons from the mangrove wetlands of Yucatan, Mexico. Agriculture and Human Values 17 (2): 169-179.
'Identifying ecosystem services using multiple methods: lessons from the mangrove wetlands of Yucatan, Mexico ' () 17 Agriculture and Human Values : 169 -179.
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'Toward methodological inclusivism: the case for case studies ' () 21 Review of Agricultural Economics : 579 -591.
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'Reconceptualizing the member check interview ' () 12 International Journal of Qualitative Methods : 168 -179.
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'Trickle effects of cross-sector social partnerships ' () 94 Journal of Business Ethics : 123 -137.
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'A communicative framework of value in cross-sector partnerships ' () 37 Academy of Management Review : 332 -354.
Kozlenkova, I.V., S.A. Samaha and R.W. Palmatier. 2014. Resource-based theory in marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 42 (1): 1-21.
'Resource-based theory in marketing ' () 42 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science : 1 -21.
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'Rethinking agency theory: the view from law ' () 35 Academy of Management Review : 294 -314.
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'Knowledge management in non-profit organizations ' () 8 Journal of Knowledge Management : 16 -30.
Lincoln, Y.S. 1995. Emerging criteria for quality in qualitative and interpretive research. Qualitative Inquiry 1 (3): 275-289.
'Emerging criteria for quality in qualitative and interpretive research ' () 1 Qualitative Inquiry : 275 -289.
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'Towards high value markets: a case study of smallholder vegetable farmers in Indonesia ' () 21 International Food and Agribusiness Management Review : 73 -88.
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'Is it really theoretical? ' () 72 Journal of Advanced Nursing : 2284 -2293.
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'Managing labor on dairy farms: a resource-based perspective with evidence from case studies ' () 8 International Food and Agribusiness Management Review : 79 -98.
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'Collaboration between nonprofit and business sectors: a framework to guide strategy development for nonprofit organizations ' () 25 Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations : 657 -678.
Papaoikonomou, K., S. Kipouros, A. Kungolos, L. Somakos, K. Aravossis, I. Antonopoulo and A. Karagiannidis. 2009. Marginalised social groups in contemporary weee management within social enterprises investments: a study in Greece. Waste Management 29 (5): 1754-1759.
'Marginalised social groups in contemporary weee management within social enterprises investments: a study in Greece ' () 29 Waste Management : 1754 -1759.
Parker, B. and J. Selsky. 2004. Interface dynamics in cause based partnerships: an exploration of emergent culture. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 33 (3): 458-488.
'Interface dynamics in cause based partnerships: an exploration of emergent culture ' () 33 Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly : 458 -488.
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Seitanidi, M.M. and A. Crane. 2009. Implementing CSR through partnerships: understanding the selection, design and institutionalisation of nonprofit-business partnerships. Journal of Business Ethics 85 (2): 413-429
'Implementing CSR through partnerships: understanding the selection, design and institutionalisation of nonprofit-business partnerships ' () 85 Journal of Business Ethics : 413 -429.
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The study investigated the collaboration between a non-profit and a for-profit organization and evaluated the benefits and drawbacks of the collaboration for the non-profit partner. The non-profit partner is a charitable organization that supports an ethnic minority in one of the least economically affluent European countries. The collaboration stemmed from a project, in which members of the minority cultivated and processed a delicatessen product for the market in more affluent European countries. The collaboration did not succeed to fully produce the desired results. It was negatively affected by inadequate communication, the absence of meta-goals, as well as classical and multi-level agency problems. In part due to the inexperience of both partners with such collaborations, the for-profit partner seems to have taken hidden actions. These actions did not contribute to the project goals, respectively jeopardized the goals and reputation of the non-profit partner.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
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