During the last decade the potential of insects for human nutritional protein is increasingly recognised. Direct consumption of insects contributes to a reduction of the ecological footprint of human food production and is claimed to have health benefits. An alternative is feeding poultry (broilers and layers) with insect-derived protein. This offers several additional advantages, e.g. a more extensive use of (new sources) of organic by-products of food industry for insect production. Implementation of a People-Planet-Profit (PPP) sustainable way of utilising these opportunities requires the development of sustainable business models. Such business models need to be based on the opportunities of insect-derived protein in feeding poultry but should also include the risks associated with insect-derived protein for feeding poultry. This article explores the insect-fed poultry production value chain through an interdisciplinary approach. First, the essential features of this value chain are described. Then, an inventory and classification is made of the main opportunities and risks of this value chain. Finally, the opportunity-risk trade-offs are discussed, as well as their implications for developing sustainable business models. We conclude that for PPP-sustainable business models, management of the asymmetric trade-offs between opportunities and risks related to possible contamination of organic by-products used as substrate for insect production should receive prime attention. Implications for organising the value chain are discussed.
Arvaniti, K., Fantinou, A. and Perdikis, D., 2019. Cannibalism among same-aged nymphs of the omnivorous predatorDicyphus errans (Hemiptera: Miridae) is affected by food availability and nymphal density. European Journal of Entomology 116: 302-308.https://doi.org/10.14411/eje.2019.033
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Biasato, I., Gasco, L., De Marco, M., Renna, M., Rotolo, L., Dabbou, S., Capucchio, M.T., Biasibetti, E., Tarantola, M., Bianchi, C., Cavallarin, L., Gai, F., Pozzo, L., Dezzutto, D., Bergagna, S. and Schiavone, A., 2017. Effects of yellow mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor) inclusion in diets for female broiler chickens: implications for animal health and gut histology. Animal Feed Science and Technology 234: 253-263.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2017.09.014
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De Faria Domingues, C.H., Rossi Borges, J.A., Ruviaro, C.F., Freire Guidolin, D.G. and Mauad Carrijo, J.R., 2020. Understanding the factors influencing consumer willingness to accept the use of insects to feed poultry, cattle, pigs and fish in Brazil. PLoS ONE 15: e0224059.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0224059
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During the last decade the potential of insects for human nutritional protein is increasingly recognised. Direct consumption of insects contributes to a reduction of the ecological footprint of human food production and is claimed to have health benefits. An alternative is feeding poultry (broilers and layers) with insect-derived protein. This offers several additional advantages, e.g. a more extensive use of (new sources) of organic by-products of food industry for insect production. Implementation of a People-Planet-Profit (PPP) sustainable way of utilising these opportunities requires the development of sustainable business models. Such business models need to be based on the opportunities of insect-derived protein in feeding poultry but should also include the risks associated with insect-derived protein for feeding poultry. This article explores the insect-fed poultry production value chain through an interdisciplinary approach. First, the essential features of this value chain are described. Then, an inventory and classification is made of the main opportunities and risks of this value chain. Finally, the opportunity-risk trade-offs are discussed, as well as their implications for developing sustainable business models. We conclude that for PPP-sustainable business models, management of the asymmetric trade-offs between opportunities and risks related to possible contamination of organic by-products used as substrate for insect production should receive prime attention. Implications for organising the value chain are discussed.
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